Chapter 374
"Win Xin, take Yu'er down to find a yard to live in first!" Mo Han greeted Wen Xin outside the door and said.

"Yes!" Wen Xin came in with her head down, and stood in front of Yu'er, waiting for the little man to get up.

After Mo Han gave the order, she turned and left the inner room. She didn't want Zijin to wake up, see her with that Yu'er, and cry a lot. That jealous temper didn't know who followed.

Wenxin just stood there waiting, Yu'er's gaze was withdrawn after Mo Han's figure disappeared, and then she pouted and stood up reluctantly.His body, which had been kneeling all night, was very weak, and he got up so abruptly that he fell down on the bed.

"Ah..." Yu'er covered her eyes with her hands, feeling that she might not escape the fall, so that's fine, maybe because of his injury, His Highness can treat him better.

After Yu'er figured it out, she was no longer afraid, she just told herself to bear with it.Unexpectedly, the expected pain did not come, and he fell into a warm embrace. The man's arm was as strong as His Highness's. Who saved him?
Wen Xin looked at the top of the little man's head, lost his mind for a moment, and then thought of his identity, immediately straightened his expression and let go of the person in his arms.

"Offended!" Came a warm and cold voice, somehow offending Yu'er.

"Who told you to meddle in your own business? Hmph!" Yu'er closed the cloak on her body, she was as good as His Highness, gentle and kind, and the wooden face of the woman in front of her looked as if someone owed her eight pennies.

Wenxin looked at the young man who was walking fast in front of her, and touched her nose in confusion. Is she a dog and a mouse?Could it be that he wants to throw a dog and eat shit?There are still people who have such bad tastes, no wonder the master looks down on him, freak!

Think about it!Wen Xin chased after the little man, and took him to the small courtyard next to Mo Han's bedroom. It was originally prepared for Mo Han's servants, but now it was empty, and it happened to be for him to live in. , if you want to fall off the bed, let him fall enough!

Before Zijin woke up, the carriage that Li Xiangfu came to pick him up arrived, but Li Zijun drove the carriage himself, probably because Li Zhengjun was so anxious that he didn't even have time for breakfast.

"Zijin hasn't gotten up yet! You wait outside for a while." Seeing that Li Zijun was sullen and wanted to sneak into Zijin's cubicle, Mo Han couldn't sit still, and pushed her onto a chair beside her. Said, then swaggered open the curtain and walked in.

Li Zijun looked at Mo Han's back angrily, wishing to bring her up and beat her up, but then thought that her younger brother had lived here for so long, and he was afraid that when she was not around, the two of them would become more intimate I've done it all, hey!The cabbage that I raised at home was taken away by someone before it hardened.

"Zijin, wake up, your second sister is here to pick you up!" Mo Han gently patted Zijin's face flushed from sleep, this child never sleeps in, I'm afraid he was tired from the joy and sorrow yesterday.

"Well... I don't want to go..." Zijin muttered, turned over and went back to sleep.

"Get up and have breakfast, you didn't eat anything last night." Mo Han finally woke up the little man with coaxing and persuading.

Zijin suddenly blushed when she met Mo Han's doting eyes, and then thought of what she said last night, so she covered the quilt and laughed foolishly.

(End of this chapter)

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