Chapter 294

"Miss Lin actually brought her fiancé out, she is really elegant. The Lin family is full of nobles and scholars, I don't know what kind of young man can catch the eyes of Miss Lin?" Liu Huazhi was afraid of slighting Mo Han's fiancé. , it is better to inquire about the family background first.

"I just came out with him to relax. Speaking of it, it is the favor of the Holy One and the Queen Feng. I married Lin, and the fiancé is the son of the Li family!" Mo Han picked up the teacup and blew gently, and the tea floated on the water. The tea leaves on the table scattered in all directions, and the aroma of tea came to the nostrils. This tea is really good tea.

"The Li family? There are many officials surnamed Li in Beijing. The Li family that is worthy of the Lin family...there is only Zuo Xiangfu. Could it be that Miss Lin's fiancé is the son of Li Xiang's family?" Liu Huazhi looked at Mo in surprise. cold.

Liu Huazhi has not been working in Beijing for a long time, and she doesn't care much about the marriages of those children, and she is even less clear about the marriage bestowed by the emperor more than ten years ago!Otherwise, just based on Li Xiang's status as the legitimate son, she should be able to guess that Mo Han is not the young lady of the Lin family, but the Holy Majesty's direct daughter.

"Kang Dang..." Liu Xiuzhu listened to the conversation between the two, and when she heard that Zijin was actually the son of Li Xiangfu, she could no longer hold the teacup in her hand. She actually offended Li Chengxiang's son. Zijin remembered that she had treated him like that in the future, could Prime Minister Li forgive her?

The more Liu Xiuzhu thought about it, the more afraid she became. Mo Han sneered in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, Liu Huazhi looked at Liu Xiuzhu with dissatisfaction. If it wasn't for looking at her, she would be too lazy to use the embarrassing thing. This kind of people work together!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my hand slipped..." Liu Xiuzhu quickly picked up the cup without wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"Exactly. The marriage the Holy Majesty is looking for for me is exactly Li Xiang's family!" Mo Han turned his head and said.

But Liu Xiuzhu's hand picking up the cup was shaking even more, and she was terrified in her heart. If Zijin remembered what she had done, then it would not only be the Li family, but according to Miss Lin's treatment of him. Her favorite, the Lin family probably won't let her go!
"Your Majesty has good eyesight. Ms. Lin is a talented person with a prominent family background. Li Xiang is also an important minister in the court. I think my son must be unparalleled in appearance. Then I will congratulate Miss Lin first!" Liu Huazhi secretly sighed in his heart. This family is married, and there are in-laws like the Holy One, who in this capital would dare to offend them!
"Then Lin will thank Mr. Liu first, and will definitely bring Zijin to the banquet in the evening!" Mo Han also responded with a smile.She intentionally or unintentionally chatted with Liu Huazhi from the capital to Yunzhou, from the state affairs to the customs, and finally Mo Han pretended to mention the security of Yunzhou, but Liu Zhifu didn't hide it, and told all about the flower thief Speak up.

Mo Han had to admire Liu Huazhi's intelligence. Chatting with her made people feel no pressure. She was very good at talking and knew what to say and what not to say. Everyone in the south of the Yangtze River knew about the flower pickers, so Liu Huazhi didn't hide it, but She didn't mention anything about catching thieves, fearing that there was something tricky about it.

No matter how corrupt an official is, he would not pretend to ignore the flower pickers running rampant on his territory. There are only two possibilities for Liu Huazhi to do this.The other fear is that it is related to the flower-picking robbers. The officials and bandits colluded.
Thinking that this is not impossible, Mo Han kept his mind on it, and just took advantage of the time to go to the banquet to find out. When Mo Han finally went to Liu Huazhi's mansion, he brought not only the Zijin, but also the Liu Yuer, she was afraid that if she couldn't follow Zijin's side, Liu Yuer would be able to protect Zijin's safety, and Liu Xiuzhu and Liu Wei were naturally invited.

Seeing that Ms. Lin brought her youngest son over, Liu Xiuzhu was overjoyed. If she could climb the big tree of the Lin family, why would she worry about other things in the future?Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling complacent.

"Miss Lin, Mr. Li, please come inside quickly." When Liu Huazhi heard that Mo Han was leaving, he personally waited at the door with the whole family.

"Zijin, this is Mr. Liu Huazhi, the magistrate of Yunzhou." Mo Han introduced to Zijin with a smile.

"Zijin has met Mr. Liu!" Zijin blessed himself slightly, and bowed to Liu Huazhi.

"Mr. Li, you are very polite. I heard that Miss Lin talked about Mr. Li. It is an honor to meet you today!" Liu Huazhi led Mo Han and the two of them to sit down at the main seat, and then called his husband to come and greet them. .

Liu Huazhi originally wanted to divide tables between men and women according to the rules, but Liu Xiuzhu had greeted her in advance, saying that Miss Lin cared about Mr. Li very much and would never let him sit elsewhere alone. It’s okay on a table too!
"I have met Miss Lin, Mr. Li!" Liu Huazhi's rightful ruler is Liu Xiuzhu's eldest son, Liu Rong'er. Liu Rong'er knew Zijin when he was young. Because of Liu Xiuzhu's relationship, he was not very close to Zijin, but He never did anything to hurt Zijin.Goodbye now, one is already a husband and the other is the son of the Prime Minister's family. The identities of the two are so different, it is really embarrassing!

This Liu Rong'er is obviously the same age as that Liu Huazhi's son. Liu Xiuzhu is willing to let go in order to cling to the powerful, but she does not hesitate to let her son marry a woman of her own age, ruining her son's life !

"Long time no see, brother Rong'er is alright?" Zijin took the initiative to ask.

If it is said that the only person in the Liu family who does not annoy Zijin is this Liu Ronger, he is a few years older than Zijin, and it is just like this that he did not bully this child who was younger than himself when he was young, and sometimes he was in front of others. When bullying Zijin, he would help to reply a few sentences.But because his mother Liu Xiuzhu was a concubine, and he was a son, he was not favored since he was a child, so he didn't have much status. Even if he could say a few words for Zijin, it couldn't stop everyone from bullying Zijin.

"Very good. Rong'er has not yet congratulated brother Zijin for finding his biological parents. I'm really happy for you." Liu Rong'er nodded lightly. He has seen through his life long ago. Since ancient times, a man's fate cannot be decided by himself. He believes that up!
"Thank you, Brother Rong'er, this is Zijin's fiancée." Mo Han, who pulled Zijin aside, introduced to Liu Ronger.

Mo Han cupped his hands towards Liu Rong'er, this was the first Liu family member in Zijin who was willing to take the initiative to approach, Mo Han could also guess, probably in Zijin's heart he still had a good impression of this Liu Rong'er.She couldn't bear to touch Zijin's face, so she was a little more polite to Liu Rong'er.

 Thanks to Shuyou Ni Xiaoyu for the confession balloon!
  Thank you Xiaoxiang Book Friends for your monthly pass!
  Thank you book friend Zhang Mingxia for the monthly pass!

  Thank you book friend Gan Luo for the monthly pass!
  Thank you book friends for your recommendation tickets and red beans!

  Love you guys! ~(^з^)-

(End of this chapter)

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