Chapter 322 mustard
Moreover, the reason why Mo Bai doubted that the person who wanted to kill him would be Mo Lin was that Mo Lin had thought about killing Mo Han. Although the assassination of Mo Han Lu was covered up, But most of the time she did it secretly. She thought that everything she did was for herself, but now... since she dared to kill Mo Han, she could justify being so afraid of herself.

Even though Mo Bai had thought so clearly, he still couldn't believe that Mo Lin would really have the heart to hurt himself, let's just treat it as an accident!
But this is between people!Once there is a grudge in his heart, he will not be as close as usual. Although Mo Bai persuades himself not to think too much, every time he sees Mo Lin, he can't help being paranoid. However, it is precisely because of her This kind of suspicion, but figured out a lot of things that I couldn't figure out before, the fog seemed to be getting clearer and clearer in front of my eyes...

When Mo Bai and others came to the tent, everyone was already chatting and laughing, and there were many prey that everyone had hunted in the open space, and everyone was talking about Mo Han's killing of the white tiger.Compared with the more eye-catching Baihu, Mo Bai set his eyes on Amu's feet who came to Mo Lin's side. Her shoes, which had not been changed in time, were still covered with wet mud. The dry soil and green grass are completely different, Mo Bai is no longer in the mood to think about other things, his mind is full of shock and sadness after being betrayed, and there are more disappointments...

"The sixth and the seventh are back, come, come and take a look at this white tiger that your eighth emperor sister hunted, haha..." The emperor saw his two daughters, and hurriedly beckoned them to sit there, not forgetting to show off. Mo Han respects her white tiger. This white tiger has smooth fur and is a rare best.

"The Eighth Emperor Sister has always been blessed, and this is our honor to start the country!" Mo Bai praised Mo Han a few words, which surprised the emperor, but Xianguijun was full of surprise, what about his daughter? After a long time, you know how to flatter the sage?
"Yes, what Sister Liuhuang said is true!" Mo Lin still had the honest and honest appearance before, but he always felt that Mo Bai was a little different!

"Sister Liuhuang is not bad luck today! This elk has long legs and can be caught by Sister Liuhuang. I think God wants to fulfill the filial piety of Sister Liuhuang!" Mo Han saw Mo Bai's expression on his face. Not good, knowing that she must have figured out something, so he stopped confronting her and did his filial piety for her.

"Let's talk about it! Our Majesty is the happiest. The emperors and daughters are so filial, don't they envy others?" Seeing that the Majesty is in a good mood, the servants hurriedly said something nice.

"Haha... my imperial daughters have grown up!" The emperor sighed with relief, even as the king of a country, he would like others to praise his children.

While everyone was flattering, Mo Han slipped up to Zijin, saw him and Mu Ci carrying a small cage and feeding the little rabbit with tender grass, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Ha ha……"

Zijin and Mu Ci glanced at each other, and then looked at Mo Han who was standing there with a smirk, not understanding what was so funny about feeding a rabbit.

"Nanfeng, go get two bowls of milk." Mo Han said to Nuanfeng behind him, then squatted down and grabbed the grass in Zijin's hand and threw it aside.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for the book coins!

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(End of this chapter)

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