The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 342 You Are The Only One

Chapter 342 You are the only one
"Your Highness said so!" Mo Qing smiled awkwardly, how could she not hear the implication in Mo Han's words?Mo Han just wanted to tell her that since she has a worldly queen, she should stop making other people's ideas.Is your intention so obvious?
"Mo Han, can you take me back to the prime minister's mansion first?" Zi Jin suddenly pulled Mo Han by the hem of his clothes and said, his expression still a little anxious.

"What's wrong?" Mo Han thought he was not feeling well, so he asked anxiously.

"I've been out for two or three hours, and I haven't fed the little rabbit yet!" Zijin was in a hurry, he was having fun by himself and forgot about his precious rabbit.

"Hehe... I thought it was such a big deal! There are so many servants in the family, will your rabbit be hungry?" Mo Han helplessly rubbed Zijin's little head and smiled.

"No, the little rabbits are just growing up. I have to take care of them myself. You can send me back!" Zijin wanted to go back desperately, but Mo Han could only follow him.

"Cousin, let's take our leave first!" Mo Han cupped his fists at Mo Qing, and left with Zijin.

"Your Highness, go slowly!" Mo Qing looked at the backs of the two walking away, and did not recover for a long time.

The hard work is the most pity for the sky and the moon, the past is like a ring, and the past and the past are like a ring.

Mo Han sent someone to say hello to the Holy Lord and Queen Feng, and then to Li Zhengjun, then took Zijin back to the Prime Minister's Mansion, seeing that Zijin looked weak and weak on weekdays, but After seeing the rabbit, he ran no slower than the rabbit, Mo Han couldn't help laughing, he was always so concerned about what he was thinking about.

Mo Han sat casually on the soft couch, and there were half-embroidered boots in the bamboo basket next to him. There were a few lifelike bamboos on the white surface, which looked very clean.

"Zi Jin, don't do these things that hurt your eyes in the future. It's a laborious effort. My shoes, socks and clothes are delivered on time from the palace!" Mo Han casually leaned on the soft pillow and said.

Zijin tidied up the little rabbit, clapped his hands and stood up and said, "How can it be the same? They did it for His Highness the Eighth Highness, so I dare not make any difference. But I did it for the person I like. It was done with care."

"It turns out that Zijin can also talk about love!" Mo Han pulled Zijin's arm funny and sat beside him.

"I... I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart." Zijin said a little awkwardly, "Don't you like the clothes I made for you?"

"Of course I like it, but I don't want you to work so hard." Mo Han turned Zijin's body and said, the relationship between the two seemed to be back when they were in Liu's Mansion in the south of the Yangtze River, and Zijin felt that she was staring at her. It was so hot that I didn't dare to raise my head.

"I'm willing to do this for you, I want to give you the best!" Zijin murmured with her head lowered.

"Fool, you are already the best, and you don't need anything else!" The two of them didn't know who approached the other first, but just their foreheads touching, the room was full of sweetness.

"Mo Han, I really really like you, not because of your status, nor because of your talent and appearance, I only like Mo Han!" Zi Jin opened her big eyes and stared at Mo Han nose, courageously said.

"I know, it's because you are Zijin like this that I'm willing to be with you!" Mo Han felt her beating heart, she was actually confessed!Zijin would also show that he liked her from time to time, but this was the first time he had confessed his love so seriously.

However, she didn't say that word of liking in the end. Before she was sure whether the relationship with Zijin was love, she didn't dare to speak. She was afraid that once she spoke, she would never be able to turn back.In her previous life, she had seen those friends hurt because of love. This is the most painful thing in this world. She didn't dare to touch it, and she didn't want to touch it!
"Then do you like me?" Zijin was a little disappointed that he didn't hear the answer he wanted to hear. He leaned his head on her shoulder and asked after taking a deep breath.

"I... I don't know..." Mo Han just raised his hand to appease Zijin, then put it down quietly, clenched into a fist, she didn't want to lie to him.She didn't want herself to live that kind of life where "the laughter gradually fades away, the affectionate is ruthlessly annoyed, and tonight is still as long as last night.".

" you have someone else in your heart?" Zijin asked with her eyes closed, holding her sleeve tightly. He was afraid that she would leave. Could it be that she was kind to him not because she liked him, but because Responsibility?Saying these words seemed to have exhausted all his strength. If she nodded, he would no longer have the courage to live!

Seeing the little man's trembling body, tight lips, and pale face, Mo Han suddenly became frightened. She was not willing to see him so sad, nor did she want to see such a lifeless Zijin. If she was hurt in love, she would not be willing to hurt him!As Mo Han thought about it, he also hurriedly tightened his arms around him a little more.

That's all!If there is no redemption, and she admits it, it's better than seeing him in pain!
"Zijin, I don't want to lie to you. I've never liked a man before, and I don't know what it's like to like someone. But, I do know that I don't want to see you cry, and I don't want to let you suffer. Spoiling and protecting you like this, I want to satisfy every wish of yours, so that you only have me in your eyes, and you don’t even want other women to look at you more. If this is considered as liking, then——I really am I really like you!" Mo Han stretched out his hand to caress Shang Zijin's little face, and she knew that he must be crying again.Every time he met her, he always cried so much, he was not at all like the strong Zi Jin when they first met.

"Mo Han, you idiot! You scoundrel!" Hearing her clumsy confession, Zijin burst into tears again, clenched his fist and hit her on the shoulder, he was afraid that she would speak her heart just now. It has been given to others, and there is no room for him anymore.He was afraid that he would never be able to get close to her again.This feeling of drifting between the sky and the earth really almost killed him.

"Yes, I'm stupid, I shouldn't make you cry, I should tell you loudly, I like you! There are thousands of men in this world, and I only like Zijin!" Mo Han wrapped his soft fist into his own. hand.That's all!Since they like each other, it's up to each other to show their feelings. She is not as free and easy as Zijin.

"I'm so scared, I'm so afraid that even if my heart is like red iron, it won't be able to melt your thousand feet of ice!" He waited for four years, and finally got her love, Mo Han, do you know how much I like you? !
Love is impermanent like wind and snow, but it will die when it moves!Fengyue enters my lovesickness bureau, how can lovesickness fail to agree.

 The new article "The Flower of the Lady Blooms on the Other Shore" has been published, and book lovers can add it to the bookshelf collection first. Once this book is finished, we will start updating the article!thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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