The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 359 Her Majesty's "Gift"

Chapter 359 Her Majesty's "Gift"

The emperor just smiled and coaxed Queen Feng, saying that this kind of thing cannot be forced, and that Mo Han will give it to her when he wants it, and Queen Feng reluctantly dispelled this idea.

And it's not only Queen Feng who is eager to make a move on this kind of thing, the princess who loves her sister like her life has also made plans early on, and is going to send a big gift to Mo Han.

"Your Highness, please don't be so anxious. You know Han'er's temper. If she doesn't want it, you will only annoy her if you insist on giving it to her!" The Crown Prince persuaded her in a soft voice with her big belly.

The princess heard that her father's empress was rejected as a servant, so she decided not to do anything, and directly washed the man and put it on her bed. Then the raw rice was cooked, and Mo Han experienced the joy of it. Naturally, there will be no more rejections!

The princess always felt that this was not feasible. They all knew what kind of person Mo Han was. After all, they grew up watching him.She has a clear distinction between likes and dislikes, if she likes it, no one can touch it, if she doesn't like it, even if you send it to her bed, she will throw it back to you, hurting the relationship of the sisters for nothing.

"Han'er is still young, so she doesn't understand these things, and it will be fine once she gets used to it! Could it be that she can still get married to me because of a servant?" Her Royal Highness waved her hand indifferently, letting her wife The female gentleman just needs to raise the baby, don't worry about these trivial matters.

As everyone knows, Mo Han wobbled into the palace with his front feet, and His Royal Highness ordered a little beauty to be washed and put on her bed. After receiving the order, you must not tell the eighth princess.The housekeeper hesitated for a moment before deciding that it would be better for His Majesty to hide it. After all, this was a surprise from the older sister to the younger sister.

Mo Han sat alone on a recliner in the back garden and looked up at the sky. There was a stove around him, but it was warm. I don’t know if today will be such a pleasant day in the future...

Zijin was taken by Li Zhengjun to accompany Queen Feng to relieve boredom. Now that Mo Han is an adult, he is no more excited than Queen Feng. He just waits to hold his little granddaughter, so the more he looks at Zijin, the more he likes it!
Empress Feng's preference for Zijin stems from her first impression. He knew how well Zijin treated Mo Han. If it wasn't for the deep love to his bones, how could he use his body to cover the food box for her in the cold snow? ?He was not stingy with pampering someone who could treat his daughter like this. After all, it is the child in front of him who will live with Mo Han in the future, and his daughter will also rely on Zijin to take care of her daily life.

Fenghou is a very intelligent man, he is different from ordinary evil father-in-law, he knows what is best for his daughter, he naturally despises those idiots who embarrass his son-in-law, it seems that what you embarrass is son-in-law , In fact, he was looking for trouble for his own daughter.It was too late for him to feel sorry for his daughter, so how could he upset her?
"Master, you are almost an adult, why do you still look so unhappy?" Wen Xin followed behind Mo Han, looking at her expressionless master and asked.

"Hey! How can I be happy? In the future, I'm afraid I won't be as free as before..." Mo Han sighed. Her ambition is that the flowing water is not in the high mountains. She likes to be free and free, but she was born in the royal family , involuntarily!

 The new article "The Flower of the Empress Blooms on the Other Shore" has been opened, and book lovers who like it can add it to the bookshelf first!Big changes started in November.

  Thank you for your continued support for "A Lady's Love and Mo Han". The welfare recommendation will be released on the 20th and will be updated on the 21st, so stay tuned!
  This article is about to enter the last climax, and it will end almost in early November!


(End of this chapter)

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