Chapter 327 Departing for Beijing
"You child has been by my side since childhood, and I have never treated you as an outsider. Now that the matter has come to this point, I will not go around with you anymore." What a smart person Xiangui is, how could he Don't know Mo Han's ability?Not only was she favored by the Holy Majesty and the Empress Dowager, she was also capable.This child is probably the only one who can protect his daughter's life in the future!
"Bai'er has never had the intention of replacing the princess. All of this is just due to the interests of the family, and the Zhang family and this palace are just fueling the flames! Now that this kind of thing has happened, I am afraid that Bai'er's situation will not be tolerated. Be optimistic, the Zhang family may have murdered her, and I hope you can take care of her a little bit in the future..." Mr. Xiangui took all the responsibility on himself, and these words sounded like last words on his deathbed!

"Father..." Mo Bai's eyes turned red anxiously. She had just told Mr. Xiangui what happened, and guessed that the Zhang family might give up their two pawns, father and daughter. Does it mean that he wants to give up his life to save her?

Mr. Xiangui stared at him, and Mo Bai swallowed the rest of his words, but he felt uncomfortable. All these years, relying on her father's favor and Zhang Xiang's power, she only cared about having fun, but she had no real skills. It's hard to protect!
In fact, Zhang Huairen contributed to the reason why Mo Bai became what he is now. She wished to train Mo Bai into a waste so that she could be her puppet in the future!

The reason why Mr. Xiangui refused to stop it was because he felt that if his daughter had no ability and only wanted to be a happy princess, he would be able to get rid of the Zhang family's desire to use her and live a stable life.

Under various calculations, Mo Bai has been kept in the wild until today. Now that he encounters difficulties, he realizes that Mo Han, who is four years younger than her, has already left her far away, and she has nothing good at all!
"Father, the matter of the Sixth Sister is actually not as complicated as you think!" Mo Han comforted him from the side, "There is still the Queen Mother in everything!"

"You mean, my lord, she..." Xiangui Jun looked at Mo Han, wondering what she meant.

"Yes! The Queen Mother's heart is like a mirror!" Mo Han nodded.

Mr. Xiangui finally let go of his troubled heart. If the emperor knew about it, it would be easy. He only needs to take the initiative to ask the emperor, and then his daughter will be safe. However, if this is the case, the Zhang family will be completely destroyed. ...

"Sister Liuhuang is simple-minded, and is indeed not suitable for that high position. Since my father hopes that Sister Liuhuang can live happily ever after, he must make the right choice, recognize the reality as soon as possible, rein in the precipice, and protect Liuhuang with Han'er around." The rest of my life will be worry-free!" Mo Han made the promise to reassure the heart of Mr. Xiangui, Mr. Xiangui does not believe in the crown daughter, but he believes in Mo Han. If Mo Han agrees, he will protect Mo Bai. After succeeding to the throne, Mo Bai is also an idle princess no matter what.

"Father believes in you!" Xiangui Jun was silent for a long time, and finally made up his mind.He has lived for the Zhang family all his life. Now for his daughter, he also wants to live for himself. He has rights and status, but he is not happy. He doesn't want his children to live like this lifetime.

"Sister Liuhuang is not young anymore, and my father will still rely on you in the future. I also hope that Sister Liuhuang will think about how to protect my father in the future, instead of asking him to worry about you every day. The old seven has been instigating between us since he was a child. For the sake of my father, I have never bothered with you. If you hadn't responded to Lao Qi's request to kill me last time, do you think the mother would spare you? You and Lao Qi No, there is the Zhang family behind you!" Mo Han looked at Mo Bai who was sitting there and said, if she could help her in the future, the queen sister's throne would be secure.

Mo Han's meaning is obvious, because this matter was done by Mo Lin, the emperor didn't go into it.It's just that Mo Lin doesn't have a huge family to support her, and the throne will never be her turn anyway, so she may be infatuated and provoked by others to make this kind of mistake.But Mo Bai is different, standing behind her is the Zhang family!How could the Holy Majesty allow foreign relatives to monopolize power?
In order to balance the court, the emperor allowed the Zhang family to do some small actions in private, but before the crown daughter ascended the throne, the emperor would definitely clean up the court for her, and the Zhang family could not keep it. Now the emperor refuses to act, but it is just Just giving her daughter a chance!

Mo Bai didn't speak, but clenched his fists tightly. The pain from fingertips piercing deeply into her palms made her feel that she had been stupid for so many years, but Mo Han's few words made her enlightened. After so many years of escaping, she couldn't change her mind. Come to live a stable life, she must become stronger!
"Han'er, thank you very much!" Xiangui Jun stood up and said in front of Mo Han.

"Father's words are serious!" Mo Han helped Mr. Xiangui back again, and it is unknown what the three of them talked about afterwards.

Everyone only knew that after the eighth princess was invited by the virtuous gentleman, she quarreled with the sixth imperial daughter, the two broke up, and the sixth imperial daughter was also kicked out by the virtuous gentleman.


In the blink of an eye, it was the beginning of August. There was news from the capital that they hoped that the Holy Majesty could go back before the Mid-Autumn Festival. The people brought out also needed to go back to reunite with their families. In the end, the Holy Majesty discussed with Queen Feng and decided After the third day of August, I rushed back, mainly because Empress Feng also missed his little granddaughter a little!

Just like when they came, a large group of people left in a mighty way, and this trip to the summer resort is over!

As soon as he entered Beijing, Mo Han personally took people to send the Empress Sheng Shangfeng and others back to the palace, and then gave the group of people a holiday so that they could go back to spend time with their families, and then returned to the palace by himself.Unexpectedly, after going back, Zijin didn't go back to Li Xiang's mansion, but was waiting for her in the Eight Princes' mansion with a rabbit cage in her arms.

"Zijin, why didn't you go back to reunite with your family? I'm afraid they all miss you very much!" Mo Han allowed Nuanfeng to serve him and changed his clothes. If this was normal, the job of changing and washing would not be the turn of Nuanfeng It's just that Zijin cares more about the rabbit in his arms now, so he no longer takes the initiative to serve Mo Han, and the warm wind comes to his hands.

"I..." Zijin looked up at the warm wind beside Mo Han, and then said nothing.

Knowing that Zijin had something to say to Mo Han alone, Nuan Feng packed up his things winkingly and went out, not forgetting to close the door for the two of them when he left.

"What's the matter? But you want me to take you back?" Mo Han sat next to Zijin and asked softly.

Zijin just shook his head, and his eyes started to turn red. He was just afraid, afraid that she would hide from him again like before.

"But someone in the prime minister's mansion bullied you?" Mo Han couldn't sit still, seeing Zijin's appearance clearly meant that he didn't want to go home!
(End of this chapter)

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