Chapter 385
The two sisters here are chatting, but Prime Minister Zhang over there has received a greeting post from Mr. Zhao Dan, the envoy of Feng Kingdom who lives in the posthouse.

"Master Zhao, envoy of the Feng Kingdom?" Zhang Huairen asked with a puzzled frown.

"Yes, that's what the messenger said!" The housekeeper nodded.

"Go down!" Zhang Huairen felt very incredible, he and Zhao Dan had only met once, why would she ask him to meet?
It is not so easy to gossip about foreign envoys. If someone with a heart catches the handle, it will be a capital crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason!Zhang Huairen has been in the position for so many years, thanks to her vigilance and her meticulousness in doing things, now she has to think about this matter carefully, so as not to cause trouble for no reason.

"Zhao Dan, Zhao Dan, it's not easy! If you don't have anything to do, it's either rape or robbery." Zhang Huairen smiled, that's good, she has a handle, so she can take advantage of this person.As soon as it was dark, Zhang Huairen came to a courtyard in a black sedan chair, a woman in black stepped forward to knock on the door, and the two were welcomed in.

"Prime Minister Zhang, it's been a long time." Zhao Dan greeted him with a grin.

"Lord Zhao, you are being polite!" Zhang Huairen took off the cloak on his body, looked at the sincere Zhao Dan and smiled.

"I've been here for many days in Qiguo, and I'm sorry for the care of Prime Minister Zhang. Today, I invite you to come over and taste the delicious food and wine from Qiguo, as a token of my gratitude." Zhao Dan was busy ordering the servants to serve wine and food, and warmly presented Zhang Huairen On the table.

"Master Zhao is so elegant that he even bought a house in our Qiguo capital?" Zhang Huairen said in a vague way.

"Cough cough... Prime Minister Zhang spoke seriously, but in order to entertain Prime Minister Zhang well, I asked my subordinates to rent this yard on purpose, which made Prime Minister Zhang laugh at me!" Zhao Dan covered his mouth and coughed dryly, there was something in Zhang Huairen's words She pretended not to understand, after all, the master asked her to approach Zhang Huairen on purpose in order to achieve their great affairs.

"I don't know what Master Zhao called the old woman to come, what is the so-called?" Zhang Huairen asked directly without going around in circles with her.

"Prime Minister Zhang speaks quickly, and I will not hide it anymore. My Majesty wants me to inquire about the age of the princes in your royal family. After all, my emperor is young. If..." Although Zhao Dan didn't say what he said later, But anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the young emperor of Fengguo was planning to pick a prince of a suitable age and ask Zhang Huairen to help him out.

"It turned out to be this matter, haha...Master Zhao made the old woman dizzy!" Zhang Huairen thought Zhao Dan was looking for her for some serious matter, but he never thought it was such a trivial matter, but she thought highly of it. Zhao Dan is an old woman!

"Prime Minister Zhang is worrying too much..." Zhao Dan poured a glass of wine for Zhang Huairen, with a wide smile on his face.The master said that Zhang Huairen, Qiguo's right chancellor, was deep in thought and scheming, so it was as expected, did she think she could get some news from her?

The two exchanged pleasantries for a long time, Zhao Dan knew almost everything about Qi Kingdom's royal family, and Zhang Huairen also learned a thing or two about Feng Kingdom's situation from Zhao Dan's mouth.After Zhang Huairen left, Zhao Dan also had concerns in his heart, and immediately wrote a letter to Feng Guo, asking them to prepare him.

Due to the emptiness of the royal family in the Feng Kingdom, the empress was young, and only a young prince was raised at the knee of the regent. There was no man of the right age to go to the two countries to make peace, so the princes from Yunqi and Qi could only be sent there.And the prince Yunguo will follow Prime Minister Li to Qiguo soon, and send someone to pick up Qiguo's prince and relatives.

This means that the two princes of Qi Kingdom are about to leave their hometown and go to a foreign country.Mo Han has been in a bad mood these past few days, thinking that Mo You will marry her far away, he feels sad.

"You'er, if you don't want to marry, the imperial sister will go to the empress to intercede." Mo Han looked at Mo You, who was smilingly pinching Queen Feng's shoulders, and said.

"Sister Huang, didn't you still persuade me to come here before! Why did you say that again today?" Mo You looked at Mo Han with a smile and asked, he knew that Sister Bahuang treated him well, but he also knew that he was the one who married him It is his unshirkable responsibility as a prince!
"Sister Huang really misses you!" Mo Han murmured.

"Father is also reluctant to part with us You'er, but men's families always want to marry. With our Qiguo here, You'er can't stand being wronged in any country he goes to. Sometimes, marriage may be better than staying. It's better." Fenghou is someone who has been here, so she understands the twists and turns, otherwise he would not be willing to marry Mo You to such a far place.

"What the empress father said is very true. Fortunes are caused by misfortunes, and misfortunes are caused by blessings. Maybe it's not a bad thing!" Mo Han thought again that what the empress had said to her was the same as that of Queen Feng. Maybe it was true. What's more, she thought too simply!

"You'er is just reluctant to part with Empress Father and Sister Huang. In the future, You'er will not be able to accompany Empress Father to fulfill her filial piety, and I hope Empress Father will take care of her health." Mo You pursed her lips and said, if Queen Feng and Mo Han hadn't been protecting each other these years, He is afraid that he is no longer in this world.

"Good boy! Just take care of yourself, and the queen will be fine, as long as you often write to the queen to repay your safety." Queen Feng took Mo You's hand and sighed.

"No matter which country you marry, You'er just be yourself, don't wrong yourself, don't let others bully you, you have the support of Eight Emperor Sisters, you don't have to be afraid of anything!" Mo Han was serious to Mo You She said in a serious manner, as if if anyone dared to bully Mo You, she would fight with her life.

"Nonsense, you child doesn't want something good all day long!" Queen Feng gave Mo Han a sideways look, and then couldn't help laughing out loud. This child has never been one to suffer.

"Who doesn't want something good?" Just as the father and daughter were chatting happily, the emperor's voice interrupted.

"Greetings to the Queen Mother..." Mo You and Mo Han immediately stood up and saluted.

"My lord!" Fenghou also called out with a smile, he and the emperor grew up together, childhood sweethearts, when there were no outsiders, the two of them didn't have so much courtesy, just like ordinary husband and wife.

"Get up!" The emperor said to the two children, and secretly glanced at Mo Han.

"Why is Your Majesty here free today?" Queen Feng asked, pouring a cup of hot tea for the emperor herself.

"Come and see you, by the way, it's not that I heard that Han'er is here, tell her something." The emperor picked up the teacup, took a sip and said.

"Why is the mother looking for a child?" Mo Han pouted in his heart, it must be no good looking for her.

Since the Chinese New Year, Mo Han has never been idle, and finally sneaked out to accompany Queen Feng, and visited Mo You by the way, and was even approached by the emperor.

 Thanks to book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
  There is something at home recently, the update time is a bit unstable, everyone can watch it after dinner!The big climax before the end is coming soon...

(End of this chapter)

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