Chapter 350 Coquetry
"Does it still hurt?" Mo Han asked softly.

"Hmm..." Zijin nodded slightly. He really enjoyed the feeling of being pampered by her, but it didn't hurt that much at all.

"I'll be living in the palace for a few days. I'll send you back after your mother tidies up the guards in Li's residence..." Mo Han said looking into Zijin's eyes.

"Okay!" Zijin replied happily. He wished he could live here forever and never be separated from her again. He didn't care about his fame or not, as long as he was with her, he would be fine!

"Are you scared today?" Mo Han nodded his head funnyly and asked.

"Hmm..." Zijin nodded, then suddenly shook her head again, "I'm afraid...but, I know, you will definitely come to save me!"

"Yes! No matter where you are, I will find you. Zijin, I will definitely protect you from now on." Mo Han wrapped his arms around Zijin, put his chin on the top of his head, and murmured.

"Mo Han, I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid I'll never see you again..." Zijin hugged Mo Han's arm and said softly, he couldn't live without her in this life!

"Fool..." Mo Han squeezed his little face distressedly, and patted the little hair on the top of his head by the way, and Zi Jin nestled into Mo Han's arms again.

"Mo Han, I'm thirsty..." Zijin said coquettishly.

"I'll get you some water." Mo Han let go of Zijin and said dotingly.It's rare to see him act like a baby, and Mo Han thinks it's very cute.

Mo Han handed the water glass to Zijin, but Zijin just looked up at her without reaching out.Mo Han pursed his lips and smiled helplessly, and handed the water glass to Zijin's lips with his own hands, and Zijin began to drink happily.

"Mo Han, I want to eat oranges..." Zijin turned over and murmured.

"Okay, I'll peel it for you!" Mo Han picked up an orange and peeled it.

"Mo Han, you are so kind to me!" Zijin slowly moved his head to Mo Hanyue's back, pulled her sleeve and said happily.

"Then you said that you little brownie sticks to me, and if I'm not nice to you, who else can I be nice to?" Mo Han pretended to be extremely reluctant and sighed.

"You...would you hate me for being so unreasonable?" Zijin suddenly twisted Mo Han's sleeve nervously and asked, would she think he was unruly when he was so aggressive?However, he wanted her to spoil her, and to spoil her a little more...

"No, I like Zijin who is free in front of me now, just be yourself!" Mo Han broke the orange into petals, and then sent a petal to Zijin's mouth, with a sweet taste Instantly filled the whole room, and sweetened into Zijin's heart.

"Really?" Zijin's eyes lit up immediately, did she mean that she was willing to spoil him?
"It's more real than pearls... Come on, eat another one..." In fact, she prefers this little man who dares to act coquettish to her and occasionally cheats on her now compared to the well-educated Zijin. It is he who is loved.

"You eat too..." Zijin picked up a piece of orange and wanted to send it to Mo Han's mouth, but Mo Han held his hand.

"I'll try the one here, will it be sweeter..." He said, covering the little cherry.

Mo Han, if Zijin treats you like this in this life, even death is worth it!

Zijin felt that the gods treated him very well in this life. He could meet Mo Han in the great world. It just happened to be her, so everything was worth it!

(End of this chapter)

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