The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 357 2 Wang Lijing

Chapter 357
"I... I put it away carefully..." Zijin said hesitantly, he was not willing to use the things she gave him, but just locked them in the cabinet, and took them out to have a look when he missed her.

"Why not?" Mo Han's tone was a little displeased, but Zijin couldn't hear it.

"I...I don't want to..." Zijin lowered her head, clasped her fingers helplessly and murmured, she seemed to be angry.

"What do you want me to say about you?" Mo Han finally didn't have the heart to say something serious to him, "That thing is for you to use, wouldn't it be a waste of my efforts to put it away?"

"Don't be angry, I will hold it every night in the future, and I will never lock it up again..." Zijin was afraid that Mo Han would annoy him, so she hurriedly stepped forward and said that her relationship with herself was finally close After a few points, don't be unfamiliar with these anymore!

"Where am I willing to be angry with you? I'm angry with myself. If I treat you better and give you more gifts, why would you be so reluctant!" Mo Han caressed his chest like a waterfall with distress Thinking that he usually only has a white jade hairpin that he gave him in his hair, he couldn't help but feel extremely guilty.It was she who didn't appreciate his affection and responded so late that made him worry about gains and losses.

"No! To have you treat each other like this, Zijin will die without any regrets!" Now Zijin seems to be soaked in a honey pot all day long, and he is content with what else he wants.

"Fool..." Mo Han hugged Zijin's body with one hand, tapped his forehead with the other, and smiled.

Wen Xin and Nuan Feng followed behind San Yue, secretly looking at the man in black. This thin man is actually a martial arts master?The two looked at each other, the corners of their mouths curled up, and suddenly they flew forward, Wen Xin stretched out his right arm to attack Memorial's right shoulder, Memorial pulled Sanyue away with one hand, and waved it out with the other, entangled with Wen Xin...

Nuan Feng's outstretched hand hadn't touched Memorial yet, and she was frightened back by March's eyes. Two women bullied a weak man, and she couldn't do such a thing. She touched her nose and stood awkwardly. Next to March, looking at the two people who were fighting evenly.

"Sneak attack from behind, I'm not afraid of losing His Highness's face! Hmph!" San Yue snorted against the warm wind, disdainful.

"Well... that... no. We just want to try his martial arts, to see if he can protect Mr. Zijin well... Hehe..." Nuan Feng scratched the back of his head shyly and said with a smirk.

"Humph..." Sanyue snorted softly. If the two of them fought to commemorate one, he would hurt her. Now that Wen Xin is the only one competing with Commemoration, it's hard for him to say anything...

"Acceptance!" In the end, Wen Xin's martial arts were higher, after all, she was Mo Han's personal bodyguard for so many years.

"Jiangsu is willing to bow down!" Jiujiu clasped his fists at Wenxin. He knew that the guards around the eighth emperor's daughter had such high martial arts skills, so he was relieved. In the future, he will just protect the son!
"Young Master Memorial is already the best among men. With you by your side, Your Highness can feel at ease. If you need anything in the future, just come to our sisters!" Warm and light smile, the four of them Then we went to the room prepared by the butler for the commemoration, helped tidy up, and chatted by the way.

Mo Han ordered the housekeeper to set up a simple meal in his yard, and to catch the wind for the memorial, which was considered a concern of hers.


Qingshan Hengbei Guo, Baishui around the east city.

Say goodbye in here, then fight in the lonely and long way.

Fuyun wandering, the old love of the setting sun.

Waving his hand, Xiao Xiao Ban Ma Ming.

——Li Bai, "Send a Friend"

At the end of September, King Pingnan and King Zhenbei proposed many times to return to their fiefdoms. The saints were very reluctant to give up, and they tried to persuade them to stay, but they were still going to leave after all. How could they keep them?
However, the two of them have made up their minds, if they don't leave at this time, it will be difficult to leave after a while when the road will snow.They would absolutely never agree to the emperor's request to stay in the capital for the elderly. The oath they made before the former emperor's bed is still vivid in his memory, so how could the two of them violate it...

On this day, all the queens and ministers in the capital came to the gate of the palace, and the Holy Majesty personally saw the two princesses off, and all the officials bid farewell, which can be described as a grand occasion.

"Two imperial sisters, be careful all the way!" The emperor held the hands of King Pingnan and King Zhenbei, reluctantly exhorting.Now that they are old, seeing each other in the future may be harder than going to heaven.

"Miss Huang, take care of yourself!" King Pingnan and King Zhenbei also said with red eyes.

"The three of us sisters have gone through this farewell. I don't know when we will see each other. The emperor really misses you!" The emperor's tone was full of sobs, and he was afraid that the three of them would never see each other again after this farewell. it's day...

The three sisters were doomed from the day they were born. One stayed in the capital to guard Qiguo, one went south and the other went north.

"We were born in the royal family, and we can't help ourselves. For the sake of the people of the world, for the sake of the common people, let's give up my little family and guard everyone!" King Pingnan comforted the emperor while holding the emperor's hand tightly.

"Sister Huang, don't worry. Now that the country is prosperous and the people are peaceful, after a hundred years, we will have no regrets when we see the Queen Mother. At that time, our sisters will drink another hundred cups to reminisce about the past, and we will never return if we are not drunk!" King Zhenbei also said. Said.

"Congratulations to the two princes and daughters for a safe journey!" Baiguan also said in unison behind them.

"Thank you, my lords, I will leave Qiguo and Huangjie to you!" The two princesses clasped their fists at the crowd and said in a deep tone.

"Congratulations to the two aunts for a safe journey!" Several imperial daughters also stood behind the emperor and said with fists clasped.

"Good boy! I hope you will work hard and assist your queen mother and granddaughter to help Qiguo become more prosperous!" King Pingnan patted the shoulder of the queen, and whispered to the juniors beside him.

"Yes!" several princesses responded in a low voice.

There was nothing unusual about Mo Lin standing in the crowd with her head bowed, but she understood that King Pingnan probably said this to her, which made her die of fighting for the heir, so she could help the princess well. The fact that he found her was made public was to give her some face and a chance, so Mo Lin didn't dare to mess around.

King Zhenbei grabbed Mo Han's hand and shook it tightly, but he didn't say anything, a thousand words were spoken in silence!
"Aunt Huang, take care!" Mo Han said while holding back.

"Farewell!" King Pingnan stepped on his horse first, said his farewell to the back, and left without looking back.

"Drive!" King Zhenbei also followed closely behind, so reluctant to let go when will he be able to leave, so he simply drove away.

Mo Han stared at the backs of the two leaving for a long time, filled with emotion in his heart, if he was 20 years later, would he be as chic and unruly as them?
"Han'er, go back!" Her Royal Highness walked up to Mo Han, patted her on the shoulder and said.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
  I'm sorry, because of some things, today's article is late!

(End of this chapter)

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