Chapter 330

"Yan'er, don't be rude!" Seeing her daughter's small appearance, the princess immediately reprimanded her with a straight face.

"It's okay, kid! Besides, I'm not an outsider, so you don't need to be cautious, just do what you like." Mo Han didn't take it seriously, and even took the initiative to help Xiao Moyan unwrap presents. The hand that was withdrawn after the reprimand was stretched out again quickly, laughing and quarreling with Mo Han.

"You just get used to her! When your sister comes back, she will also be reprimanded!" The Empress Dowager smiled helplessly. In terms of doting on Mo Yan, no one can compare to Mo Han, and Mo Yan is also better to her. I have to kiss my biological parents a little bit more.

"Yan'er is just a child, sister and brother-in-law don't need to be too strict with her, life is only a few decades, why bother to make her so tired?" Mo Han squatted beside Mo Yan, rubbing her little head in distress , and handed her the little sugar man wrapped in ice cubes in his hand.

The reason why Mo Han loves Mo Yan even more is because she has seen what kind of life the princess lived since she was a child, and she does not want this child to repeat the mistakes of the sister of the prince and work hard like her mother, although it is Her life, but the rest of her life is doomed to be hard work, so she should have a happier time when she was young!

"Why don't I want her to be happy for the rest of her life? But——this is her life!" The Empress Dowager laughed helplessly. This child was destined to be not an ordinary person when she was born, so how could she expect to be like other people? How about as you wish?
"This is because my brother-in-law is worrying too much. In my opinion, we are smarter than my sister. As long as we educate ourselves well in the future, we will definitely be a generation of wise kings. There is no need to force too much." Mo Han turned around and comforted with a smile.

"Hey! It seems that I came back at the wrong time? Someone here said that I am stupid?" Suddenly, the voice of the prince came with a laugh, and Mo Han immediately stood up to meet him, and he hugged the prince in a daze Live and start acting like a baby.

"Sister, you're back, Han'er misses you so much!" Mo Han pouted in his heart, as expected, he couldn't speak ill of others behind his back, so people could hear him, right?

"I think you don't miss me at all, just now you said I'm not smart!" the princess pretended to be angry.

"Why is my sister still jealous of her daughter? Sit down!" Mo Han immediately changed the court clothes for the princess, helped her to sit down, and sat beside her.

"It's good that you're fine!" The princess checked Mo Han up and down before sighing.

"Elder sister has heard about it?" Mo Han said with a nonchalant smile.

Seeing that the two of them were talking about serious business, the Empress Dowager went out to deliver the meal in person, while Mo Yan was still sticking out her little butt and messing with her bunch of gadgets!

"Well, I never thought that she dared to attack you! If you have any troubles, I will let their entire Wen family be buried with you!" The princess slapped her hands on the table fiercely and said angrily.

"By her? It can't hurt me! Sister, don't worry, but, last time I sent a letter to you, did my sister have a clue?" Mo Han grabbed the hand of the princess on the table and gently held it.

"That thing was indeed done by Lao Qi. As a princess, she dared to buy and sell people, it is really too indulgent to her!" The princess said angrily.

"She has never been a fuel-efficient person. Not only did she want to kill me, but she also moved the sixth child..." Mo Han told the story of Mo Bai's falling from the horse to the princess, who wanted to kill him immediately she.

"Unbelievable thing! Just like her unappreciated father!"

"Sister, why should you be angry with her? Now the sixth child has given up on that idea, and she is the only ant left who can't make any big waves!" Mo Han didn't take Mo Lin seriously at all.

"You just came back, don't mention her, spoil the fun!" The princess didn't want to mention Mo Lin anymore, so she talked to Mo Han about something else.

"My sister said, the reason why you urged the Queen Mother to come back is because the two aunts have come back?" Mo Han was surprised. There are many sisters in the Queen Mother, and now only King Pingnan and King Zhenbei are left alive, and the two Everyone was staying in the fief, why did they suddenly come back?

Moreover, after the prince arrived in the fief, he was not allowed to enter the capital without the emperor's order. Mo Han had never heard that the emperor would call two aunts back to the court!

"Isn't the death day of the emperor's grandmother approaching? The emperor's mother ordered the two aunts to come back to pay homage to the emperor's grandmother. By the way, let them come back to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and meet the new faces of our Mo family. The face is familiar, so that the family will not know each other when they meet in the future." The princess smiled and explained that Mo Han had never been to the court, and he was not interested in the affairs of the court, so he didn't know these things.

"This is a good thing. I'm afraid the Queen misses the two aunts very much! But, where is Lao Qi..." Mo Han was a little worried. According to Mo Lin's temperament, he might not let this opportunity go!
"There is no need to worry about this. The two aunts are the sisters of the mother emperor's father and compatriots. Back then, the mother emperor was able to successfully sit on the throne. It was with the help of the two aunts that the emperor made them take an oath when the emperor's grandfather passed away. Generation after generation You can't betray the Queen Mother, and the seventh child can't make any big waves." The princess looked at Mo Han lovingly and said, her younger sister doesn't care much about anything, but she doesn't allow others to touch her throne. I also learned to worry about nothing!

"Then Han'er has to take a good look at the two aunts. Maybe they haven't been to Beijing for many years?" Mo Han was relieved now, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the emperor's grandfather had prepared for a rainy day. He really deserved to come from the Lin family. The entrustment of the two imperial aunts is the same as that entrusted to her by the empress father.

The Lin family never competed for power, and they did a great job in educating their children. Queen Feng never competed for favor in the palace. She lived for the Empress Dowager and Mo Han all her life. She was taught to respect and love each other since she was a child. Only then did they have the deep sisterhood between them.Mo Han had to admire Queen Feng, this subtle influence was really important.She could also imagine how deeply the two princesses treated the emperor, otherwise she would be 14 years old and had never seen them before, but they didn't want to cause trouble to the emperor!

"Yes! I was only five years old when I saw them last time. If you are curious, you can go with me on the day you pick up the two aunts to Beijing!" The princess said with a smile, thinking about it carefully, she also remembered It's no longer the appearance of the two aunts.

"Okay!" Mo Han happily agreed. She really wanted to meet these two aunts. I heard that these two were heroines on the battlefield. It is thanks to her two that Qiguo's country was able to succeed. so secure.This is the real sisters, one person sits in the country, two people guard the country, the emperor's grandmother and the emperor's grandfather are so wise!

 The fourth volume is here!
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(End of this chapter)

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