Chapter 319

The white tiger is a spiritual animal. It seems that it knows that someone is trying to harm it. The direction of escape is deep in the dense and curved woods. Han Ji added many difficulties.

"Mu Xi, go to the left and lead it to that direction." Seeing that Mo Han chased him like this, he might not be able to catch him at night, so he had to outsmart him.

"Yes!" Mu Xi pulled the reins, turned the horse's head around, and ran towards the direction Mo Han pointed, took out the bow and arrow and pulled it away, the arrow missed the white tiger, but blocked its way of escape.

Seeing that there was danger ahead, the white tiger immediately turned around and ran to the right. At this time, Lin Shuang drove up and followed Mu Xi's example, blocking the way on the right side of the white tiger. There was nowhere for the white tiger to escape. Being able to return the same way, Mo Han took the opportunity to raise his bow and arrow, aimed at the white tiger's eyebrows, and pierced his head with one arrow. The speed was so fast that the white tiger fell to the ground before he even had time to close his eyes.

"His Highness Eight thousand years old!"

"His Highness Eight thousand years old!"


Everyone cheered, Mo Han sat on the horse and straightened his body, and he was overjoyed. This white tiger is extremely rare. He wants to come to God to help Qiguo. With the protection of this white tiger skin in the future, the empress can live better in winter.

"Drive..." Mo Han brought his guards forward and saw that the white tiger had slowly closed his eyes. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. In this world where the weak prey on the strong, there is no room for too much mercy, so he just said a few words silently. "Sorry", he ordered the guards to pick up the white tiger.

"Your Highness is good at archery!" Mu Xi grinned at Mo Han and said with a smirk.

"Thanks to the two of you for your help, Mo Han thank you here!" Mo Han cupped his hands towards Lin Shuang and Mu Xi in thanks.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled. The usual tacit understanding did not require much words to let each other know each other's intentions. The horse turned its head and drove forward again.

To say that today can be regarded as an auspicious day, Mo Han and the others also gained a lot.But Mo Lin here has been absent-minded all the time, his mind is full of the glance the emperor gave her when he left, is his mind so obvious?Was it so easy to see through?

Mo Lin has always thought that she is a person who is good at hiding. What she does and what she thinks in her heart are never the same, but people will never be able to tell the difference. Since when did the empress start to doubt herself?
"Old Seven, hurry up! There's an elk over there, catch up to it!" Mo Bai shouted in front, and then, ignoring what Mo Lin was doing, he rode his horse and chased after him, followed by the guards behind him .

Mo Lin restrained his thoughts, straightened his mind, and followed in the direction of Mo Bai, but her horse was getting slower and slower, and the guards behind her could only follow her slowly. Everyone was anxious, but their mouths were Don't dare to say anything, the Seventh Highness doesn't know what's wrong today, it seems that the hunting mood is not high, and after walking for a long time, there is nothing to gain.

As everyone knows, Mo Lin had another idea in his mind at this time, since she can't deal with the eighth child, why not deal with the stupid sixth one?At that time, it is only necessary to attribute the responsibility to the old eight who has a grudge against the sixth because of the assassination a few days ago, and then use this hunting to deal with the sixth, intending to kill her.


"Subordinates are here!"

Mo Lin whispered something to Amu who was beside him, and Amu turned and left, while Mo Lin hurried to catch up with Mo Bai in front.

(End of this chapter)

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