The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 373 Who Is Waiting For

Chapter 373 Who Is Waiting For
That night, Zijin slept soundly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, showing his master's good mood.But Mo Han had nightmares and was sweating profusely.

"When I come back, eight palanquins will welcome you through the door. You will be the only one for the rest of your life!" The woman in white promised with a smile.

"Okay, I'll wait for you!" The man in green smiled and nodded.


"You said you wanted eight palanquins to welcome me through the door, why did you marry another man?"

"You said that there are thousands of men in this world, and they will only marry me, but why don't you want me?"

"You said that once your filial piety is over, I will be the master of the palace, but why do you promise me to someone else?"




"No, I didn''s not like that! I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Mo Han woke up from his sleep, still murmuring words of apology, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Why did this dream appear again?Last time, just like today, after she promised Zijin that she would marry him, she dreamed of that resentful man at night, and this time it is still the same. Could it be that Zijin is not the one she wants to wait for?But who is that person?Whose heart did she break?Who has lost the love of my life?
Mo Han looked down at the little person who was still giggling in his sleep. She didn't believe in ghosts and gods, but after going through this soul journey, she had to believe it.If the man mentioned by Hades is someone else, what should she do?What about Zijin?

Mo Han, who has always held everything in the palm of his hand, is now in a mess...

Mo Han got up gently and got out of bed. When he came to his dormitory, he saw the little servant from yesterday was still kneeling on the ground, wearing a thin gauze, shivering from the cold, his head was shaking little by little. , obviously very sleepy!
Although Mo Han's dormitory had been burned with earth dragons, it would be too cold to kneel on the ground like this for one night, let alone such a delicate man.

Mo Han covered the child with the cloak on the side, and then grabbed the clothes on the side and put it on, but unexpectedly woke up the little servant who was already sleeping restlessly.

"My servant greets His Highness the Eighth Highness!" The servant's voice was a little choked up, mixed with a little grievance.

"Get up!" Mo Han said with his clothed hand paused, and then moved again.

"I don't dare." The little waiter pressed his head tightly to the ground, and responded aggrievedly.

"Why not? But this hall is too scary?" Mo Han reached out and touched his face, there was nothing on his face!

"His Royal Highness is famous in the capital for his dragon-like appearance. It's just that His Royal Highness ordered his slaves to serve His Highness, but His Highness stayed away at night because of his slaves. The servants deserve to die." The servant lay on the ground and said, "But Your Highness has Command, if His Highness the Eighth Prince refuses to accept the slave family, then the slave family is useless, just go to the respect room to receive the punishment, even if you die, you will be clean!"

"What happened last night has nothing to do with you, it's my hall's intention, my hall will go and explain it clearly to Huang Jie, get up!" Mo Han finally understood what the empress dowager meant, this was threatening her with her life!
"His Royal Highness has long expected that His Highness the Eighth Prince will be like this. I am afraid that if the servant's family leaves the Eighth Prince's Mansion today, the back foot will be dead on the street." The waiter continued, "Yesterday was His Highness's big day, and the servant is here. After waiting for His Highness for a whole day, His Highness left the Nu family without saying a word. The Nu family knew that their status was low, so they would die if they died, but the Nu family did not understand why His Highness avoided the Nu family like a snake. "

The servant's bold words aroused Mo Han's interest. Her elder sister really knew her well, and she could even figure out what kind of man she liked.Although Mo Han was angry in his heart, he also knew that others should not be involved. This child is innocent after all.She believed that the princess would do what she said, if she kicked the child out today, she might really hurt him.In the eyes of those in power, such a life is nothing at all.But Mo Han couldn't complain, this matter was probably discussed by the Empress Dowager and Queen Feng, and she could only bear it.

"This hall is not avoiding you, but I don't want to ruin you." Mo Han fastened his belt, walked up to the servant, grabbed his arm with one hand and lifted him up, thinking that the servant had been kneeling all night, his legs He had lost consciousness for a long time, and was pulled by Mo Han like this, and he fell straight to the side.

Mo Han dodged, and pushed the little waiter to the small couch beside him, looking at his pear blossoms with rain, he suddenly felt that his family was a little too much, the so-called bullying, I'm afraid that's all it is!

"Don't cry anymore, the palace will not drive you away." Mo Han finally compromised, she didn't want her sister to ignore human life because of her, and she didn't want such a child as young as a flower to die because of herself.

The little servant stopped crying when he heard what Mo Han said, and looked up at Mo Han with his small face.It turned out that what the world said was true, the Eighth Prince was not only handsome, but also kind-hearted.

"It's just that this hall never asks men to serve, so you can follow Zijin in the future!" Mo Han felt that this was the most appropriate way, since Zijin was a man, so taking him away would not cause criticism.Erlai Zijin is the future Eighth Prince, and he brought the Eighth Emperor's servant with him to train him, and the Queen Feng and the Crown Princess couldn't fault it.

"Yes, I listen to Your Highness!" The servant replied in a low voice, but felt very wronged. He wanted to stay and serve His Highness, but she gave him to her fiancé.

"What's your name?" Mo Han didn't have any hope for the person trained by the empress, he was afraid that the child only learned how to serve the empress, and nothing else.

"My family's name is Yu'er." The waiter said, pulling the cloak around his body with both hands, and after sitting for a long time, his legs slowed down and his body felt warm.

"Yu'er, that's a good name. Are there any other relatives in the family?" Mo Han looked at Yu'er and asked. One of the reasons Han didn't drive him away.

"I was the only one left in my family. When I was young, I was lucky enough to enter the Grand Lady's Mansion. Later, Her Royal Highness found a wife for my family. She said that in the future, my family would serve His Highness the Eighth Prince. He had to be educated, reasonable, gentle and virtuous. She also said that His Highness liked A pure and kind person, don’t allow my family to have so many other thoughts, just treat your highness as the heaven of my family.” Yu’er told Mo Han about her life experience without saying a word.

Mo Han nodded, it turned out that her sister and father had already started to prepare a man for her, hey!It's a pity that the soul in her body has lived for too long, and some things are really unacceptable, otherwise, she would not have rejected their kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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