Chapter 358
From autumn to winter, Zijin lived in the Eight Princes' Mansion until the twelfth lunar month. Li Zhengjun ordered Li Zichen and Li Zijun's sisters to come and bring Zijin home many times, but Zijin refused to go back. He only said that he was afraid of the cold. Well, the earth dragon in the Eight Princes' Mansion is warm, and he will live in it until next spring.

Li Zijun glared at Zijin angrily, thinking that this bastard is going to stay in the Eight Princes' Mansion forever!Wouldn't he be ready for next spring?If the Holy King opened his mouth and let him marry into the Eight Princes' Mansion, how would he have a chance to return to Li Xiang's Mansion?
Li Zhengjun had no choice but to visit the Eighth Prince's Mansion when he missed Zijin, and occasionally begged Li Zichen to bring his precious son back to the Eighth Prince's Mansion.

Li Zhengjun knew in his heart that Zijin was not to blame for this incident. Zijin had no sense of belonging to Li Xiangfu, and was finally willing to stay in Li Xiangfu, and if such a mess happened again, he might be afraid too!
After all, it is extremely safe in the Eight Princes' Mansion, and there are people Zijin misses so much. It's not that Zijin doesn't miss his relatives. Every two days, he will ask Memorial to accompany him back to have a look, but let him move back. Li Xiangfu went to live, but he was absolutely unwilling.

However, it is unreasonable for a young master who has not left the court to live in the Eight Princes' Mansion like this. Although no one knows about Zijin's stay in the Eight Kings' Mansion, the paper can't contain the fire after all. After a long time, someone will gossip. After trying so hard, Zijin finally agreed that he would move back to live after Mo Han's birthday.

Mo Han's 14th birthday this year is very important, and the Holy Majesty and Queen Feng are also very concerned. Her Royal Highness personally organized Mo Han's birthday banquet. The gifts were sent to the Eighth Prince's Mansion, but the dinner was held in the palace.

14 years old, for a woman of this age, she is like an adult in her previous life!After all, the ancients were not only precocious but also short-lived. This 14-year-old means that they can marry a husband and have children, start a family and start a business!

The 14th birthday of the Eighth Emperor of Qi State is even more unusual. The whole country celebrates it together. The Holy One even exempted [-]% of the tax from the people of the whole country in order to accumulate virtue for the Eighth Emperor. Kind of respectful.

Mo Lin looked at the prince who was busy there without touching the ground, and couldn't help but sneered in his heart. Is this princess a fool?I am afraid that the position of the princess will be snatched away by her precious sister, and she is still busy here doing things like cattle and horses. I don't know if I really love Mo Han so much, or just show it to others. Woolen cloth!

Mo Bai stood aside and watched the ever-changing expressions on Mo Lin's face. She never knew that this seemingly honest and honest Seventh Emperor Girl had so many expressions on her face. It's also full of calculations. Sure enough, many things have been figured out, and many people have also seen it through!

Mo Han still had that lazy look on her face, and Empress Feng looked at her with a face full of hatred and nagging. The meaning behind the words was that she wanted to choose two house servants for her first, and now she also As he grows up, Zijin has not yet reached Ji, so there must be a man who serves him by his side.

But Mo Han was so determined not to want it, he always had various excuses to refuse, Queen Feng was so angry that she simply stopped talking to her, but went to find the emperor, and asked the emperor to issue an imperial edict to her directly , She has no choice but to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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