The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 335 Meeting Ceremony

Chapter 335 Meeting Ceremony

"Good boy! She really deserves to be the daughter of my Mo family. She stands upright and doesn't care about trivial matters." King Pingnan was not far behind. Compared with Mo Lin she had met before, his affection for Mo Han deepened a lot.

"I heard that your mother has arranged a marriage for you. I don't know which son it is?" King Zhenbei hooked Mo Han's shoulder and smiled. Mo Han suited her appetite, so she didn't take him against him. Be an outsider.

"Auntie, wait a moment, Han'er will bring Zijin here to greet the two aunts!" Mo Han saw that Pingnan King was also gossiping, so he thought that Zijin would also come to meet their Qiguo heroine Hero Jie, besides, the return of the two of them to Beijing may be the last time in their lifetime!

The two saw Mo Han walking towards His Royal Highness, and pulled out a weak man from the officials behind Li Xiang. , I'm afraid it's not easy to give birth.If Mo Han knew what his two aunts were thinking at this moment, he might spit out a mouthful of old blood and faint from fright.

"Zijin of the Li family has met the two princes and daughters for thousands of years!" Zijin came forward to salute the two, with a graceful and decent manner, without the tweaking of ordinary men, but it made the two princes feel more fond of him.

"The son of Li Shan's family is well-bred! He is indeed a good match with my family's Han'er. I hope you two will be reconciled and beautiful in the future, and help my Mo family grow!" Pingnan Wang took off the jade pendant from his waist and handed it to him. He said to Zijin, "Auntie didn't prepare any gifts for you. This jade pendant has been with Auntie for many years, so it can be regarded as a wedding gift from Auntie in advance for the two of you!"

"Fifth Aunt, this gift is too expensive, we can't take it." Mo Han quickly stepped forward and refused, everyone knew that the woman usually didn't wear jewelry, the only thing she wore was the jade pendant around her waist, and that It is often handed down from the family, representing the identity of the individual!
"The so-called gift from the elders, I dare not say it. This is a congratulatory gift from your aunt to the two of you, what? Could it be that Han'er thinks this gift is shabby?" King Pingnan pretended to be angry. In fact, the reason why she gave the jade pendant to the two of you was that On the one hand, she really likes Mo Han, loves the house and Wu, and on the other hand, she also has some selfishness. When the emperor comes up and the princess succeeds to the throne, the relationship between their Pingnan Palace and the capital will be considered weak. If there is Mo Han At the very least, they can still be stable for nearly a hundred years.

"Zijin, since my aunt said so, let's take it!" The two thanked King Pingnan again, and a smile appeared on her face. For her, with this jade pendant now, their blood with the royal family will not be broken, and it can be regarded as fulfilling the purpose of this jade pendant.

"Oh! There is still a jade pendant on Wuhuangmei. This king doesn't like those things that get in the way." King Zhenbei saw that King Pingnan had given a meeting gift, but she was reluctant to give it, and was worried that he had nothing on him. After groping for a while, he finally took out a dagger inlaid with gemstones from his bosom, and immediately handed it to the two as if offering a treasure.

"This dagger was seized by me when I was 14 years old, when I went to the battlefield for the first time. It is the treasure of the Beipan royal family. It is hard to buy for a thousand dollars. I have been with me for nearly 30 years. Now, This king will give it to you, and hope that your children will also be able to defend their families and the country in the future, and protect the people of our Qi country to be safe and happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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