Chapter 379
"Hahahaha... Our hall always thought that Prime Minister Zhang Yuan was a long-term planner, but he didn't want to be a short-sighted person." Mo Han said bluntly, not saving face for Zhang Huairen.

"Why did His Highness the Eighth Prince make such a statement?" Zhang Huairen's face suddenly dropped, but because of his status, he couldn't do anything to Mo Han, so he was trembling with anger.

"My country has a population of [-] million, of which [-] million are ordinary people. Have you ever heard of gathering sand to form a tower? Water can carry a boat and overturn it. Don't underestimate the power of ants. Even a century-old tree can't hold them back. Unity and bite." Mo Han knows how powerful the people are, and she doesn't want to see her mother being blinded by power. She also believes that her mother is a kind monarch, and she doesn't want the people to be so powerful. People are dying, "A good emperor should put the people first, the society second, and the emperor the least. The so-called one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world. Today, what the people of the world need is a co-lord who causes wars, or a leader who can give them peace and prosperity." The emperor, my child believes that the mother has already had a plan in her heart!"

"The one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world..." the emperor murmured, and then looked at Mo Han with complicated eyes. She seemed to regret the request she agreed to at the beginning, "My son is right!"

"Your Highness the Eighth Prince has such wisdom at such a young age, it's really a blessing for me to start the country!" Li Shan was convinced by Mo Han's words today.

"His Highness the Great Wisdom!"

"Yeah yeah!"


Everyone flattered Mo Han again, the pride on the faces of the emperor and the dowager was beyond words, the six emperors looked at Mo Han complicatedly, she finally understood why her father forbade her to provoke Mo Han, if Mo Han wanted to fight against her , I'm afraid she would have died a hundred times already!

"Mo Han doesn't have great wisdom, he just knows how to be content. If people are not greedy, they can see through many things..." Mo Han's words are puns, I don't know if those greedy people can understand.

"I don't know what other opinions do you love?" The emperor looked at everyone and asked, everyone stopped talking, and the matter was finalized. He only had to wait for the arrival of envoys from various countries in the next year, and Mo Han was also in the imperial study room in the morning. Li's words became the idol of many young officials.

As soon as the new year is over, all the ministers are ready to meet the envoys. The emperor specially arranged for Mo Han to assist the princess to take charge of this matter. The boss Mo Han looked at the emperor unwillingly, hoping that she would take back her order. Unfortunately, the emperor ate it. The weight was determined to ask Mo Han to participate in this matter, so Mo Han had no choice but to go to Queen Feng to complain, but was coaxed and tricked out by Queen Feng, and Mo Han suddenly felt that he had fallen out of favor...

"Master, this is the red jade from the Western Regions that Anbu found. Time is limited. I only found such a small piece. Can you see enough?" Nuan Feng held a small piece of red jade with sharp edges and corners in his hand. shining brightly.

"Enough is enough. Find someone to polish it into a drop shape and attach it to this chain." Mo Han nodded with a smile, and passed the chain in Nuan Feng's hand.

"Master, which young boy is this token of love?" Nuan Feng stretched out his hand to take it, and then said with a playful smile.

"Zijin is about to reach his birthday, this is a gift for him." Mo Han didn't joke with Nuanfeng, but said with a smile.

"Tsk tsk..." Nuan Feng couldn't help but tsk tsk, "Master, you really care about Mr. Zijin. I think you didn't even want to go when Second Young Master Li celebrated his birthday!"

Mo Han thought back to Li Zijin's every birthday when he was a child, she really didn't treat him well enough, all the birthday gifts were prepared by Queen Feng for her, and she didn't even want to bring ready-made gifts to accompany him, thinking like this Seeing this, Mo Han actually felt a little guilty.

"Go and prepare a funeral gift for Ah Jin!" Yes!The child who has been following her and calling her eighth sister has grown up too!
"Yes!" Nuanfeng replied, then pushed the door and retreated.

Mo Han sighed secretly, she hadn't figured out the relationship between her nightmare and Zijin, let alone Li Zijin's affairs, but the child was about to grow up, and she had to find time to plan for him, find What a nice family!

In fact, deep down in Mo Han's heart, she feels a little guilty towards Li Zijin. She clearly knows that Li Zijin is not her fiancé, but she doesn't know how to explain it to everyone.

On March 24th, the [-]th year of Daqi, the weather was fine at the beginning, the two young masters of Li Xiangfu's family and Ji, and all the officials and family members of the city came to Li Xiangfu. Suddenly, Li's residence was very lively, and everyone in the Li family was very busy. Don't touch the ground, my mouth is frozen from laughing!
"The Eighth Prince has come down!" The housekeeper saw the eighth princess's carriage from a distance, rushed to meet it, and saluted with a smile on his face.

"The butler, let's get busy! I'll just go in by myself." Mo Han nodded with a smile, and walked into the Li residence.

"Master, you look so pretty today!" San Yue was standing behind Zi Jin combing his hair, looking at the beauty in the mirror and praised.Even though he was by Young Master's side every day, he still couldn't help but be shocked by Young Master's beauty. No wonder His Highness treats Young Master like jewels and treasures. If he was a woman, he would definitely like such a man's family!

"Is this dress too gorgeous?" Zijin lowered her head shyly and asked while tugging at the bright red dress on her body.

"No, today is the son's big day, and it is meant to be festive!" Sanyue said happily, "Besides, our son is so good-looking, wearing such bright clothes is even more attractive, His Highness will definitely be attracted by you I'm so lost that I don't know the north, south, east, and west!"

Sanyue leaned into Zijin's ear and chuckled softly, Zijin never wears makeup on weekdays, but today's outfit is really bright and charming.

"Go! You come to tease me too..." Zijin blushed and smiled, but she was also looking forward to it in her heart. Would Mo Han like him seeing him like this?
"Sanyue will give you some rouge." Sanyue lowered her head to reach for the rouge box again, but Zijin held her hand.

"No, Mo Han, she doesn't like men applying these things, this is enough!" Zijin shook his head and said, thinking that Mo Han disliked men who put on paint and powder the most, he wished to wash off all the makeup on his face, but But Sanyue refused to allow it, saying that if he washed off this makeup, Li Zhengjun would peel off his skin!

"Brother Memorial, Sanyue will help you apply some rouge, too?" Sanyue said, looking back at Memorial standing there motionless.

"No, no need!" Memorial blushed for a moment, and waved her hands again and again.

"San Yue, don't mess around, it's not like you don't know, in memory of my brother, he doesn't love these things!" Zi Jin gave San Yue a doting look, San Yue was young, and Zi Jin always doted on her on weekdays He, raised him to be a child.

(End of this chapter)

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