The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 384 Welcome to the envoy

Chapter 384 Welcome to the envoy
As time passed, the envoys of Feng Kingdom also stepped into the land of Qi Kingdom with gifts. Because the person who came was only Zhao Dan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry of Feng Kingdom, and he could not work hard to greet him in person, His Royal Highness the Crown Princess and the Eighth Emperor Daughter personally greeted them, so they were sent by the right Prime Minister Zhang Huairen came forward to receive him, because Zuo Prime Minister Li Shan also took people to Yunguo the day after his son Jiji.

Yunguo is located in the middle of Fengguo and Qiguo, and the location of the cooperation between the three kingdoms was decided in Yunguo. Since the princess is responsible for receiving envoys, Prime Minister Li can only be sent to Yunguo!
When the envoys of the Feng Kingdom arrived in the Qi Kingdom, news came from Li Shan who was far away in the Yun Kingdom. The final result of the discussion was that the princes and relatives of all countries should be used as a bridge for the three countries' diplomatic relations.

"Marriage?" Although Mo Han knew that the prince of this dynasty would inevitably become a victim of politics, but when it really happened to her, she felt unacceptable. How could the peace of the people in the world be at the price of sacrificing the happiness of a few men?

"Yes!" The princess nodded, this request is the easiest for the superiors, just need to give away an unfavored son, in exchange for a hundred years of peace, why not do it?
"I'm afraid this is inappropriate?" Mo Han thought of the emperor's sons of the right age, and suddenly began to worry about Mo You. Although he was still young, it was his turn anyway.

"Han'er, as a child of the royal family, we were doomed to sacrifice for the royal family from the moment we were born. We have enjoyed what others did not enjoy, so we have to pay for what others are unwilling to pay. This is the life of the royal family!" The woman patted Mo Han on the shoulder and said seriously, everyone came to this world with a mission, and they are no exception.

"I just don't want You'er to marry so far away alone, he's still a child!" Mo Han murmured, pouted, everything has something to lose, they have enjoyed the honor of the royal family, and they have to pay the price , This is understandable, she understands!It's just that she doesn't want to...

"He will always grow up! It's better to marry Fengyun and other countries than to marry in that wild place in the future. Besides, I heard that the regent of Feng Kingdom is magnificent and unparalleled in appearance. He hasn't married Zhengjun yet. The little emperor of the country is also a kind person, and he has always been tolerant towards the palace servants. And the old emperor of the Yun country has always been timid and fearful, if You'er marries, he will not be able to bear the grievances!" The princess comforted aside In fact, there is nothing wrong with marrying far away except being far away from her mother's family. At least she cares about the country behind that person, and does not dare to suffer wronged by the princes.

"Hearing what my sister said, it seems that being married is better than staying?" Mo Han was relieved now, she just didn't want Mo You to be wronged.

"There are pros and cons to everything, or this is the best arrangement!" The princess smiled and nodded.

"Elder sister sees clearly and thinks far ahead than younger sister. My younger sister understands!" Mo Han stood up and snuggled up to the empress's side. Wherever her elder sister was, she could always feel at ease.

"It's just that you have never been involved in government affairs, and you can always learn in the future!" The princess touched Mo Han's head lovingly. She was willing to let Mo Han die, but she didn't want this child to be too kind and simple. After all, there are many people who can't help themselves!
"With my sister around, Han'er doesn't want to learn anything, just hide under my sister's wings!" Mo Han said coquettishly with his eyes narrowed.

(End of this chapter)

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