The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 367 Zhang Run's Helplessness

Chapter 367 Zhang Run's Helplessness

"What His Royal Highness said is that although Yun'er is a little younger, we, Run'er, are not in a hurry to get married anyway, and we can wait a little longer!" Zhang Huairen laughed loudly, for her grand plan and great cause. , she can only wrong her daughter first, and then she just decides to be a side husband first, and then find a husband who is well-matched in the future!

Hearing what Zhang Huairen said, Zhang Run was in a hurry, she didn't want to marry such a man back home, she didn't like it!what she wants is...

Zhang Huairen held down Zhang Run's hand under the table, signaling her to be calm, but the expression on Zhang Run's face couldn't be hidden from everyone, she was telling everyone that she didn't want to at all!

In fact, although Zhang Run has been lingering in the flowers, he has never proposed to Zhang Huairen that he wants to marry someone's son. Zhang Huairen's mind is full of big things, and he doesn't care about Zhang Run's marriage. Besides, she thinks her daughter is still young. , you can wait.When her status is higher, even if she marry a prince back to her daughter, it's all right.

The reason why Zhang Run is unwilling to get married is because she has been waiting for a suitable opportunity. At that time, she will definitely ask the Holy Majesty to make a decision for her to marry her, because she knows that the person she likes——Mother is afraid that no matter what I won't let her marry me either!
At this time, everyone understood the intention of the eighth princess. She was determined to make a wedding dress for others. The princes of the civil and military families of the Manchu Dynasty were all here, and she didn't have a crush on her. No one could guess that she was here. what to think.

Some people think of Li Zijin who has been sitting there without saying a word, not to mention other things, just looking at Li Zijin's talent, learning and appearance, he is also one of the best, and he was raised as the Eighth King since he was a child. Can tell the past.Could it be that the eighth princess wanted to take the two brothers of Li Xiang's family together?Looking at this posture, it is not impossible!

"Since Prime Minister Zhang has a heart, why doesn't the Queen Mother, who is so beautiful, bestow this marriage for them?" Mo Han said with a smile on the side, but he couldn't stop laughing in his heart. This is really wrong!
"Since Zhang Xiang has a heart, then I will help you..." The emperor nodded and immediately said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, thank you for your great kindness, but I don't want to get married yet. Besides, I already have someone I like in my heart, and I can't marry Mr. Zhang. I hope Your Majesty will make it happen!" Zhang Run didn't care about Prime Minister Zhang's obstruction at this time , stood up directly and rushed to the hall, knelt down and begged.

"Ni Nu, you..." Zhang Xiang was so angry that his neck was flushed red, he wished he could strangle her to death, "Your Majesty, forgive me, my little girl didn't intend to offend Her Majesty, and I hope His Majesty will forgive her for her disrespect!"

Zhang Huairen was so frightened that he hurried to Zhang Run and knelt down, begging for her.Although Zhang Run is not good enough, she is still her only daughter-in-law. Even if Tiger Poison does not eat children, how can she disregard her own daughter because of her own face?

Zhang Huairen, who has always wanted to save face and suffer, has such downcast times. Usually Zhang Huairen has made a lot of enemies in the court, but now there are quite a lot of people waiting to see her jokes!
"I wonder if Zhang Aiqing and Miss Ling are joking with me?" Although there was no displeasure on the emperor's face, his tone was not good.Anyone who dares to fool Yu Shengwei in this way will not be rewarded, not to mention the mother and daughter in front of him have never been peaceful, the emperor has long criticized Zhang Huairen...

 There will be an update tomorrow!The author is still on the train at this time!Hope the phone battery is good enough to get the job done!
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(End of this chapter)

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