The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 300 Pretending to be a ghost to reveal the truth

Chapter 300 Pretending to be a ghost to reveal the truth

"That is to say, what she taboos the most is the existence of your mother, because your mother is alive, she will always be a concubine who can't hold her head up, and she has no chance to take over any business of the Liu family, your mother She got married earlier than her, but she has never had a daughter, and she only gave birth to your younger brother many years later. Only when your mother dies, will all of this belong to her..." Mo Han stared at Zi Jin's eyes and said every word He said, from this point of view, the death of Zijin's adoptive mother may not be that simple, and Liu Xiuzhu is absolutely inseparable from this matter.

"You mean..." Zijin clutched Mo Han's sleeves with trembling hands. He never thought that her mother's death would be related to Liu Xiuzhu. He thought she was just being selfish and not mad enough to kill her sister. the point.

"Very likely!" Mo Han gently held Zijin's hand, nodded, and softly comforted him, "Don't worry, no matter whether she hurt your mother or not, I won't make her feel better. Dare to bully you, do you really think we are soft persimmons?"

This night, the breeze was gentle, making the scorching summer a bit cooler. Liu Xiuzhu was still sound asleep next to her new servant, but she saw the window of her room being slowly opened, and a A man in white with disheveled hair and blood on his face is standing in front of the window...

"Liu Xiuzhu... Liu Xiuzhu..." There was a bit of coldness and unwillingness in that voice, which made people panic.

Liu Xiuzhu turned over and muttered "Don't make trouble", and then continued to sleep soundly, but was startled by the yelling of the servant beside her!
"Ah..." The waiter's cry resounded through the sky, rolled his eyes, and fainted from fright.

" are you? Why are you pretending to be a ghost in my house? You...what are you going to do?" Liu Xiuzhu was startled by the white shadow, and she was a little incoherent, and all the drowsiness disappeared without a trace No trace, only cold sweat left!

"Liu Xiuzhu...give me my life...give me my life...Liu Xiuzhu..." The white shadow got closer and closer to Liu Xiuzhu, and actually floated in from the open window, Liu Xiuzhu kept talking He backed away until he shrank into a corner, then stopped tremblingly.

"Who... are you? Me, when did I hurt your life?" Although Liu Xiuzhu had made a lot of ill-gotten gains in the past few years, she had never done anything that killed anyone.

"Liu Xiuzhu, have you forgotten the good deeds you did four years ago?" Bai Ying'er stood by the bed, did not move forward, but asked with bleeding eyes.

"Four years ago... No! Impossible! It's impossible for anyone to know... Who are you?" Hearing this person mention what happened four years ago, Liu Xiuzhu panicked. She has never forgotten that rainy day , the 98 bodyguards who died on the road and her eldest sister, but, this matter, she did it without anyone noticing it, no one would know, someone must have deliberately pretended to trick her, as long as she didn't Admit that there is no basis for this matter, and no one can do anything about her.

"Who am I? Haha...Second sister is such a noble person, how forgetful! Has she even forgotten her biological sister?" Bai Ying'er brushed back her hair, and Liu Xiuzhu could see clearly that this person... no, this ghost The scar on her forehead was clearly no different from her dead elder sister.

"No! No! Impossible! Sister, no, it's not's really not me! It's not me! It's not me..." Liu Xiuzhu screamed in fright, saying she was guilty of guilt, but now she is really terrified, Eldest sister, she came to ask for her life!

"Second sister, I'm so cold, so cold! Those thieves hacked me more than 30 times, and each cut hurt my bones. My blood dried up. I'm so cold...Xiuzhu! Why did you kill me? Huh? Have I ever treated you badly these years? I'm your real sister!" Bai Ying'er's voice trembled a little more, hearing Liu Xiuzhu's ears was like thunder, shaking her whole body. Numb, hands and feet are cold sweat.

"No! Elder Sister, I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it! Ah...Elder Sister...I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Liu Xiuzhu felt that her heart had collapsed at this time, and she really couldn't bear this kind of torture. It is said that if you have any regrets in life, you will turn into a ghost and come back to collect debts after you die. At this time, Liu Xiuzhu undoubtedly felt that her eldest sister came to her to pay for her life!

Bai Ying'er saw Liu Xiuzhu knelt on the bed and kowtowed in apology, she was startled, the master really knew everything well, Liu Xiuzhu might have something to do with her elder sister's death!

"Liu Xiuzhu... why are you so cruel? You killed me and bullied my husband's son?" Bai Ying'er thought of his master's explanation, and immediately started acting again.

"Elder Sister...Eldest Sister...I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I didn't think that you would die at the time, I didn't intend to kill you, I just...just thought that there was something wrong with the dart you pressed, and the people in the clan felt that there was something wrong. I will let you take responsibility, and when the time comes, I will remove your position as Patriarch and let you think about your mistakes behind closed doors, and I... I will have a bright future!" Liu Xiuzhu cried with snot and tears, "Eldest sister, I I didn't expect those thieves to be so cruel, they killed you cruelly, and killed so many bodyguards in our bodyguard bureau, I..."

"Then why did you drive my husband's son out of the house? Do you know how difficult it is for a man with two children?" That Bai Ying'er has been holding on to this question and refuses to let her go. In fact, she also I'm curious, Mr. Zijin is just a man, and there is no problem affecting the successor of their Liu family. Why does this Liu Xiuzhu always have trouble with him?

"Eldest sister, please forgive me! I really didn't intend to kill you. I was fascinated by my brother-in-law for a while, so... just... But my brother-in-law didn't betray you. He would rather take the two children with you." Leaving the Liu family, I don't want to commit myself to me, elder sister... Please forgive me! Eldest sister, I know I was wrong, and I will definitely make up for Zijin in the future. Although he is not from the blood of my Liu family, I promise I will treat him well and never bully him again, Eldest Sister, please forgive me this time... please forgive me!" Liu Xiuzhu said anxiously, knocking her head on the bed continuously, uttering "Boom Boom!" " came the voice, it seemed that he had exerted his strength.

"Bastard!" Bai Ying'er was so angry when she heard this, that she slapped Liu Xiuzhu a big slap in the face. She practiced martial arts since she was a child, and this slap filled Liu Xiuzhu's head with a bit of real energy. There was a buzzing sound, half of his face swelled rapidly, and the corners of his mouth turned red.

This Liu Xiuzhu is really not a good thing, she killed nearly a hundred lives, and even wanted to occupy her brother-in-law, she is really a pig and a dog!

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  happy weekend!

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(End of this chapter)

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