Chapter 351 Apologize
After Mu Xi hurriedly chased after Mo Han, he was relieved when he learned that Zijin was fine.Knowing that Zijin was frightened, she didn't bother, she just sat in the lobby for a while, then said goodbye and left.

Lin Shuang accompanied King Pingnan and King Zhenbei for a day as the daughter of the Lin family and the companion of His Highness the Eighth Prince. Although she was concerned about the affairs of Mo Han, she could not leave again. It was only when she got the news there that she calmed her heart that had been on her all day.

The matter of Mo Han leaving King Pingnan and King Zhenbei to go back to Beijing privately without any reason, was stabbed to the Holy Spirit by someone with a heart. The Holy Lord didn't mention how to deal with Mo Han, but just curled his lips indifferently, but King Zhenbei gave a loud voice. Out, so scared that everyone dare not mention this matter again.

"My mother has hands and feet, so she can walk by herself. His Highness the Eighth Highness is just leading the way there. Who can't have an urgent matter? I hate you people who are full and have nothing to do all day. Grab Just a little bit of trifles is endless, like a man." King Zhenbei was anxious, and even the "old lady" on the battlefield jumped out, but King Pingnan couldn't help laughing .

"Sister Sanhuang said that our sisters also grew up in the capital since they were young. They are not blind, so they can't recognize the way. Besides, isn't there Miss Lin who has been with her all the time? Han'er left beforehand. This king and Sister Sanhuang also agreed, so what else do you have to say?" Pingnan Wang waved his hands indifferently and said, what she dislikes the most are the civil servants in Beijing, who spend all day making sesame seeds and mung beans Small things are said to be bigger than watermelons, and it is still her fiefdom.

"The two imperial sisters feel sorry for Han'er. I understand it. It's just that Han'er, as a niece and daughter, failed to entertain his own aunt well. It's really shameful and he should be punished!" The emperor said with narrowed eyes. The pale face of the queen's scolding made her look a little better. King Zhenbei wanted to say something, but was stopped by King Pingnan. Thinking about it, the Holy Majesty has his own calculations.

"Since the two imperial sisters came from afar, they must have not tasted some of the new dishes in Beijing, so Han'er invited the two imperial sisters and their family members to her palace to make amends for the two imperial sisters. Prepare some special food, we Han’er—that’s the most enjoyable! Haha…” The emperor laughed and said, she is the person who knows the temperament of these two sisters best, so instead of saying something high-sounding, it’s better to invite They feel at ease after a big meal.

What's more, the construction of the Eight Princes' Mansion was done with great effort, and the money was not less. Letting relatives who came from afar to visit the Eight Princes' Mansion will not look shabby, but also allow Mo Han to make up for the mistakes he made yesterday, the best of both worlds .In fact, it's not that the Holy Majesty deliberately sided with Mo Han, but she also heard about the kidnapping of Mr. Li's family. It was a great achievement for Mo Han to rescue him. She couldn't bring this matter up to the public. what!
"Then I will accept such an apology, haha..." Pingnan Wang and Zhenbei Wang immediately smiled and said, they have also seen how Mo Han lives, so they will not only enjoy it?I'm afraid the king of heaven is not as comfortable as her!
"The princess is going to help your younger sister. She is usually lazy, and I have to rely on you to give me more guidance..." The emperor obviously wants to give the princess two days off!She took everyone to the summer resort to stay for a few months before, and it was hard work for the prince to stay in the country alone.Now I just took the opportunity to let her rest for two days.

"Yes! My child obeys!" Her Royal Highness did not know the emperor's intentions, but she would do as long as it was the emperor's words, not to mention helping her favorite sister, she was very happy.

Mo Lin's fingers were clenched "squeaking", so that Lao Ba could not be taught a lesson. It seems that the empress dotes on her in a normal way!Now not only the queen mother is leaning toward her, but even the two aunts are leaning toward her, what is so good about Mo Han?Why are there so many people willing to pamper her?
In fact, what she didn't know was that this matter wasn't that the emperor favored Mo Han deliberately, but was giving her a chance. How could she hide from the emperor's eyes that she wanted to make a fuss about Li Zijin?
Zhang Huairen saw that Mo Lin was angry, and immediately signaled her to restrain her emotions. This matter should not be rushed. They originally played a good hand, but because of Zhang Ze's replacement, they suffered a disaster. Stealing chickens will not lose money, and they will make plans in the future When doing this, you should also consider comprehensiveness, and you can't make such a stupid mistake again.

Mo Bai sneered in her heart, although she didn't know what Mo Lin did secretly, but since Zhang Ze appeared in Chunfeng Tower yesterday, and Mo Han hurriedly left the two aunts and left, she can guess one, two, three. , I'm afraid that something happened to Mo Lin to hurt Mo Han, but in the end, Mo Han defeated him.

This old seven looks smart, but he is actually an idiot. He has clashed with the eighth so many times, but he never took advantage of it once. Could it be that he still can't find out how powerful Mo Han is?You have to be slapped in the face to find out that you are beyond your control!

In fact, how can Mo Bai not understand that Mo Lin also has a lot of involuntary things, just like himself back then, Zhang Huairen not only wants to control the power of his relatives, she probably wants to turn their Mo family's world into her Zhang family's right? ?Pooh!Overreaching!Daydreaming!

One is an aunt and the other is his own mother. Mo Bai feels closer to the emperor in his heart. Her surname is Mo. Now Lao Qi, an idiot, is being used by others without knowing it. He is complacent in front of her all day long. I don't even know how I died in the future!
When Mo Han received the imperial decree to entertain the two princesses and their families in the Eight Princes' Mansion, he couldn't help but frowned. There were too many people.

But it was indeed her own fault that day, leaving behind the two elders who came from afar and left in a hurry. Now it is right for her to use this method to make amends. Mo Han feels that he should prepare well, after all, the two aunts treated her well. Both are excellent too!

Zijin happily followed behind Mo Han, helping out and enjoying himself.After Li Zichen and Li Zijun got the news, they went to visit him in the Eight Princes' Mansion, and they were relieved when they saw that he was fine. Li Zichen hurried home to report to Li Xiang and Li Zhengjun, and Li Zijun also stayed cheeky. Now The princess was arranged to help in the Eighth Prince's Mansion, it was very convenient for her to stay here, and by the way, she could watch that the Eighth Prince's daughter did not want to take advantage of her younger brother.

There were also dozens of family members brought by King Pingnan and King Zhenbei. Mo Han didn't plan to bring so many people to the hall to entertain them. Not to mention the crowding, he seemed cautious. The weather was not too hot, so he decided to put the meal on display. When we went to the back garden, since we were not sure about the tastes of the crowd, we directly moved all the cooks there and had a buffet!
 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

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