The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 370 Misunderstanding

Chapter 370 Misunderstanding
"The queen father loves her daughter so much, and the daughter knows in her heart that as long as the daughter reaches the age, she will marry a husband and have a daughter, and then she will have to rely on the father to help her daughter take care of the child! You can't care about the daughter..." Mo Han knew what Queen Feng was thinking. He just said it from his heart.

"It was so hard for me to bring you up, and you still want me to babysit your child, it's really beautiful!" Fenghou said so, but she was happy in her heart, and her complexion also improved, and the corners of her mouth With a smile that cannot be concealed, being able to entertain her grandchildren and enjoy family happiness is the greatest wish of Empress Feng!
"Then who will let the queen father love the child!" Mo Han hurriedly patted her ass, and after a while, the queen Feng was amused and laughed. The emperor curled his lips secretly, her silly husband is the easiest to coax , was actually amused by her daughter with a few words, she really didn't have the airs of Queen Feng at all!

The banquet ended with the laughter of the crowd, and the young masters returned to the mansion disappointedly behind their family members. They never thought that the eighth princess would be so beautiful. I wonder if there will be a chance to see her again in the future.Thinking of the future husband of the eighth princess, everyone couldn't help being envious again, he is really lucky!

But the lucky Zijin in everyone's eyes is waiting for Mo Han. Li Zhengjun wanted to take him back to Li Xiangfu directly, but judging by the child's appearance, he might not be able to leave with him tonight, so he simply Send someone to pick him up tomorrow morning. After all, today is the birthday of the Eighth Emperor, and I'm afraid the two young people still have something to say.

"Is it cold?" Mo Han came out of the hall, holding Zijin's hand and asked softly.

"It's not cold!" Zijin was covered like a big rice dumpling by Sanyue, how could she still feel cold.

"Go, go home!" Mo Han pulled Zijin and walked towards the palace gate. At this time, all the officials and family members had left, and only the carriage of the Eighth Prince's Mansion was left at the gate of the palace. Mo Han grabbed Zijin's waist for a while. He jumped up and got into the carriage directly.

The charcoal stove burning in the carriage was burning hotly. Mo Han untied his cloak first, and then helped Zijin untie the cloak strap tied around his neck.Zijin smiled happily, and when she lowered her head, she happened to see the new purse hanging on Mo Han's waist. The bright red plum blossoms pierced his eyes sorely. When has the purse she embroidered for her been replaced?Does this mean that his identity will soon be replaced by that person?Who is it?Who gave her a new purse and got into her eyes?
Zijin thought that Mo Han rejected all the men tonight because of herself, but now it seems that she is doing it for others!In order to give that person an identity, he would not hesitate to disappoint Empress Feng and reject so many outstanding sons.The person who embroidered the purse for her must also be a careful man, look how dense the stitches are!
Thinking of this, Zijin couldn't help feeling sad, he thought he was different from her, he thought she only liked him, he thought that everything she wore was made by him...

Zijin suddenly felt aggrieved again, obviously yesterday he was hugging the woman he coaxed softly, how could he accept another man's family today?How could she hurt him like this...

Zijin was thinking wildly there, but Mo Han had already pulled him to sit down.After a busy day, Mo Han was also very tired, so he closed his eyes and took a nap, but he didn't find anything wrong with Zijin.

Seeing that she didn't even want to talk to him, Zijin felt even more uncomfortable. If there is a new one, he will forget the old one!He wanted to tell himself not to think too much, but which woman would have a purse around her waist from a man she didn't care about?And which man would give a purse made by himself to a woman he doesn't like?It must be that the two of them like each other, this new purse will replace his old one.

Zijin tightly held the new purse in his sleeve. He embroidered it with all his heart and effort for a long time. He planned to give it to her on her birthday. The green bamboo was embroidered on both sides by him. , and his and her names are still hidden in it. At this time, I am afraid that there will be no chance to send it out...

Along the way, Zijin pursed his lips and didn't speak. He didn't dare to cry because today was her birthday. He was afraid that it would be unlucky, but he was so sad and wronged...

He was also very afraid, very afraid that Mo Han would not want him...

"Master, we're here!" A warm voice came from outside the car, and Mo Hanyou had to open his eyes, where was there any trace of fatigue?
"Zijin, let's go!" Mo Han first helped Zijin fasten the cloak, wrapped it tightly before putting on his own cloak, pulled Zijin to jump off the carriage, and entered the palace!
Today's Eight Princes' Mansion is full of joy, Zijin feels the warmth in his hands, she treats him no differently than before, or, did he really misunderstand her?Then he must find an opportunity to ask her later. Thinking of this, Zijin felt much better again!

The two went directly to the dormitory. Because of a busy day, Mo Han directly ordered his servants to prepare water for bathing. After all, Zijin is a man, and he does things much slower than Mo Han. After Mo Han had changed his clothes, Zijin hadn't washed.

Mo Han simply turned off the light and got into the bed, leaving only a night pearl at the door of his cubicle for Zijin to illuminate. At this moment, Mo Han, who was so focused on sleeping, did not realize that his bed was any different from before , but when she was about to fall asleep, she felt a warm thing pressing against her body. Mo Han pursed his lips and chuckled, thinking it was Zi Jin who came to act like a spoiled child again and wanted to lie on her bed, so he didn't think much about it.

It wasn't until the thing rubbed against Mo Han that Mo Han stretched out his arms to wrap him in his arms. It didn't matter if he pulled it, the light touch made Mo Han almost out of his body.Could it be that the birthday present that Zijin wanted to give her was himself?This kid is really messing around, he dared to be so bold before he was old enough, he really spoiled him too much in normal times!

Thinking in this way, Mo Han pinched the little man's fart as if to punish him, "Uh huh..." Mo Han was so scared that he almost rolled off the bed, Mo Han just jumped I got out of bed, lit a candle with a torch, and Zijin walked over from the outside, her hair was still wet, apparently just after taking a bath, then... who is the person in the quilt?Mo Han was startled, was she being crawled into bed by someone?

Zijin couldn't help blushing when he looked at Mo Han in front of him, but when he looked at the bulging lump on Mo Han's bed and the blushing little head on the pillow, he couldn't help but froze!

Mo Han, she... She actually found someone to sleep with...

Zijin just felt that he couldn't breathe at all right now. The scene in front of him really killed him. He actually saw another man lying on the bed of his favorite woman on her birthday...

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(End of this chapter)

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