The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 290 You didn't mean to be a draftsman

Chapter 290 You didn't mean to be a draftsman

Mo Han thought so, and was taken back to the yard prepared by the housekeeper for her by Zijin. Because they were guests and unmarried men and women, the yards of the two were also far away. Mo Han was not worried about Zijin at first. Living alone, but because of Zijin's reputation, he could only let Anyi send someone to protect him secretly.

When Zijin struggled to help Mo Han back to the room, he happened to meet a pair of clear eyes, which were full of him, and there was no trace of drunkenness.

"You...Are you not drunk?" Zijin was a little nervous when she saw her.

"I wasn't drunk just now, but now, I'm drunk..." Mo Han smiled while staring at the little man, and then blocked the man's unspoken words like a ghost.

Zijin's hands were still tightly pinching her sleeves, her eyes were wide open, she actually... actually...

Zijin's heart beat faster, and seeing the handsome face in front of him slowly closed his eyes, he waited for this day for a long time...a long time...

You had no intention of breaking the wind, but you are lonely and arrogant!

Mo Han thought, maybe she was really drunk, that's why she couldn't help herself. When did this little man enter her heart, she only found out today!

The so-called - I don't know the origin of love, but I am deeply in love!

"Mo...Mo" Zijin blushed and said incoherently, her fingers curled up at a loss, and her toes lightly rubbed on the ground. Now he My mind is blank, I can't say anything!

"Fool!" Mo Han grabbed his stiff hands, squeezed his little face and said dotingly.

"I'll take you back to rest!" Seeing that Zijin was really shy, Mo Han couldn't bear to tease him anymore, so he sent him back to the yard.

That night, Zijin tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. As soon as she closed her eyes, it was all Mo Han's face, her care and love for him, and her sudden - don't speak!
It wasn't until early morning that Zijin slowly closed his eyes. When he woke up again, it was already lunch time. No one came to call him in the morning. Maybe Mo Han saw that he was sleeping soundly, so he ordered his servants not to come wake him up.

After Zijin got up, a little waiter brought a water basin. He tidied it up and was about to go out, but before he stepped out of the yard, he saw Mo Han walking towards him from a distance, and Zijin was about to meet him. Going up, she saw a little boy in pink clothes beside her, talking to her with a smile on his face, while Mo Han just listened quietly, with the usual warmth on his face .

Zijin clutched the handkerchief in his hand, feeling sore in his heart, he seemed to have seen his future, there would be more and more princes and servants in the Eight Princes' Mansion, and he would still accept all the things she brought back with a smile man.He couldn't imagine how other lords could do it, but, for sure, he couldn't!He couldn't help watching the woman he loved holding the hand of another man, and he couldn't stand watching her treat other men tenderly, but he could only watch from a distance.That kind of pain would make his life worse than death!

"Zi Jin, are you feeling better?" Mo Han raised his eyes and saw the blue figure, seeing his complexion was not good, worried that he thought he didn't sleep well, so he took a few steps forward and asked, Throwing the boy in pink behind him aside.

Mo Han knew Zijin's temperament well, he would never stay in bed, seeing him getting up so late today really worried her, but she didn't realize that it was all her fault.

(End of this chapter)

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