Chapter 318 Hunting
"Good boy! The emperor knows that you are sensible." The emperor sighed softly. Born in the royal family, there is a lot of helplessness. With many children, it is rare to be fair. Some people will always suffer more grievances.Fortunately, this child has been broad-minded since she was a child, and she will not care about these trivial matters. Since she said that she will not blame the old six and old seven, she will never settle with them again.

"Emperor Mother, it's the baby's fault that makes you worry!" Mo Han gently leaned on the emperor's shoulder and said softly.

Or to others, she is the lord of a country, but to Mo Han, she has always been like the mother of an ordinary family, and there is no less love that should be given to her.The reason why Mo Han can tolerate Mo Bai and Mo Lin's provocation again and again is only because of the favor he has received!

On July 28th, the summer resort was sunny and harmonious.

With the dawn of the morning sun, the mist slowly dissipated. In the veil-like mist, the trees were clearly displayed in front of people.The Holy Majesty personally led the crowd to the back mountain. The women on the horses were dressed in hunting costumes, and they were all heroic, like soldiers on the battlefield, ready to fight.Because according to the rules of the autumn hunting in previous years, the winners will get the imperial treasures bestowed by the Holy Majesty, and even a grace from the Holy Majesty, so everyone at this time is gearing up and eager to try.

" don't need to be nervous, we are out hunting today just for fun, all the prey are owned by the hunters, let's gallop to your heart's content!" As soon as the emperor finished speaking, everyone immediately cheered.All the things hunted in previous years have to be handed in, and only a small part will be returned. Today, all the prey can be brought home. Wouldn't it be possible to make more fur-collared cloaks for Fu Lang's children!
"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"


The voices of thanking everyone echoed in the empty mountain forest, and everyone had smiles on their faces.Mo Han followed the emperor on horseback, looked back at Zi Jin who was standing at the door of the tent with a tense face, and couldn't help but curl his lips.

"Zijin, wait for me to hunt a firefox, and I will make you a scarf when I come back, so that your neck will be warm and cool all winter!" This is what Mo Han said to Zijin before he got on the horse. Although he is happy that she misses him, he is even more worried about her safety.

"Zijin, don't look any further, your eyes are going to fall out! Come on, come to Ben Gong." Queen Feng's voice sounded from behind Zijin, and everyone couldn't help covering their lips and chuckling, but it was a cry. Jin blushed.

"You child, why are your hands so cold?" Empress Feng grabbed Zijin's hand and brought a blanket to cover his lap, "Don't worry, they all grew up on horseback since they were young. It's just hunting, there's no danger, besides, there are so many guards around! You just sit here and wait..."

"Ouch! Brother Empress has found a good son-in-law! This child really puts his heart into His Highness the Eighth Highness!" Yajun on the side joked while pinching the handkerchief.

"This kid is sincere, so don't make fun of him." Seeing Zijin's shy look, Queen Feng immediately said to protect him.

"Look, look... This has not yet passed the door, the queen's brother has started to protect us, he really set a good example for our husband-in-law relationship!" The crowd laughed again, and Queen Feng was in a good mood today. Well, I'm also happy to have fun with them.

"Xiao Ci, come, sit here." Feng Hou turned to look at Mu Ci who was sitting alone in the corner and said.He likes this child from the bottom of his heart. If there is no marriage with Li Xiangfu, he would like to promise Mu Ci to Mo Han. His little son would never be someone else's side lord, but he has no fate with his own family, Han'er. Fortunately, he was finally assigned to the Lin family, which can be regarded as his own family.

"Mu Ci pays my respects to the Empress, and to all the servants!" Mu Ci went forward and saluted first. He was very polite, neither humble nor overbearing. It seemed that he was a good tutor. This Mu Zhengjun really put all his heart and soul into this child. body.

"Hurry up and be free, come, sit with Zijin, you brothers can also talk about yourselves, don't worry about other people, you young people just play with you!" Queen Feng greeted Jiahe to Zijin He and Muci set out cakes and tea, prepared a chessboard and chess pieces for them, and chatted with the servants around them.

Here the emperor was leading the crowd into the depths of the woods. Mo Han didn't want to be with so many people, so he put his horse in his belly and headed to the left. Lin Shuang, Mu Ci and others immediately followed.Mo Lin glanced at the direction Mo Han was leaving, felt the emperor's gaze, and hurried to the right, Mo Bai looked at the emperor, and left behind Mo Lin.





The sound of horseshoes sounded, and the small animals hiding in the woods seemed to sense the danger, and they all fled after hearing the wind, and the journey was lively.

"Woo..." Mo Han suddenly pulled the rein and stopped.

"Master, what's the matter?" Since Wen Xin knew that Mo Han was assassinated, she and Nuan Feng followed Mo Han's side every step of the way.

"Go and pick up that litter of little rabbits and bring them back to Zijin as a pet!" Mo Han said, pointing to a litter of haystacks in the grass.

Wen Xin jumped down, lifted the hem of her clothes and picked up the four little rabbits who were still standing still, and looked at Mo Han blankly. That posture was a bit weird, and it really didn't fit her usual demeanor.

"Pfft..." Mu Xi couldn't help but sneered, in exchange for a warm look.

"Go and send this litter of little rabbits back to Zijin first!" Mo Han said, and was about to leave with his horse, but saw Lin Shuang looking at the little rabbits expectantly, so he added, "Here Let's divide Muci into two too!"

"Yes!" Wen Xin carefully hugged the rabbit, led the horse and walked back slowly, while Mo Han and the others behind him went to nowhere.In the past, the work of pleasing the future lord was done by the warm wind, so why is it my turn now?
"Your Highness, look quickly, Baihu!" Mu Xi shouted behind Mo Han.Mo Han looked sideways, and he really saw a huge snow-white creature running between the trees.

"Today we are really lucky. We have met this white tiger which is rare in a hundred years. This palace will definitely catch it today to make a white tiger skin cloak for the Queen Mother!..." Mo Han was very excited, his tone Also full of joy, Mu Xi and Lin Shuang followed closely behind.

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