The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 299 Ming Xiu Plank Road, Darkness Chen Cang

Chapter 299 Ming Xiu Plank Road, Darkness Chen Cang

"Anyi, quickly send someone to check what are the newly opened red buildings in the capital, where are the little buddies inside, and who is the master behind the scenes!"

Mo Han finally understood why Mo Bai and Mo Lin insisted on pestering the Queen Mother to go to the summer resort on the occasion of their newly-married. In addition, the empress and her are far away in the summer resort, and they don't know what's going on in the capital, and they can use this opportunity to work hard to develop their own power and win connections.

If these lost men were transported to the capital, they must have entered the Chu Pavilion in the Red Mansion. Mo Lin used these men to obtain useful information from the ministers of the court. Having never traveled far, she knew that it was impossible to go home, and there were only two ways to stay, either to die or to be attached to her.

Molin, Molin, you really have a good plan!
Sitting in front of the table, Mo Han wrote a letter and handed it to An Yi, asking her to send someone she could trust to deliver it to the empress. Now that she is far away from the capital, she can only rely on her sister to keep Mo Lin in the capital. I'm afraid that many people in the court have already been bribed by the right minister Zhang Huairen and have taken refuge in them.

Looking at this posture, Prime Minister on the right is afraid that he will give up his own niece and support her daughter-in-law instead. This Mo Lin is really hiding something. After using Mo Bai for so many years, now he is going to cross the river and tear down the bridge, revealing Is it true?In this case, I am afraid that the most dangerous person at the moment is not the elder sister, but Mo Bai.If Mo Lin uses himself or the princess to get rid of Mo Bai, and she comes to reap the benefits of the fisherman, then the most likely thing is to frame her. I am afraid that her career will not be peaceful!
After Mo Han figured out these things, he felt that he might not be able to stay here with Zijin for a long time, and Liu Xiuzhu's matter had to be resolved quickly.

If you want the government to come forward and thoroughly investigate the murder of Zijin's adoptive mother four years ago, I'm afraid it's too late now, not to mention that it's been so long, and it will take a long time just to find the witnesses from back then, and it's not necessary to just fight back with a tooth for a tooth What an aboveboard method is to directly force Liu Xiuzhu to admit it.

"Zijin, do you know what Liu Xiuzhu is most afraid of?" Mo Han asked as he sat next to Zijin who had just taken a bath. Seeing him struggling to wipe his dripping hair, he took the towel and helped him Wipe it up.

Zijin couldn't help but blushed, thinking that they would always get closer in the future, so he didn't stop Mo Han's movements, but rather enjoyed it.

"What can she be afraid of! Isn't she just afraid of having no money? Because Liu Xiuzhu is a concubine, she was often ridiculed by others since she was a child. She has always had low self-esteem. What she taboos most is when others mention the word "concubine daughter." Zijin He was upset when he heard Liu Xiuzhu's name, if it wasn't for putting incense sticks on his mother, he wouldn't want to live here all day looking at Liu Xiuzhu's hypocritical face!
In fact, Zijin didn't think about taking revenge on Liu Xiuzhu. After all, it was because she drove their father and son out of Liu's house that he had the opportunity to come to the capital, meet Mo Han and find his relatives. Said, he still has to thank Liu Xiuzhu for her cruel heart, and made her own life by accident. Compared with knowing Mo Han, those hardships back then are nothing!
 happy weekend!
  You can watch the movie "My Motherland and Me" today!

(End of this chapter)

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