Chapter 336
"Han'er and Zijin thanked the third aunt for the great gift!" Mo Han did not refuse this time, but directly took Zijin to thank King Zhenbei. According to her temperament, if you dare not accept what you send out , she will still feel that you look down on her, maybe she will beat you up on the spot!

"Since Han'er and Zijin accepted the gifts from the two aunts, they should return the gift. It's just that the niece has no possessions, so only these two jade plaques are given to the two aunts. If there is Han'er who can help in the future Busy, just hold this jade token, Han'er will die!" Mo Han took out two crystal clear jade tokens from his sleeve and handed them to them.

King Zhenbei didn't know what Mo Han meant by this, but King Pingnan praised Mo Han in his heart. The eight emperors are so intelligent that they can see their own worries. This jade card is for the two of them. Guarantee!
"Then my aunt will accept it!" King Pingnan took the jade tablet, and King Zhenbei saw that his sister had kept it, and he couldn't shirk it, so he took it.

Mo Han exchanged pleasantries with the two of them again before leaving with Zijin. Zijin put away the presents from the two princesses and stared at Mo Han pitifully. Not seeing Mo Han anymore, it was rare to be able to stay with her for a while longer, he was reluctant to part with her.

Mo Han simply pulled Zijin to sit next to Queen Feng. Anyway, the relationship between the two of them was well known, and no one could say anything in the public.

At this time, there have already been official sons performing arts on the main hall. In this era, every banquet is a blind date banquet in disguise. If you want to find a better family, you must perform at the banquet. If you win the lottery, if you win the favor of the official women, someone will come to propose marriage. If you are lucky, you may even be favored by the emperor or some emperor's daughter, that is the ancestors burned high incense!

"Sister Huang! My sister's daughter doesn't have a king yet, can I take this opportunity to ask sister Huang to give me a good match?" As soon as the king of Zhenbei saw these official sons, he remembered what his husband told him when he came. In Moshi, even though he found roommates and servants for the children, he still couldn't find a suitable candidate for the monarch. After all, in terms of status alone, there was no one in the barren north who was worthy of being a daughter.

When King Pingnan heard this, he also hurriedly asked for a marriage for his daughter. This is also the most important thing for them to come back this time. Her daughter is just fine. This world's daughter is different, and she must find a good family. If you meet someone you like, you just accept him as a roommate.

Although King Pingnan and King Zhenbei have become grandmothers, after all they are the children of concubines, and they are also anxious to have a granddaughter, so that even if they die, they can close their eyes and have no regrets!
"Haha... Although the two imperial sisters are allowed to be chosen by the world's daughters, I will make decisions for you whoever has the right status!" The emperor laughed loudly, this is a reasonable thing.

"Thank you, Sister Huang!" The two thanked immediately, then turned around and said something to the elder daughter next to her, and the eyes of the second elder daughter lit up immediately.

"Zijin, what do you think of the quality of this jade bracelet?" The queen of the phoenix took out a small wooden box and showed it to Zijin as if offering a treasure. Inside was a green and transparent jade bracelet.

"The queen's things are naturally excellent!" Zijin pursed her lips and smiled.

"It's fine if you think it's good. Come on, put it on. This is a Mid-Autumn Festival gift from the palace." Fenghou looked at Zijin lovingly, and put the bracelet on Zijin with her own hands.

"Your Majesty, absolutely not, this gift is too expensive, Zijin can't bear it." Zijin said with some surprise, Queen Feng treated him really well, he was really flattered.

"Zijin, since it was given to you by your father, you can accept it, don't refuse." Mo Han took Zijin's hand back, and thanked Queen Feng with a playful smile.

"Here, this is for you!" Empress Feng dotingly handed a small box to Mo Han, and said angrily.

"Yo! The father still has a child in his heart? The child thought that the father only wanted a son-in-law and no daughter!" Mo Han happily took the box and opened it.After taking a look, Mo Han immediately covered the box with bright eyes, "The one who knows me is also the queen father! My son thanked the queen father!"

Empress Feng glanced at Mo Han, but didn't say a word. What he prepared for Mo Han was a box of bank notes. Although Empress Feng didn't know what her daughter was doing, he knew that Mo Han was always short of money. Simply give her something real.

"Today, King Pingnan and King Zhenbei brought their two elder daughters back to the capital. There is another important thing to do, which is to find the elder daughter-in-law. Now all the princes of the official family are also in this palace, so I will Be a master for the two nieces, and today, any son who falls into the eyes of the two daughters of the world, I will give him the title of princess, and give him a marriage to the daughter of the world to be the righteous king." As soon as the emperor finished speaking, the atmosphere immediately boiled up.

Although the Pingnan Prince's Mansion and Zhenbei Prince's Mansion are far away from the capital, they are still relatives of the emperor. Now that several emperors and daughters have Zhengjun, if they look for wives, the highest status is the daughter of the world. If a woman is a righteous monarch, then she is a female monarch, and she has the status of a princess appointed by the emperor. Even if some people feel reluctant to give up, even the most favored son in the family can't match this seductive power. !
Zhang Huairen immediately looked at the censor Zhang Changming, and now among the officials with some status under her, only Zhang Changming's family has a son of the right age, so he signaled her to come forward to ask for an order, Zhang Changming understood, and immediately stood up.

"Qi Zou Sheng, the dog Zhang Yue'er is willing to play a song for everyone to cheer up." As soon as Zhang Changming finished speaking, Zhang Yue'er looked over in disbelief. How could her mother let herself go out to steal the limelight?She had clearly agreed to her marriage with the seventh emperor, how could she let him grab the seat of that empress?
Zhang Yue'er saw that Zhang Changming didn't look at him, so she looked at Mo Lin for help. Mo Lin obviously promised to marry him as the side king, but the woman who was whispering sweet words in her ear at the time didn't even look at her. Glancing at him, he only cared about talking to the Seventh King beside him, as if his affairs had nothing to do with her.

What a smart man Zhang Yueer is, only now did he realize that he was nothing in that person's heart, but just a tool she used!Now that she has used herself, she has made her mother play the princess many times, and even accused the sixth emperor's daughter of many crimes. Now that she has returned with the beauty, she is no longer worth using!Ha ha... This is the tragedy of men!

Zhang Yue'er collected her thoughts, got up slowly, walked to the top of the main hall, and bowed to the crowd. She was light and unbearable to hold, and sat down beside the piano. Mo Wen's heart was moved when she saw that this young master in the capital was really better than Mo Bei. Her frailty makes people want to be protected.

(End of this chapter)

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