The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 356 Protecting Those Who Care

Chapter 356 Protecting Those Who Care
"Your Highness, this kid's martial arts skills are the best among these people. If you want to find a male guard, I'm afraid there is no one more suitable than Nian'er!" Commander Ji said beside him.

"Forget it! Since you are destined to be with this hall, then it must be you!" Mo Han nodded with a smile. With the relationship between them before, he must pay more attention to Zijin.

"Thank you, Your Highness! This subordinate will definitely keep His Highness safe!" Memorial said excitedly, he finally had the opportunity to be by her side, and finally had the opportunity to repay her life-saving grace...

Mo Han waved his hand first, and asked Commander Ji to take the rest of the men back, leaving only one to commemorate, and then said softly: "This hall is not looking for you to protect this hall, but to ask you to protect another person. A man whom our hall cares about very much..."

"Yes!" Memorial clenched his fists in his sleeves and replied. He practiced martial arts all these years and strengthened himself so that she could see him one day. Now she can rest assured that she will hand over the man she cares most to him, and he will No matter how desperate he is, he will protect that person well.

In fact, Memorial is envious in his heart. I don't know how lucky he is to be taken care of by such a good woman as His Highness the Eighth Prince. I'm afraid he is also a fairy-like figure!
Mo Han went out of the palace directly with the commemoration, and walked towards the Eight Princes' Mansion, Wen Xin and Nuan Feng stared curiously at the man behind Mo Han, what is the master leading a man back to the mansion for?If Master Zijin's jealous temper is seen, it will be enough for their master to suffer!
The two were gloating at the side, but they didn't know that when Zijin saw this man, not only did he not make any noise, but he was also very happy.

"Jiji, you will follow Zijin in the future, just keep him safe, and you don't have to worry about other things." Mo Han took Zijin's hand, came to Jiuji and said.

"Yes! Commemorative, I have met you!" Immediately, Commemorative knelt down and saluted Zijin. In the future, this beautiful and delicate young master will be his master!

"Get up quickly, I don't have so many rules here, you just need to be more comfortable." Zijin said with some embarrassment as he lifted up Memorial, he really admired this kind of martial arts man.

"San Yue, you first take Memorial to familiarize yourself with the environment, and I will leave the diet and daily life of Memorial to you in the future!" Mo Han ordered to the nervous March behind Zijin.

"Yes!" Hearing what Mo Han said in Sanyue, she finally let go of her heart. It turns out that he is still useful. If this is the case, His Highness won't let him leave the young master, right?Thinking of this, Sanyue couldn't help but smile a little more on her face, and she was a little embarrassed to see the memory.

"Zijin, are you satisfied with the commemoration?" Seeing the two walking away, Mo Han asked Zijin while pulling him.

"The person you are looking for is very good!" Zijin nodded with a smile and said, she can plan for him so far, what else can he say?
"It's good that you are satisfied. This child met me once when I was young. He is the adopted son of Commander Miyazato Ji, and he is a trustworthy person!" Mo Han said while holding Zijin's cold little hand. It's not winter yet. The child's hands are so cold, what should I do in winter?

"En!" Zijin nodded obediently, letting her hold on to his hand.

"Did you hug the piece of jade that I gave you when you sleep?" Mo Han suddenly asked, she didn't seem to bring it with her when she saw Zijin came to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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