The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 320 Preparing to Borrow a Knife to Kill

Chapter 320 Preparing to Borrow a Knife to Kill

"Old Qi, look, how fat this deer is! It took a lot of effort to restrain it in the palace. This deer blood is a good thing for nourishing, this time it can be used to nourish the empress. Make up your body!" Mo Bai clapped his hands and said happily.

Although Mo Bai is not intelligent enough, he has been filial since he was a child.To say that before the absence of Mo Han, the emperor treated several of his children impartially, but the princess grew up under the emperor's knee since she was a child, and it was more difficult than other children, and the emperor had stricter requirements on her.

But after Mo Han was born, everything changed.It's not just that the Crown Prince and the Empress dote on her abnormally, the emperor also treats her differently from other children, not to mention doting a little more, and always likes to hold her in his arms, you know, from the time the other brothers and sisters can remember , the emperor has never hugged anyone.And Mo Han has already left the palace to build a mansion now, and he is always bored with the emperor shamelessly.

What made Mo Bai even more puzzled was that her father, Xian Guijun, seemed to love Mo Han very much. If she got something new when she was a child and had her own share, Mo Han would always be indispensable. Seeing that she, the eighth emperor's younger sister, was not pleasing to the eye, she opposed her everywhere, because she felt that she not only took away the favor of the mother emperor, but also took away her father's favor as well.

"Sister Liuhuang is good at archery! If the Queen Mother is filial to Sister Liuhuang, she will be very happy. I think there are many good things in the depths of this forest, let's go over there and have a look?" Mo Lin pointed to the left side said.

"Let's go!" Mo Bai responded immediately, leaving as soon as he said.Because of the previous harvest and Mo Lin's flattery, joy was always on his ruddy face, and he didn't care about east, west, north, south, just rush forward!

"Master, this subordinate came in this direction before looking at His Highness the Eighth Highness!" Bai Cai leaned closer to Mo Bai's ear and whispered.

Mo Bai was about to refute, but when she saw so many people around, she swallowed back her words. The scene of being scolded before was still vivid in her memory, so she didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.But he muttered silently in his heart, so what if she is here?This land is not hers either, because of her young age and the fact that her mother dotes on her more, she is always showing off her might.

"Quick, white fox!" Mo Bai only felt a flash of white shadow in front of his eyes, and suddenly shouted, leaving everyone behind to chase after her. Although Bai Cai had been following closely behind her, he was still thrown far away .

"Master, be careful!" Bai Cai shouted anxiously from behind.

At this time, Mo Bai could no longer hear the voices of other people, and his mind was full of hunting the white fox to make a cloak for Mu Ci. Thinking that he had sent so many things to him, but they were all returned, Mo Bai felt a little aggrieved .Well... If Mu Ci doesn't want it, then give it to Wen Ge, anyway, he is also his own king, right, so we can't make him too shabby!

Suddenly, he heard Mo Bai scream, and fell off the horse, only to see that the horse's front hoof had been tripped by a thick rope binding wild animals, and its body also fell straight to the side.

But Mo Bai rolled over and rolled straight to a deep pit next to him. Bai Cai turned pale with fright, and Mo Lin also looked anxious, but if you look carefully, you can find the flash across her eyes. A triumphant smile.

"Master!" Bai Cai cried out, she was so frightened that she forgot what she should do, and could only stare blankly.

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(End of this chapter)

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