The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 326 The Honorable Lord Pleases

Chapter 326 The Honorable Lord Pleases

After a while, when the son saw that no servants came to find him, Mr. Xiangui realized that the child probably sneaked out during the lunch break of others, so he took her back to his palace, and gave her a handmade cup made by him. I even played with her all afternoon before sending someone to report to Fengyi Palace. At that time, everyone in Fengyi Palace was already looking for her crazy!
Mo Han actually ran out to play secretly at that time, and overheard the conversation between Zhang Huairen and Mr. Xiangui. After seeing Zhang Huairen left, Mr. Xiangui was crying aggrievedly, so he ran out to make him happy.

Because she heard from the conversation between the two that Zhang Huairen wanted to use the hands of the virtuous gentleman to insert their people into the harem to help him divide the queen's favor, and to blow the pillow wind in the emperor's ear, but was rejected. Mr. Xiangui refused, and the two had a dispute.

For a moment, Mo Han felt that Mr. Xiangui was also pitiful, and he was not bad-minded, so he wanted to comfort him, and by the way, take advantage of his young body to inquire about other news.The idea of ​​this little spy was to fight very well, but he didn't expect that the virtuous gentleman didn't have those thoughts of competing for favor at all, it was completely forced by the family!

Therefore, in Mo Han's childhood, the virtuous monarchs treated her very well, but as she got older, it was no longer convenient for her to go in and out of the harem, and it was not suitable for her to get too close to the harem monarchs, so she gradually alienated he...

This time, Mr. Xiangui came to invite her so openly, probably because of the incident of Mo Bai falling off his horse today!

Mo Han did not refuse, bid farewell to Mu Xi and Mu Ci, and went to Mr. Xiangui. When she entered the door, she saw Mo Bai was there, which confirmed her guess.

"Baby, pay respects to father!" Mo Han stepped forward to salute, but Mo Bai was shocked. She didn't know that Mo Han was so close to her father, and she was willing to call him "father"?
In general, the daughters of the Empress Feng in the palace have a higher status, and it is considered a great favor to be called "father" by the daughter of the emperor. After all, ordinary emperors are not qualified!
"I haven't seen you alone for so many years, and I will be satisfied if I can call you my father!" Xiangui Jun looked at Mo Han and said contentedly.

To him, Mo Han is the warm sun in winter. In many difficult days, thanks to her smile, he survived. Sometimes Mo Han gave him company that even Mo Bai couldn't match.

"Father, what are you talking about? Han'er has been taken care of by you since he was a child, how could Han'er forget this feeling?" Mo Han smiled and got up and sat on the chair on the other side of Mr. Xiangui, facing Mo Bai.

"Bai'er has already told me what happened during the hunt today, good boy! Thanks to you, otherwise, your Sixth Emperor Sister..." Xiangui Jun said here, his eyes darkened, and he would have nothing to do anyway. Thinking about it, his own elder sister gave up her own niece to support her daughter-in-law instead, that's all, but she was so cruel that she wanted to take his daughter's life!

In fact, Mr. Xiangui really wronged Zhang Huairen this time. Although Zhang Huairen wanted to support Mo Lin, he hadn't made up his mind. She certainly didn't expect that Mo Lin would be so cruel that he wanted to get rid of his own sister!

"Father, you don't need to be polite. Although the Sixth Sister often quarrels with Han'er, she is still the elder sister of Han'er's close relatives. How can Han'er die?" Mo Han wisely only said about saving Mo Bai, and did not say anything. Mention other.

(End of this chapter)

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