The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 334 Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet

Chapter 334 Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet

King Pingnan also nodded. She saw that the Seventh Emperor's daughter was not a cheap lamp. The reason why she went to the Fifth Prince's Mansion to find her was because of the friendship between her lord and her father. Although she didn't say it clearly, but The meaning inside and outside the words is that if she can help her sit on the throne, the Zhennan Wang family will be recalled, and they will be enshrined forever and passed down from generation to generation.

As everyone knows, the current Emperor can also give them all the conditions that the Seventh Emperor raised, so why does she need her to be courteous?The Seventh Empress really underestimated her sisterhood with the Emperor for decades!
"You idiot, do you really think that you can do whatever you want if you kiss Zhang Huairen?" The emperor was not willing to do anything to his children, but it seems that Mo Lin is really not worry-free. No matter what action you make, don't blame yourself for not thinking about the love between mother and daughter.

"Is Zhang Huairen, an old woman, so arrogant now?" King Zhenbei slapped the handle of the seat to pieces in anger. She thought that Zhang Huairen had done so well and bullied the emperor.

"Third Emperor Sister, there is no need to be angry, she is just a pawn! I haven't put her in my eyes yet, she used my daughter, and I will not let her go lightly!" Knowing that King Zhennan has a strong temper, the emperor said He comforted me aloud.

"Your Majesty, two princesses, the empress has sent someone to invite the three of you to come over, saying that all the officials and family members have arrived!" The aunt beside the emperor said softly outside the door, and the three got up and walked towards the main hall.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live! The queen is a thousand years old!" The hall was full of people kneeling, and the Mid-Autumn Festival was already an important festival. Therefore, many people came to the banquet, including officials and family members of the Manchu Dynasty.

"Everyone's family is flat!" The emperor waved his wide sleeves, held the Queen Feng who was sitting beside him, and said loudly.

"Long live the emperor, and a thousand years for the empress!" Everyone stood up thanks to Xie En, waiting for the emperor's next words.

"Waiting for the moon to toast, call Fangzun to Lvjing. Pray for the falling stars of Huaxing, and make appointments with the floating moon of the bright moon. Tonight is the night of reunion. My two imperial sisters have traveled thousands of miles. They rushed back to the capital to be with me and all my loved ones." I am so relieved to be reunited together!" The emperor's tone was a little more joyful, and the people sitting below were all old fritters, so they understood what the emperor meant.

"Congratulations to His Highness King Zhenbei for a thousand years! Welcome His Highness King Pingnan for a thousand years!" Everyone immediately stood up and greeted the two of them.

"My lords, you are polite!" King Pingnan and King Zhenbei also stood up and clasped their fists in return.

"Today is a good day, everyone eat and drink to your heart's content, don't go home if you don't get drunk!" The emperor spoke, and everyone cheered.

The hall was full of singing and dancing, and it was lively, and everyone was chatting and drinking, and exchanged glasses.

Mo Han came to the two princesses with a wine glass. This is the hero in her mind, no, the heroine.In fact, she wanted to touch the pussies of these two aunts more, whether they looked like the general on TV.

"On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Han'er toasts the two aunts. I wish the two aunts good health and happiness!" Mo Han raised his glass and drank it. She is not a person who likes to drink, but, facing such The great general, it seems unreasonable to quit drinking the wine in the glass!

"Your Highness the Eighth Prince is bold enough! This king likes this kind of temperament. A big girl should be straightforward and neat in doing things. Don't be like that man's family!" Mo Hua, the King of Zhenbei, also drank the wine in his cup Do it, show it bold and unrestrained!
 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your recommendation tickets and red beans!

  The article has reached the fourth volume, which is about the emotional entanglements of several characters. It is estimated that it will be finished by the end of October or mid-November. Thank you for following along!
  The new article "The Flowers of the Empress Bloom on the Other Shore" is a collection of short stories about empresses, and I will meet you soon. Please support me a lot!


(End of this chapter)

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