The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 366 The Beauty of Adulthood

Chapter 366 The Beauty of Adulthood
If Mo Lin had been smarter and had seen the situation clearly earlier, he would not have been manipulated by that Zhang Huairen. In the future, he would still be able to retain the title of Queen, return to the fief, and dominate one side.But if she still persists in her obsession, the emperor might be the first to spare her if she doesn't need to do anything about it!
Later, the sons and daughters came forward one after another to offer their talents. Mo Han was either indifferent, or pushed the boat along. In short, she was willing to keep none of them by her side.

Empress Feng's complexion became more and more ugly, he never knew what his daughter was thinking, she looked down on so many good men, could it be that she really fell in love with the young lady in the flower building outside?How could such dirty things get into his royal gate?

Empress Feng thought of the news about Mo Han's redemption for the small restaurant in the Red Chamber that she had heard a while ago, and suddenly began to worry again. His daughter was pure and pure since she was a child, and she was pure and self-respecting. Could it be that those fox spirits used tricks to seduce her soul? Son, otherwise, how could you turn a blind eye to so many beautiful young masters?

The more Fenghou thought about it, the more frightened she became. If this is the case, what should I do?Empress Feng thought of the last solution, that is, not to hurt the relationship between herself and her daughter, so he had to compromise one step and let the young man enter the Eighth Prince's Mansion as a servant. According to his status, it is absolutely impossible for the servant to do so. Yes, not to mention the side king!The side lord of the eighth emperor's daughter must be from a famous family, so how could she let that humiliating son do it?
If Mo Han knew what his father was thinking at this time, he would definitely shout "wronged", the relationship between her and Ru Yan is whiter than white paper!

The last one to play was Zhang Yun'er, the second son of Yushi Zhang Changming's family. At this time, Zhang's family is very popular!Not to mention the fact that the eldest son has become the daughter of the world, and also won the title of princess personally conferred by the sage.
But Mo Han didn't expect that she could let her second son perform for the eighth princess. Could it be that she was not enough to curry favor with the last royal highness, and wanted to find another prince to be her daughter-in-law?
Mo Han rolled his eyes twice, and then he had an idea, instead of fighting to the death with Zhang Huairen and the others, it's better to disturb their muddy water first.

She never believed that after gaining power, a person can still be as pure and ascetic as before, but if that person has desires, he will create a gap with the people around him.

Then, she will add another fire to Mo Lin and Zhang Huairen, let them fight in the nest first.

To everyone's surprise, Mo Han seemed to show great interest in the second young master of the Zhang family. Not only did Zijin find her expression unbelievable, but even Zhang Huairen thought it was too unexpected. Those fairy-like sons, Mo Han, didn't even look down on them before, so how could she have any thoughts on this uncharacteristic person?Could it be that the vision of the eighth princess is different from that of others?This is too confusing...

"I don't know how old Mr. Zhang is?" Mo Han played with the wine glass in his hand, seemingly unintentionally asked, but there was a bit of anticipation in his tone, which made people unable to figure it out.

As soon as Mo Han said this, the next thing exploded!The still calm lake surface seemed to be thrown into a stone by Mo Han, causing waves of ripples.

It is self-evident what a woman asks a man's age in public.At this time, not only Zijin's face turned pale, but even Li Zijin and Mu Ci's complexions were also ugly. Mo Han didn't like him, so it's all right. Could it be that she was so hungry that she fell in love with this good-for-nothing? The second son of the Zhang family?

Empress Feng also felt a little unbelievable. Although he was eager to choose a side king for his daughter, he didn't want to choose a man of such a background. He was not in the right family, and there was no one who could match his daughter!
"Returning to Your Highness, Yun'er is not yet 13 years old..." The young man named Zhang Yun'er replied in a low voice with a blushing face.

At this time, Zhang Yun'er never thought that he would be favored by His Highness the Eighth Highness. His mother asked him to come out to perform, but he was unwilling. Compared with the previous princes, he was simply far behind, but he did not dare to disobey his mother. , I can only bite the bullet and go on!Unexpectedly, it fell into the eyes of His Highness the Eighth Prince...

Zhang Changming's heart burst into laughter, what kind of shit luck has she had these days, her son is so upbeat, if she knew her son was so useful, why would she have such daughters?Wouldn't it be better to have more beautiful and beautiful sons!Zhang Changming has made up his mind now, if Zhang Yun'er can enter the Eighth Prince's Mansion, she will no longer have to care about that old woman Wen Zhao, who would dare not give her a little favor at that time?
Seeing the shy look of the little boy, Mo Han coughed belatedly. She didn't have any other intentions. She was not hungry enough to attack the budding flowers of the motherland. She just had other considerations.

"Cough...Han'er, although Mr. Zhang is not bad, but he is a little younger at this age!" Finally, Empress Feng couldn't help but speak first, and couldn't help but wink at Mo Han. He really didn't like it. This Zhang Yun'er, even being a servant to his daughter is not suitable, this is too ordinary!
"What the queen father said is true, and my child also thinks that Mr. Zhang is too young, and he is not suitable for the young lady of Zhang Xiang's family!" Mo Han did not confront Queen Feng today, but instead directed the conversation to Zhang Huairen's only daughter-in-law. On Zhang Run.

According to Mo Han's understanding of Zhang Run, there was no man she had met who hadn't been molested, and Zhang Yun'er was definitely no exception.Mo Han guessed this right, so he dared to use Zhang Run as an excuse. In order to prevent Zhang Changming, the censor, from betraying her, Zhang Huairen turned to the prince's camp. It's still a side husband, and that Zhang Changming is already a member of Zhang Xiang's school, and the emperor will definitely change her position as censor by then.

But when Zhang Changming and Zhang Huairen became in-laws, Wen Zhao would fall out of favor, and Wen Zhao would find trouble for the two to stabilize his position. At that time, the empress would just watch the show effortlessly. .

Mo Han's strategy of killing two birds with one stone was planned from the very beginning of the banquet. He didn't expect Zhang Changming to be so impatient. Take a chance yourself!
When Zhang Yun'er went to the palace, Zhang Huairen couldn't sit still down there, she was afraid that the eighth emperor's daughter really fell in love with Zhang Yun'er and won over Zhang Changming, then she would be unable to hide many things she had done, she was worried When she didn't know what to do, Mo Han gave her a good reason.

 Thanks to book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

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  Ended the article "My Prince's Royal Highness", one-on-one with women superior to men, love the article, and recommend another wave!

(End of this chapter)

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