Chapter 301 Evidence
"Sister, I was wrong, I was really wrong! Please forgive me, I will never dare again! You see, I have developed our Liu family better and better. Sister, I will never If you don’t dare to do evil anymore, you can leave with peace of mind! I will burn incense for you every day, so that you can join a good family as soon as possible!” Liu Xiuzhu begged for mercy loudly.

However, as soon as Bai Ying'er stretched out his hand, he threw Liu Xiuzhu to the table. There were already pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the table. Liu Xiuzhu looked at her "eldest sister" in puzzlement...

"That's all! That's all! Everything is fate! I was murdered and died in an accident. The king of hell forbids me to be reincarnated. Now you will write down the process of killing me in detail, so that I can use it to ask the king of hell for a favor. From now on, I will not come to you again. If you dare to lie, I will not be able to pass the test with the King of Hades, and you will never have a stable life again. I will definitely come to you every night to chat and reminisce about the past!" That Bai Ying'er sighed, waved his hands and laughed.

"Yes, yes, yes! I'll write, I'll write right away, elder sister wait a moment..." Liu Xiuzhu raised her pen with trembling hands, and wrote down clearly how she contacted the bandits and how she murdered everyone. It was clear that if Mo Han was here, he would definitely laugh at her for being stupid, but people in that era were very afraid of these ghosts and gods, and would rather believe that they existed than that they did not.

Bai Ying'er got the confession letter written by Liu Xiuzhu, knocked her unconscious with a hand knife, threw her back on the bed, and disappeared, as if she had never been there.

The next day, when Liu Xiuzhu got up, she couldn't tell whether she had a nightmare or was really murdered by the wronged soul. In short, she was covered in cold sweat.Touching the swollen half of her face, she seemed to be telling her that she had gone through a life-and-death battle again.

It is said that on this day, Liu Xiuzhu took everyone in the Liu family to kneel in the ancestral hall for a whole day. When Mo Han heard the news, he just sneered. The so-called guilty conscience, Liu Xiuzhu really did not ask for it. !

Mo Han's author copied two copies of the confession written by Liu Xiuzhu, and sent one to Liu Hua anonymously.To be honest, after all, this Liu Huazhi is quite talented. Mo Han wants to give her another chance to see what she chooses. If she can't grasp it well, then the king of heaven is coming, and he can't save her!

All day long, Mo Han had been waiting for the people from the government to come to Liu's mansion to arrest people, but until Liu Xiuzhu came out of the ancestral hall with everyone in Liu's mansion, he did not wait for the officers and soldiers, but waited for Liu Huazhi's men to rush to find Liu Xiuzhu Reporting the letter, Mo Han squeezed the cup in his hand heavily, Liu Huazhi, since that's the case, don't blame me for not giving you a chance, it's your choice!
As soon as Liu Xiuzhu came out of the ancestral hall, she dragged her fat body and left in a hurry with the people from the prefect Liu, without staying for a moment. Everyone in the Liu family looked in the direction of her departure in puzzlement, feeling that there was something wrong with her today. , looking flustered, and always absent-minded!
The little servant who served Liu Huazhi last night heard that he was sick today, and he kept talking nonsense and was afraid of seeing people. Everyone thought about it, and they were afraid that something unpleasant happened between Liu Huazhi and the little waiter last night, so they didn't like it. No worries.

Mo Han and Zijin were packing up the gifts they bought for relatives and friends in the capital. They discussed going back to the summer resort in the past two days. It would take a long time to come out, but they didn't know that Liu's house was already surrounded by officers and soldiers.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
(End of this chapter)

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