Chapter 321
In fact, even if Bai Cai made a move at this time, it was already too late.If there is nothing in the deep pit, it's okay to say, if there is the iron fork and bamboo pole that the hunter can insert to catch the prey, then her master may be in trouble!
"Sixth Emperor Sister..." Mo Lin also hurriedly called from the side, but his body didn't move at all.But he sighed in his heart, this Amu's hands and feet are nimble, and his son has dug a big hole in such a short time. It is best to smash the sixth child, after all, it will be useful to keep her in the future, so she can't die yet!
"Your Highness Six!"

"Your Highness Six!"


The surrounding guards were also very anxious. If the Sixth Princess had something wrong, they would all be executed if they failed to protect the lord.However, it is really strange to say, how could there be such a big pit in this deep mountain and old forest?Ordinary hunters would not go to such remote places to hunt!
At this critical moment, a white shadow floated past everyone's eyes, and then wrapped tightly around Mo Bai's waist, throwing her to Bai Cai's feet, and the white shadow rustled back again. original position.

The people who were still in shock looked up, and their savior was the eighth princess who was sitting on the horse with a calm face, and just now, it seemed that the eighth princess saved the life of the sixth prince with a belt.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for saving your life. Please accept Bai Cai's bow!" Bai Cai helped up his master, then knelt down in front of Mo Han and kowtowed three times.

While everyone was relieved, they were even more shocked. What kind of speed was it that could save the sixth princess in that instant?The people present didn't even dare to think about it, but the eighth princess, who is not yet 14 years old, did it easily!
"Get up! Take care of your master, you don't have such good luck every time. The more seemingly harmless this place is, the more deadly it is..." Mo Han glanced at the deep pit meaningfully, She hooked her lips and said with a slight smile, no matter whether Mo Bai could understand what she meant, she didn't want to say any more!

If he hadn't happened to bring people through here, Mo Bai would have turned into a dead body long ago. The tricks in this place can be imagined with one's feet, where did this kind of place come from a hunting pit?Not to mention that since they came to the summer resort, the surrounding area has been sealed off, but those who have little ability dare to come here to hunt?

Looking at the soil in the pit again, it was obvious that they had just dug it not long ago, and the soil in the pit was still wet, and the rope that tripped the horse's legs was clearly used by them to tie up their prey. .

Then, it is self-evident who is the person who harmed Mo Bai.As for why she wanted to harm Mo Bai, it probably has something to do with him.

Mo Han only said that Mo Lin had always been ambitious, but he never thought that she was so vicious.Last time she sent someone to assassinate herself to frame Mo Bai but failed, now she wants to kill Mo Bai and shift the responsibility to herself, she really underestimated her, to have such vicious thoughts!
"Thank you!" Mo Bai said with trembling lips, his pale face finally turning red.

"No! It's getting late, Liu Huangjie should go back earlier, watch your step! Farewell!" After Mo Han said, he left with the people behind him without looking back, wondering if there was something in her words, could that idiot Mo Bai listen? clear!
"Sister Six, are you alright?" Mo Lin asked Mo Bai when he saw Mo Han walking away.

Mo Bai just shook his head, then turned around and got on Bai Cai's horse. The guards immediately followed behind with their prey. Mo Lin looked at the deep pit regretfully, clenched his fists, and followed him on the horse and left.

On the way back, Mo Bai no longer had the excitement he had when he came here, and kept silent, Bai Cai tightly guarded behind Mo Bai.At this time, she was filled with guilt, and vowed to follow her master closely in the future and not let her be in any danger.

"Sister Six, what's the matter?" Mo Lin also noticed Mo Bai's strangeness, so he rushed forward and asked.I was also very curious about what she was thinking, could it be that she was frightened by the scene just now?

"It's okay!" Mo Bai only said these two words, and then ignored her.

"Sister Six, don't you think what happened today is very abnormal?" Mo Lin saw that Mo Bai's expression was not good, thinking that she must still have lingering fears about what happened just now.Even though his plan didn't work out, at least he couldn't waste this opportunity, so he could take the opportunity to provoke the relationship between Lao Ba and her!
"Sister Qihuang thinks something is abnormal again?" Mo Bai squinted his eyes and asked Mo Lin. The sarcasm at the corner of his mouth made Mo Lin think that he was delusional.

"The emperor doesn't have any ideas, but I just think these things are too coincidental!" Mo Lin smiled awkwardly, and then said as if nothing had happened.

Like Mo Lin's attempt to cover up, there will always be an illusion that there are hidden meanings. Mo Bai thought about what happened just now, and what Mo Han said before he left. Some answers seem to have broken ground in his mind. But it made her feel a little impossible.

Because of Zhang Xiang, Yajun has followed Xianguijun since entering the palace, and Mo Lin has been close to her since she was a child. No matter what, Mo Bai can't believe that Mo Lin, whom he regards as a compatriot and sister, will plot against her.Mo Bai told himself that maybe he was thinking too much, maybe it was just an accident, but at the same time he couldn't help feeling that Mo Lin was full of weirdness.

"Why didn't you see Amu beside you?" Mo Bai asked suddenly.

"This...hehe... This is not the rush that came out before. I left the spare bow with my father. The string in the royal sister's hand broke, so I asked Amu to go back and get it!" Mo Lin stammered. The reason why she was able to make such a lame excuse was because she didn't expect Mo Bai to ask such a question suddenly.

"Sister Seventh Emperor, please take it easy!" Mo Bai looked at the bow on her back and said, before turning around without waiting for Mo Lin to speak.

But if you look carefully, you can see Mo Bai's trembling hand holding the rein. She doesn't want to believe that Mo Lin betrayed her, but although she is not smart, she is not a fool either!

Mo Lin's expressions and movements were full of loopholes, and the excuses were perfunctory, but it was just going back to get a bow, so why did she have to be the bodyguard next to her to go back?According to Mo Lin's timid temperament in the past, how could she be willing to let Amu leave her side under such circumstances?

It's not that Mo Bai doesn't doubt Mo Han, but that she knows how Mo Han is, and because the Holy One loves Mo Han, if she wants to deal with anyone, she just needs to do it openly, so why bother?Moreover, Mo Bai and Mo Han have been at odds since they were young, but Mo Han has never bullied her once, nor has he ever complained to the Emperor Fenghou.Although Mo Han is a bit arrogant in his daily life, he is definitely an upright person. This insidious method is indeed more like Mo Lin's handwriting.

 Thank you book friend Xiao Xinbao for the lollipop!

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  During the National Day, the monthly ticket doubles!Also invite all book friends to hold a show!
  Recommend the author to complete the article "My Royal Highness"

  She remembered the day after his mother and empress died, when he woke up and didn't see himself, how he looked around in a panic with his bare feet.

  She remembered that when the Queen Mother passed away, he was afraid that she would be sad, so he spent seven days and nights with her in the mourning hall with his small body.

  She remembered the first time her father said that Ling'er had grown up and needed to live alone. When she told him carefully, he fell seriously ill.

  She remembered that when she pretended to marry "Prince Mo You", she didn't meet him for three days, and he almost died.

  She remembered that she jumped off the Heartbroken Cliff to save the dark guard, and he jumped off with her after only waiting for a day...

  She remembered that she hadn't seen him the day she was poisoned, and he tortured herself until she looked like a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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