The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 331 2 Wang Jinjing

Chapter 331 The Second King Enters Beijing
On August 23th, the 15rd year of Daqi, King Pingnan and King Zhenbei, who had been in the fiefdom for [-] years, came to Beijing with their families. His Royal Highness took His Highness Eighth to greet him at the gate of the city. The people on the street were also very curious. , the whole capital is very lively!

Seeing a large group of people marching into the city gate, Mo Han was very excited. She was very curious about the world far away, so she looked forward to these two aunts who had galloped on the battlefield.

"Han'er, I won't allow you to be so far away from me in the future, I only have you as my own sister, you must stay by my side!" The princess said with emotion as she watched the two teams of horses and horses approaching in the distance.

"Is my sister still going to trap me in the capital?" Mo Han said with a smile.

"If you can keep you in that way, you will be trapped for a lifetime!" After the princess said, she stared at Mo Han.The two suddenly looked at each other and smiled, and it seemed that the person was getting closer and closer to them before jumping off the horse.

"The two aunts came from afar. The Queen Mother specially sent me and the eighth emperor sister to welcome them. They have prepared a family banquet in the palace and invited the two aunts and nieces to enter the palace first." The princess stepped forward and said.

"Han'er met the two aunts!" Mo Han also bowed behind him.

"Haha... I haven't seen you for so many years, but Miss Huang is still so polite. I have to thank you two nieces and daughters..." A muscular woman jumped off the horse and said to the two of them.

"Yeah! In the blink of an eye, the princess is already so big. When we left Beijing, the princess was still a baby! This is Han'er, right? You were not born when your aunt came to Beijing last time." Now she has grown into a beautiful girl, she really has the good looks of the emperor's brother-in-law, but she is the most handsome doll in our Mo family! Haha..." Another slightly tall woman looked at Mo Han who was on the side and said .

"The two aunts are overwhelmed! The Queen Mother often mentions the two aunts in front of Han'er, and Han'er is really happy to see her today." Mo Han's young age is very good, but he won the appreciation of the two princesses.

"The two aunts are exhausted, it's really hard work! Let's go to the palace first, the emperor misses the two aunts very much!" The princess also said.

"Haha... let's go, don't keep Miss Huang waiting!" said the strong woman. She has always been bold, guarding the northern border, and dedicated her life to the people in the north. Due to the difference in climate, her skin is also slightly darker. , This is Mo Hua, the famous Zhenbei King.

And the other one who is taller and fairer is Pingnan Wang Molan. Because he has lived in the south for many years, his skin is also a little fairer.

The common people commented that the Holy Majesty is really benevolent and righteous, and he attached so much importance to the two princesses that he not only sent the princess to greet him in person, but also sent the eighth princess who is accustomed to being favored, which is enough to see how much the two princesses are in the emperor's heart. status!

"Pingnan Wang Molan pays respects to my emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Zhenbei Wang Mohua pays respects to my emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

When the two princesses entered the five gates, they took the initiative to put down their swords, and only brought their family members into the hall.As soon as he stepped through the gate, he brought everyone behind him to give a big gift to the emperor.

"Two imperial sisters, please get up quickly!" The emperor stood up from the phoenix chair, and was so excited that he came to the two of them and helped them up personally.

"Chenmei has seen Huangjie!" After the two got up, they knelt down on one knee and saluted again. If the salute just now was for the emperor, then it was for the elder sister at this time.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you Xiaoxiang book friend Weixin997f2c for the monthly pass!

  Thank you for your support!

  It's getting cold, remember to wear more clothes!
(End of this chapter)

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