The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 378 The main battle or the main peace

Chapter 378 The main battle or the main peace
Mo Han squinted his eyes and didn't speak, as if what everyone said and did had nothing to do with her!After the emperor glanced at her from the corner of his eye, he slowly turned his head, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, coughed lightly and said, "What does Han'er think about this matter?"

The emperor's words shocked everyone, and everyone looked at Mo Han, waiting to see how she would answer.Everyone also wants to know what the eighth princess, who just turned 14 and is sleeping with her eyes squinted, can say. Isn't the emperor always doting on the eighth princess?How could she be willing to save her face in front of everyone today?Some were gloating, some were worried about her, in short, everyone was waiting to see what Mo Han would do.

"Emperor Mother, it's the first time the Eighth Emperor Sister has come to discuss matters. I'm afraid she still doesn't understand these things. Otherwise, don't embarrass her!" If you think about it, you can understand the deep meaning. She is probably pretending to be considerate on purpose to embarrass Mo Han!
"It's okay, Han'er just said it bluntly, forgive you!" The emperor waved his hand at Mo Lin, then looked at Mo Han with a smile and said.

"Since that's the case, I'd rather be respectful than obedient!" Mo Han also gave the emperor a smile, and then looked at the crowd, "I don't know what your lords think about the lives of our people in Qiguo now?"

"The country is peaceful and the people are happy, the people have no worries about food and clothing, they can provide for their old age, and live a prosperous life, which is very good!" A young official responded hastily.

"What this lord said is true! Now the world is peaceful, everyone has clothes to wear and food to eat." Mo Han paused and continued, "Then everyone, have you ever thought that if I, Qiguo, would take the lead in provoking war? , what are the consequences?"

Mo Han kept his eyes on Zhang Huairen for a moment, seeing her hesitant to speak, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Master Zhang, if you have something to say, just say it!"

"The general trend of the world, long-term unity must be divided, and long-term division must be united. There will always be someone who will make trouble first. Why can't we do it when others can do it?" Zhang Huairen dismissed Mo Han's words, but she still couldn't see it .

"That's true! I just don't know who dares to use the names of thousands of people in the world to pad the throne? Or, if I start the country and go to war, who can guarantee that I will win? Master Zhang, do you dare?" Han asked with his lips curled up.

"I..." Zhang Huairen finally didn't dare to answer, no one dared to speak too much.

"Cold children are not talented, but I have also heard that my husband is guarding the fluffy grass because of the soldiers, and the hemp clothes are burnt. Sang Zhe is still paying taxes, and the fields are desolate and still recruiting seedlings. Sometimes we pick wild vegetables and roots to cook, and spin firewood with leaves. Burn. Even if it is deep in the mountains, there should be no way to avoid expropriation. The mother emperor has always been diligent in governing and caring for the people, so why use her own life statement and the lives of the people in the world to gamble on an uncertain future?" Mo Han looked at The emperor said, "Now the world is at peace. Although the empress of Yun country is mediocre, she is not stupid. Although the emperor of Feng country is young, she is not ignorant. Our Qi country does not have a huge advantage to unify the world. If there is a war, the people will rise up and attack. Who did we make the wedding dress for?"

The emperor was deeply shocked by Mo Han's words, and all the officials present looked at this young princess with admiration, only Zhang Huairen curled his lips in disdain.

"It's just ordinary people, and they don't have the strength to restrain a chicken, so why are you an enemy of the imperial court?" Zhang Huairen's answer made Mo Han laugh out loud.

 Excessively, soon usher in a big orgasm!
(End of this chapter)

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