The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 333 Sisters Secret Talk

Chapter 333 Sisters Secret Talk
The two princesses couldn't help but look at Mo Han a few more times. The whole world has heard that the Holy One only favors the eighth princess, and it's true!

"Our Eighth Highness is a lucky person at first glance. From then on, Qing'er, you have to go and walk around with your eighth younger sister!" Pingnan Wang pointed to a young woman behind him and smiled.

"Yes!" The woman called Mo Qing is the daughter of King Pingnan, the first daughter of King Pingnan, and King Pingnan has seen Mo Han's position in the emperor's heart. If Han is close, he will not cause trouble, and will not be misunderstood as forming a party for personal gain. The emperor's willingness to say this in public is not only to show Mo Han's favor, but also to tell them which of these imperial daughters can be close.

"This is our daughter Qing'er from Pingnan! Han'er hasn't seen her before, so quickly recognize you, Cousin Mo Qing." As soon as the emperor finished speaking, the two greeted each other.

"Wen'er, I haven't seen the Eighth Prince soon!" King Zhenbei also pointed to his daughter beside him and said, Mo Wen is the daughter of King Zhenbei, who will inherit the throne in the future. The two made friends, which meant that she only believed in the Eighth Emperor's Daughter, and to be so favored and trusted by the Emperor, it seemed that the Eighth Emperor's Daughter was by no means such a simple character as it seemed.

After everyone recognized each other, there was a burst of pleasantries, so lively!

The Three Princes' Mansion and the Five Princes' Mansion were still reserved for King Pingnan and King Zhenbei. When they heard the news that they were coming back, the Empress Dowager had already sent someone to clean them up.Because the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and we can meet again at that time, the Holy Majesty didn't keep them any longer, and let them go back to rest after dinner, and don't use it to greet them for a few days, just go to the palace to greet them after the Mid-Autumn Festival is over!

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival is much more lively than in previous years. Everyone in the palace is beaming, and the emperor is the happiest.It was rare for me to inquire about the banquet in person. I was afraid that Queen Feng would be too tired, so I sent a noble gentleman to help. After several days of busy work, I finally waited until the full moon night!
On the reunion night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, this year the emperor felt what reunion is. When daughters and grandchildren are around their knees, sisters get together, and life is considered complete!
On the eve of the dinner, the emperor sat in the royal study with the two princesses to reminisce about the old days. When they talked about the past, everyone couldn't help but sigh. Time flies, as if the sisters were still fighting side by side yesterday, and today, they are also grandmas , grandchildren and granddaughters are all grown up!

"Seeing that Sister Huang is growing old and strong now, Sister Chen is relieved! Let's say goodbye this time, I don't know when we will see you again in the future!" Pingnan Wang Mo Lan sighed, their health is getting worse, I am afraid there will be no chance in the future Back and forth again!

"It's the emperor who is sorry for you. You are not too young now, otherwise you should stay in the capital! Let the children guard the frontier for us..." The emperor wanted to keep the two of them, but he didn't want to. They continue to guard the place thousands of miles away.

"Sister Huang, how is this possible? The three of us made an oath in front of the queen mother's bed back then. Besides, with the two of us guarding the north and south, sister Huang can worry about state affairs with peace of mind!" Zhenbei Wang Mo Hua refused.

"But sister Huang can't bear to part with you!" The emperor really doesn't want to let the two younger sisters leave, but the royal rules are there, and no one can surpass them.

"People! Everyone will grow old one day, isn't it that the children are still by my side! When the three of us sisters go underground, let's reunite together after seeing the mother and the emperor!" King Zhenbei patted the emperor's face Karate.

"That's right! We sisters have finally met each other, so don't talk about those unhappy things anymore! Haha..." Seeing that the emperor was not in high spirits, King Pingnan hurriedly changed the subject, "The world is getting more and more prosperous now. Yes, the imperial sister has contributed a lot, the empress dowager is benevolent and the eighth imperial daughter is intelligent, and they will definitely make my Qi country more prosperous in the future!"

"Sister Wu Huang also thinks that my eighth brother is good?" The emperor looked at King Pingnan curiously and asked, she had only met Mo Han a few times, so did she have such an opinion?

"It's the best of my Mo family's descendants!" King Pingnan whispered in front of the two of them.

"Didn't Miss Huang have any other ideas?" King Zhenbei has always been a straightforward person. He said what he said and said what he said, and never beat around the bush. Say it, it's a joke!

"To be honest with the two imperial sisters, I once had the idea of ​​Yi Chu, but why, that child Han'er has no intention of taking the throne!" The emperor did not hide it from them, and told the two of his previous plans, hoping that they would After people knew about it, they had a calculation in their hearts. If they were not around in the future, and if something happened, they could help Mo Han one or two.

"Haha... It really fits my taste. This child is a kind-hearted person, benevolent, righteous, courteous, wise and trustworthy, gentle, courteous and thrifty. It's rare, rare!" Zhenbei Wang laughed boldly.

Others may not know it, but as a princess, she knows the twists and turns. The reason why the eighth princess refuses to take the throne is to save the lives of the prince's family. , the former princess must die!
"I'm sorry for her!" The emperor sighed and smiled helplessly.

"Sister Huang doesn't need to think that way, what is imprisoned by the throne is freedom! According to my sister, the eighth princess is a carefree person, perhaps, this is exactly what she wants!" King Pingnan comforted immediately .

"This really makes the emperor's sister sure, the child's ambition is in the mountains and rivers, not in the court!" The emperor nodded helplessly.

"Their sisters love each other, so Huang Jie should be happy!" King Pingnan continued, "However, the old seven who my sister looks at Huang Jie is ambitious!"

"Oh? Why does the imperial sister think so?" The emperor raised his eyebrows and asked, she knew that King Pingnan had never been a talkative person, so of course there was a reason for saying this!

"She has been to the Fifth Prince's Mansion..." Without King Pingnan's words, they can guess about seven or eight points.

"Hmph! I've given her too many chances for such a useless thing. A while ago, I even found a killer to assassinate the eighth child and put the blame on the sixth child. I think she is always honest, thinking that she was killed by others." I didn't expect that this rebellious woman would even take her idea to the fief!" The emperor roared angrily, the reason why she didn't punish Mo Lin was because she thought that Mo Lin did it because he suffered. Zhang Huairen's provocation, it seems that they all underestimated her!

"Sister Huang doesn't need to get angry. The succession and replacement of the throne has always been like this. Didn't the three of us go through hardships at the beginning? Born in the royal family, we can't help ourselves. Sister Huang should make plans early!" King Zhenbei comforted. .

 The author has posted the screened chapters to the group, and also shared with you some female statue articles that I personally think are more beautiful. The group number is 283787165 (one thought is like dust)
  Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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