Chapter 293

When she was in the capital, she met the ladies and gentlemen of those aristocratic families a few times, all of them were dragons and phoenixes, and it was difficult for her to doubt Mo Han's appearance and demeanor.

"Liu Huazhi, the magistrate of Yunzhou in the south of the Yangtze River, has seen Miss Lin!" Liu Huazhi bowed his body and saluted Mo Han. It stands to reason that Liu Huazhi is an official appointed by the court, so there is no need to treat the young ladies of the Lin family who have not yet entered the court like this. One is no more official than her, she dare not offend the nobles in the capital, they are born to be superior, this is fate.What's more, the person who came was the prostitute daughter of the Lin family, she was a relative of the Holy Majesty, and she dared not neglect her!

"Master Liu is being polite, but Mr. Lin came to Yunzhou and didn't go to see him, please don't blame him!" Mo Han said politely, but he also accepted her gift and motioned for the two to sit down.

"Don't dare, it should be the official who came to see Ms. Lin. I don't know if Taifu is still in good health?" Liu Huazhi asked with a smile. She took the scientific examination back then, and Taifu Lin was the person in charge of the examiner. All the students in the world respect him!
"Grandmother is well, please worry about Mrs. Liu!" Mo Han nodded with a smile.

"I heard that Taifu has resigned and returned home. I don't know if it is true?" Liu Huazhi asked again. She is far away in the south of the Yangtze River. The news in the capital is always slow to know, and I am not sure if it is true or not. .

"Exactly, my grandmother is old, and she is really powerless about the affairs of the court. Now that the Eighth Highness has left the teacher, my grandmother resigned from the position of Tai Tuo and returned to the mansion to spend her old age. Now the position of Tai Tuo has been given up. My mother will take over." Mo Han felt that there was something in Liu Hua's words, and he was afraid that he was doubting her identity, so he simply explained the matter clearly. This is well known in the capital, and it is not a secret!
"Mr. Lin has dedicated his life to the country and the people. He is indeed a model for us to learn from. Now it's time to rest! It's a pity that the old lady is so talented that future generations will never have the opportunity to ask for advice!" Liu Huazhi Sighing, Taifu Lin is the idol of scholars all over the world, and she is no exception. The regret in her tone is not all flattery, it is indeed somewhat sincere.

"The sun and the moon change, and the seasons change. This world is still dominated by young people after all. Grandma has passed on knowledge to everyone, and she has no regrets after completing her mission. Thank you, Mr. Liu, for remembering!" Mo Han said, clasping his hands. She said the words from the bottom of her heart, but it's hard for Liu Huazhi to still remember the old matriarch. As Mo Han's grandmother and mentor, the old matriarch should thank her for her!

"Miss Lin, you are polite! I was lucky enough to have Taifu Lin's advice back then, and I have always been grateful. Today, I heard that Miss Lin is here, so I came to visit. I also asked Miss Lin to do me a favor, and I will go to Xiaguan's house for dinner in the evening." Liu Huazhi looked at Mo Han expectantly. What kind of family is this Lin family? She didn't say that she had to cling to the powerful, but she didn't dare to neglect Miss Lin's family. Apart from the royal family, this Qiguo is the largest Lin family.

"Since it's Mrs. Liu's wish, Lin will bring his fiancé over there at night." Mo Han promised with a smile, not forgetting to bring Zijin along with him.

Seeing Mo Han nodding in agreement, Liu Huazhi was relieved, at least Miss Lin didn't refute her face, as if she had realized something, Liu Huazhi asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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