Chapter 332
"The two imperial sisters, I really think about it!" The emperor's eyes were red, and he pulled the two tightly in front of him. The three of them hugged each other tightly in front of a group of juniors. Mo Fan also stretched out his hand to hold each other. Hold Mo Han's hand and watch!This is teaching by precept and deed. The two sisters will also follow the example of their predecessors, love each other and tolerate each other.

Mo Lin's little tricks did not escape the eyes of the prince, Mo Lin sneered in his heart, hehe...From the beginning to the end, the younger sister in the eyes of the prince was only Mo Han. If she became the emperor, how could they survive? Chance?What if I don't fight for it myself?
"Come, please sit down quickly." The emperor took the two of them by the hand and came to the seat. She was extremely happy today, and there were more smiles on her face, and she was no longer as moody and angry as usual.

"Thank you, Miss Huang!" The two princesses said with a smile, and after saluting like the Queen of Phoenix, they pointed to the people behind them and said, "Hurry up and pay your respects to the Queen of Phoenix, the Empress Dowager and the other princesses."

"Long live the emperor, long live the emperor, a thousand years for the queen, a thousand years for the princess, a thousand years for the princess!" After the two princesses were seated, the family members behind them knelt in the hall and walked towards the superior gift.

The Holy Majesty sat at the main seat, the Empress Feng was on her left, the Crown Prince was on the right, and Mo Han sat next to the Empress Feng. Because she was always favored, the Emperor and the Empress gave her such a special place when the banquet was held. s position.The rest of the princesses sat at the head of the two princesses, and the princes and harem servants sat at the back.

"Get up quickly, we are all a family, there is no need to be so particular, so hurry up and take your seat!" The emperor said loudly, his voice was also full of joy.

"Is Huang Jie in good health recently?" King Pingnan spoke first.

"Everything is fine! It's even better to see you all! Haha..."

"Seeing that everything is fine with the emperor, my sister is relieved!" King Zhenbei said from the side.

"These are the children of the two imperial sisters' families, right? We haven't seen each other for many years, and they are all strangers!" The emperor sighed, "This time the two imperial sisters will stay in Beijing for a longer time, so that the children can get to know each other a little bit more." Fan, after all, they are all cousins ​​of direct relatives, how can they do it if they don’t know each other?”

"But it's arranged by the emperor!" The two princesses stood up and said, the emperor's words gave them great comfort, it was telling them that she was still the elder sister who loved them and did not alienate them because they hadn't seen each other for many years.

"I think you don't know each other yet, so I'll introduce you to everyone. This is your third aunt Zhenbei Wang Mohua, and this is your Fifth Emperor aunt Pingnan Wang Molan. Come and meet the two aunts. "The emperor solemnly introduced to his children, and everyone immediately stood up and saluted.

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, ladies and princes, please be polite!" The two quickly got up and waved their hands.

"This is my daughter-in-law of the Qi Kingdom, the future ruler of the country - Mo Fan." The emperor smiled and introduced his daughter to everyone, and they saluted again.In fact, many of you here have seen Mo Fan 15 years ago, but they don't recognize him now!

"This is my youngest daughter, Mo Han. She was raised by me and Queen Feng since she was a child. She is a bit spoiled, and she is the one who enjoys it the most. In the future, if my virtuous nephews and nieces want to play somewhere, they will ask my old niece. I will accompany you, I will never wrong you!" When the emperor introduced Mo Han, his eyes could not hide his pampering and pride.

(End of this chapter)

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