Chapter 368 Rejection
"Your Majesty forgives your sins, but the old minister will never dare! The little girl is young and ignorant, please don't argue with her!" Zhang Huairen immediately kowtowed again to apologize.

Although Zhang Huairen was worried, he didn't know what to do.Although Zhang Run is a dude, he has always been obedient. He has never disobeyed her like today, and I don't know what happened to this child tonight, so disregarding the overall situation!

"I don't know if Miss Zhang has anything to say?" The emperor ignored Zhang Huairen and asked Zhang Run, who was at the side.

Zhang Huairen was afraid that Zhang Run would talk nonsense again and mess up her plan, so he tapped Zhang Run's arm hard with his finger through his sleeve, signaling her not to talk nonsense!

"If you go back to the Holy Majesty, the minister has no intention of offending the Majesty. However, the minister does have someone she likes. She can't marry Mr. Zhang as her husband. I hope the Majesty will check it out!" Zhang Run thought that for the person he likes, he would go all out. I don't care about her mother's winking, just begged sincerely.

"Zhang Run, do you know that since ancient times, the marriage of children has been the order of the mother and father, and the words of the matchmaker? Now you have a conflict with your mother in public because of the marriage, have you ever thought about her feelings?" The emperor sighed and said Well, she can't really blame the two for this kind of thing, but it's not easy to blame Zhang Huairen, so she can only preach a few words to Zhang Run.

"My daughter knows that this is wrong, but my daughter is even more unwilling to marry someone she doesn't like. My daughter has admired the second son Li of Prime Minister Li's family for many years, and I ask the emperor to make decisions for my daughter!" Zhang Run simply for his lover. I didn't care too much, so I directly told the person I like, and if I can fight for the person I like, even if we don't get together in the future, there shouldn't be any regrets, right?In this regard, Zhang Run is somewhat similar to her cousin, the Sixth Emperor Mo Bai.

"Oh? Ms. Zhang actually fell in love with the son of Li Xiang's family?" The emperor raised his eyebrows and asked. She never thought that Zhang Run was such a discerning person. When Li Zijin didn't show up, Li Zijin had been following the Eight Kings since she was a child. Well-bred, Zhang Run has the guts to like the emperor's fiancé.

Everyone gasped when they heard this, Zhang Run's move, where did he put Prime Minister Zhang?Who doesn't know that the left and the right of the court are always at odds, so how can they become relatives of their sons and daughters?That's really the sun coming out from the west...

The chopsticks in Li Zijin's hands fell with the sound, and that nightmarish memory flooded into his mind again. He thought that if he didn't think about some things, it would be as if they hadn't happened, but the fact is, the memory engraved in his blood , is not so easy to forget!
Li Zhengjun held Li Zijin's hand distressedly. He didn't know what happened between Li Zijin and Zhang Run a few years ago. He just knew that he would never agree to marry his son to that dude from Zhang Huairen's family!
Not to mention that Li Zhengjun would not agree, neither would Li Xiang and his two daughters.Even if Li Zijin didn't marry for the rest of her life and was raised in the prime minister's mansion and died of old age in her boudoir, they would not agree to this marriage.What kind of person Zhang Run is, they all know in their hearts that only a man who is blind will marry her!
Zijin looked at Mo Han as if begging for help. He knew that Mo Han would definitely help Li Zijin refuse. Although he was worried that Li Zijin would snatch Mo Han from him, he didn't even want to see him by Zhang Run's side. Speaking of Beijing, Zhang Run is undoubtedly the one that Zijin hates the most!When he was a little beggar, he was bullied by Zhang Run in the street. Thinking about it now, Zijin still feels angry!
"Yes! Your Majesty, please make the decision for your daughter..." Zhang Run buried her head and said in a muffled voice. Anyway, she is going to risk it this time. If she can marry Li Zijin, it will be worth it even if her mother beats her to death when she returns home.

"Your Majesty, my little girl is innocent, so please don't blame me." Before the emperor could speak, Zhang Huairen said hastily, and then angrily cursed at Zhang Run, "Naughty girl, get back quickly, don't blame me for offending you you!"

"Mother, my daughter doesn't like Mr. Zhang and Mr. Wang. My daughter only wants Jin'er, and please mother to fulfill her!" Zhang Runsheng pleaded tearfully.

Although today's Zhang Run made Zhang Huairen angry, it also made her look at Zhang Run differently. I didn't expect her daughter to be a bit courageous. Although it was for love, it also proved that she was not as good as she imagined. It's unbearable, but it can be regarded as a relief to her.

It's just that Zhang Run's favorite son is that old woman Li Shan's son. If it's someone else's son, so what if she does as she pleases?But that person is her deadly enemy Li Shan, she absolutely cannot agree!

"Since Miss Zhang wants the Queen Mother to give you a marriage, you also need to know what the man's intentions are?" Mo Han saw that their mother and daughter had been at a stalemate, so it was rare for him to "kindly" help Zhang Huairen out, "A Jin, Miss Zhang wants to marry you as her husband, are you willing?"

Mo Han looked at Li Zijin who was sitting there with a pale face and asked, although she couldn't marry him as her husband, she wouldn't let anyone bully him.Li Zijin and her childhood sweetheart have always been like her younger brother since she was a child. Although she is sometimes unruly and willful, she has a pure and kind heart and does not know how to intrigue.If there can't be a woman who wholeheartedly protects him and loves him to propose marriage, even if it is a marriage that everyone in the Li family agrees to, she, Mo Han, will never agree.

"I don't want to!" Li Zijin shook her head firmly with her lips pursed. He wouldn't like that bastard Zhang Run. He took advantage of him before, and dared to ask him to marry him in public. He wished he could give her two Slap is!

"Jin'er..." Zhang Run raised his eyes and looked at Li Zijin, but he didn't even catch his eyes. The affection in his eyes was really touching. For a moment, even Mo Han felt that she might be promiscuous, But she should be a good wife.

Li Zijin's complexion finally recovered a bit. He shouldn't be worried. With his eighth sister around, no one can bully him. She will protect him since childhood!

Zijin also let go of the worries in his heart. Watching Mo Han rescue Li Zijin time and time again, Zijin was envious in his heart. Their affection from childhood to adulthood can't deceive anyone, and Mo Han treats Ah Jin differently in the end!I have missed being with her for many years, and I will never be able to separate from her in the future!
"Miss Zhang, you can't force things about your relationship. Ah Jin doesn't want to, so let go of your wrong love!" Mo Han said softly. The deep affection for Li Zijin also shocked Mo Han. He knew that there would be no results, but he persisted stubbornly for so many years, and he didn't know how Zhang Run did it.

I am most afraid that the deep affection will not be able to stay, only a thousand lines of tears...

(End of this chapter)

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