The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 349 The Treasure in Your Hand

Chapter 349 The Treasure in Your Hand

Several people responded quickly, but they also knew in their hearts that this was just a rhetoric, who would drive the husband into the red building as a joke?However, no one will say this.

Mo Lin hugged Zhang Ze and went straight to the backyard and went directly to his own yard. He put Zhang Ze on the bed and checked him up and down before he felt relieved. At this time, she started to get scared. Fortunately, nothing happened. Mo Han, Mo Han, How capable are you?To be able to be so ignorant without feeling that someone has changed under my nose...

Fortunately, Zhang Ze didn't know about it. As long as Mo Lin concealed the matter, it wouldn't cause Zhang Ze any trouble.Although she is ruthless to her sisters, she loves Zhang Ze very much. Zhang Ze has been her treasure since she was a child. I'm afraid of losing it in my hand. Is God punishing her for letting him suffer such a catastrophe today?

"Hmm... I... What's wrong with me?" Zhang Ze frowned and asked.

"Ze'er, what's wrong?" Mo Lin sat on the edge of the bed with a glass of water, helped Zhang Ze up, and asked nervously.

"Dizziness, what's wrong with me? Where is this place?" Zhang Ze slowly opened his eyes and noticed the strange environment he was in.

"It's okay, a bandit entered the mansion earlier, took you captive, and was rescued by the guards, this is where we temporarily stayed, don't be afraid, come, drink the water..." Mo Lin explained softly beside him .

Zhang Ze took the water glass and didn't ask any more questions. He knew what Mo Lin was doing, and his own danger was probably related to her party disputes. He didn't want to take care of it, and he couldn't do it.

"Ze'er, I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well. I will never let you suffer any more harm in the future. I will give you the best in this world!" Mo Lin held Zhang Ze's hand affectionately Said.

"You know, I don't care about those." Zhang Ze took a sip of his saliva and said, "I don't agree with what you and your mother are doing, but if you like it, you can do it. As for these dangers, as long as you If you don't stop, the people around you won't be able to hide!"

"Ze'er, I just want you and my father to have a better life in the future. I don't want you to be entrusted to others and be overwhelmed everywhere. When I succeed in my career, you will be the most honorable man in the world, Ze'er. Son, you have to believe me, in this world - I only like you!" Mo Lin said affectionately.

"I don't want those illusory things. Compared with these, isn't it better to live well?" Zhang Ze said in a low voice. He knew that it didn't matter if she said these things. His mother's ambition was too great, and he might not be able to accept it. Living!

"Ze'er, my Ze'er...I will definitely treat you well, live well, and accompany you—go on!" Mo Lin hugged the little person on the bed. would put him in danger.

Mo Lin, how dare you touch my Ze'er, I am at odds with you...

The so-called "Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself." At this moment, Mo Lin completely forgot that it was she who touched someone else's man first, and then caused trouble to her upper body.


Zijin here has already woken up, and she is pouting and nestling in Mo Han's arms, watching her lightly apply medicine to her wrist, all of which are covered with red marks from being strangled by those gangsters, Mo Han Han distressedly blew and blew on Na Lehen, scolding Mo Lin from top to bottom in his heart.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

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(End of this chapter)

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