Chapter 369

"Miss Zhang, since Mr. Li disagrees, I'm afraid I won't be able to grant your wish..." The emperor finally said after watching the play for a long time.

"My little girl is ignorant and disturbed His Highness's birthday banquet, please don't blame him!" Zhang Huairen saw that his daughter was rejected, so he didn't have the heart to reprimand her again, but he was very smart to apologize to Mo Han. In this way, the Holy Majesty also I can't bear to scold her mother and daughter any more.

Although Li Zijin didn't show Zhang Run any favors, he solved the problem fundamentally. Otherwise, Zhang Huairen really didn't know how to persuade his daughter to let go of this thought in front of everyone. it is good……

"It's okay! I just wanted to give Ms. Zhang a red line, but unexpectedly hurt Ms. Zhang's heart. I'm so sorry!" Mo Han said guiltily, she obviously did it on purpose, but Zhang Run dared to be in public The matter of refusing the marriage and proposing to marry Li Zijin was beyond her expectation!

"No! The old minister should also thank His Highness. The young master of the Zhang family is indeed a good boy. The old minister has also thought about matching the two of them. Now that is the case, if you don't let the two of them get in touch again, we will talk about it when we have feelings in the future." Marriage is also good!" Zhang Huairen said immediately, she didn't want to lose Zhang Changming's pawn, so, Zhang Changming's son, Zhang Run had to marry if he married, and he had to marry if he didn't marry, it was up to her!

"Prime Minister Zhang is full of love for daughters. If you think about it, the Queen Mother will make it happen for you!" The Seventh Emperor's daughter who had never spoken before suddenly said, which surprised everyone.

The emperor's eyes flashed brightly, but there was no expression on his face: "Zhang Aiqing, get up quickly, and take Miss Zhang back to sit down! It's a good thing in the first place, don't be in a bad mood!"

"Thank you, Sheng Long!" Zhang Huairen immediately pulled Zhang Run to Xie En and retreated.In fact, she guessed that the result would be like this, after all, today is the birthday of the eighth princess, the emperor will never punish everyone on the birthday of his beloved girl!

From the moment Li Zijin rejected Zhang Run, Zhang Run looked unloved, neither spoke nor resisted, allowing Zhang Huairen to take her back to his seat, the lover she misses so much!I'm afraid that I will never have anything to do with her again in this life.In fact, Zhang Run has already made up his mind that if she marries Li Zijin, she will never go to those fireworks places again, and only keep him alone.If she can get Li Zijin's favor, she is willing to exchange all the men in the mansion!
However, he rejected her!He said he didn't want to marry her... He——he didn't want to!
Zhang Zhengjun looked at his daughter distressedly, now he has even more resentment towards his wife-lord, if she hadn't focused on power, his son would not have married the Seventh Emperor's daughter, nor would his daughter be rejected by the person he likes , in her eyes, the child is probably her tool for power and profit!

Seeing that the banquet was coming to an end, Queen Feng gave the emperor a wronged look, and then gave Mo Han a hard look. This good banquet was abruptly ruined by the mother and daughter. Well, he facilitated other people's marriages, but let his daughter get nothing. He still wanted to take the opportunity to pick two more side lords for his daughter!It turned out to be a good thing, and the bamboo basket fetched water-all in vain!

"Fenghou, come, eat the fish, the child has already shaved off the fishbone!" Mo Han fawned and put the fish in front of Fenghou, she knew that Fenghou was thinking of her wholeheartedly, after all, she was gratifying her father's heart!
"Don't try to please me like this. If you are sincerely filial, then quickly find two caring people to wait by your side, and this will take care of the empress father's concern!" Empress Feng looked at Mo Han aggrievedly and said Well, this kid is always like this, making him unable to even get angry!

"Father, the child is still young and has no intention of getting married. Besides, this emotional matter is something that can be met but not sought after? If fate comes, the child will not be able to stop it! You don't have to worry about it... "Mo Han persuaded with a smile.

"You always have so many reasons. Empress Father can't say no to you, but you have to take good care of yourself, so don't interfere with my granddaughter!" Queen Feng gave Mo Han a coquettish look, which was considered a compromise!

"Yes! I promise to make my father's queen come true..." Mo Han relaxed when he saw Queen Feng, and hurried to hit the railway while it was hot.

"I think that child Zijin is also a good one. Do you still like him?" Feng Hou asked hurriedly, thinking of the fate that Mo Han said. Just want to cry for tears!
"Yes, the baby is very satisfied with Zijin!" Mo Han nodded with a smile, and Queen Feng finally felt relieved, at least she was satisfied!
"It's fine if you're satisfied. I'll see, that child Jin'er cares about you very much. He grew up with you since he was a child, and he was raised according to your lord. If you are interested, let your mother care about you." The emperor decides to marry their brothers back together, and it will save others!" Fenghou rolled her eyes, thinking that Mo Han was always helping Li Zijin, and she might still have some affection for that child, so she felt that This idea is very good, so he hurriedly opened his mouth and said.

"Father! My son has regarded Ah Jin as his younger brother since he was a child, and he has never had any other thoughts, so don't worry about it!" Mo Han said helplessly, he is a father who can't stop talking all day long Heart!

"Don't talk, don't talk, if you talk too much, some people will think I'm an old man!" Feng Hou immediately turned his head with red eyes, he was only thinking about his daughter, now, people start to think that he is too meddlesome!
"Father, you are in your prime, why do you look like an old man? In the child's heart, the father is the most beautiful and noble man in the world. Besides, the child likes you to take care of the child. If you really let go of it, That child will feel wronged!" Seeing that Empress Feng was really hurt, Mo Han hurriedly whispered in his ear.

This Empress Feng devoted her entire life to the imperial palace, and what worried him most every day was his youngest daughter, Mo Han.When I was young, I was worried that she would not be healthy enough to support her; when I was older, I was worried that she would be naughty and would get hurt; when I left the palace alone to build a mansion, I was worried that she would not have a caring person to serve her, and I wronged her; now I want to think about giving her To marry a husband and waiter... It seems that since the day Mo Han was born, there is no one else in Fenghou's heart, only him, the daughter who loves her heart, is left!

The one who treats Mo Han the best in this world is the current Empress Feng, who favors her even more than others, not to mention that Empress Feng has worked hard for her to worry about her marriage, even if he is really unreasonable, Mo Han will I don't want to get angry with him!
"Hmph!" Empress Feng was so teased by Mo Han's sweet words that she couldn't get angry anymore, so she just let out a coquettish moan.

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(End of this chapter)

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