Chapter 343 Waiting for Kazuki to Bloom
"A man like Zijin who is 'in the color of brocade clothes, snow and jade, looking back and smiling at the world', which woman can escape from your palm?" Mo Han didn't care too much, and started to wipe Zijin with his sleeves When she burst into tears, the child cried when she was sad, and when she was happy, how did she become a crybaby?
"Such a beloved man often breaks up with each other, and I'm afraid that he will think about evil in his dreams." Zi Jin looked into the depths of Mo Han's eyes, there really was his shadow there!
"Since I promise to favor one person, I would like to be generous for the rest of my life." Mo Han made a promise to someone for the first time.For some reason, when facing Zijin, she always felt ashamed in her heart. She wanted to escape and get close at the same time. She didn't dare to promise easily, for fear of missing him, and even more afraid of hurting him!As everyone knows, the bond between the two in the previous life was precisely because of that unfulfilled promise!

I don't know who is the first to say no to whom, or maybe the love is so strong that I can't help myself!

Congratulations to you like warm spring flowers blooming, white pears in front of the door, warm tea and cool books.

"Hmm..." Zijin groaned and fell into Mo Han's arms. This time it was more real than when she was drunk. She said that she liked him, but only him. Zijin still felt like In a dream, afraid to wake up.

"Do you like it?" Mo Han's voice sounded from next to his ears, and Zijin's ears suddenly turned red, and then he never dared to look at her again.

Waiting for a tree to bloom, looking forward to your return when the leaves fall.

Zijin's waiting finally came to fruition, and now the person he likes the most has finally arrived...

Ever since the two expressed their feelings, they have entered the period of passionate love. Zijin wished to stay with Mo Han for twelve hours a day. Now that he went to the Eight Princes Mansion to look for Mo Han, Mo Han would no longer avoid him. Jin began to live a life of leaving early and returning late.

Li Zhengjun was gratified that his son was finally able to watch the clouds and see the moon, and waited for his love.He was also sad that he hadn't been close to his son for a few days, but he couldn't see anyone all day long, and he ran to the Eight Princes' Mansion all day long.As soon as the cabbage in my house grew leaves, I stretched my arms and let the "pig" voluntarily push it... Pig?Hmm... His Highness the Eighth Prince should be regarded as a phoenix, not a pig...

On this day, Mo Han received an imperial decree to accompany King Pingnan and King Zhenbei to go outside the city, so he asked someone to send a message to Zijin, telling him not to go to the palace and wait in vain today.

"My lord, you are so absent-minded just because you haven't seen His Highness for a day, what should you do?" San Yue held her chin with a smile, and watched Zi Jin's embroidered handkerchief being unstitched again, all absent-minded How many times have you embroidered wrongly!
"You kid, you actually made fun of me too!" Zijin cast a reproachful glance at Sanyue, then picked up the scissors and cut off the silk thread, but the red ears still betrayed him.

"San Yue dares to make fun of Young Master, Young Master treats His Royal Highness with deep affection and righteousness, and it is right to be treated so tenderly by His Highness. San Yue is happy for Young Master!" San Yue immediately said flatteringly, his Young Master is thin-skinned , He didn't dare to joke too much.

"She is very good!" Zijin pursed her lips and said, her face was full of pink, this is the power of love!

"That's not true! In the eyes of the young master, there is no one better than His Highness in this world!" Sanyue laughed and helped Zijin straighten the silk thread on the side. He was able to meet the young master and His Highness. The luckiest thing in my life!

"Sanyue, go and get some more white silk I made for Mo Han's shirt." Zijin said, picking up the embroidery in the bamboo basket.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
  Opening of the new book "The Flower of the Empress Blooms to the Other Shore"

  Please take care of me!
(End of this chapter)

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