Chapter 387 Yun Yu, the Sixth Prince of Yun Country

The autumn wind mischievously blew up a corner of the curtain of the carriage. Inside sat a young man wearing a red gauze. He was dressed in a red dress. Only his charming big eyes were exposed, making him extremely charming.

The man was looking out the window in boredom, but unfortunately, with the help of the autumn wind, the magnificent woman outside the window fell into his eyes, and he just stared blankly...

I don't know where it started, and it goes deeper and deeper.Some people may not remember her appearance even if you meet them every day.And some people can be deeply engraved into your heart with just one glance, perhaps, this is love at first sight!
The man in red raised the corner of his mouth slightly, this autumn doesn't seem to be so barren...

"What are you looking at, Your Highness? Your eyes are straight..." The servant beside him covered his lips and smiled mischievously.

"The color of brocade clothes is snowy and jade, and the world is full of smiles when I look back. Xiaomi, I think that marrying a foreign country may not be as bad as we imagined." The man in red pursed his lips and smiled, although he was speaking to the little waiter beside him. Yes, but his eyes never left the man outside the window.

When Xiaomi heard this, he was looking out in puzzlement, but Mo Han felt a gaze falling on him. When he looked over, the curtain of the car only shook a few times, but did not reveal the person inside.

"Your Highness, I haven't seen it yet! Why did you put down the curtain?" Xiaomi muttered dissatisfiedly at the side.

"I'll let you see enough after getting off the carriage!" The man in red who was called His Highness laughed, his handsome face can be seen from the corners of his eyes alone.

"It must be someone who is like a fairy to fascinate my highness like this..." Xiaomi said jokingly, his highness has always been aloof, and ordinary women can't catch her eyes.

"She's a bit prettier than a fairy..." Although the man in red was wearing a veil, he could still see the shyness on his face.

"There is such a good-looking woman?" Xiaomi looked at his highness in disbelief, and looked forward to that person even more.

"The Sixth Prince is exhausted by boats and cars. This hall will send you to the post house first, and send someone to pick you up after the dinner." A woman's voice came from outside the car. The water is moist and deep, and the people inside are fascinated when they hear it.

"Thank you!" A man in the car responded, and this man in red was Yun Yu, the sixth prince who came to marry him.

The empress of Yunguo is mediocre, and her daughters are not good enough. The only ones that people talk about are her sons, all of whom are deeply scheming and ambitious. Throne!
It is said that Yun Yan, the eldest prince of the Yun Kingdom, is a legendary figure. He privately built a mansion outside the palace, raised female pets, used his attractive appearance to sleep in the beds of countless courtiers, and had many followers in the court. Even the princess is not his opponent.

And the sixth prince, Yun Yu, is not a cheap lamp.Mo Han has long been aware of the secrets of the royal family of Yunguo from Anbu, just to give himself some initiative, but he never wanted to read a bunch of stories that subvert the three views. I have to say, the old emperor of Yunguo is really pitiful, He was played and applauded by his own children all day long.

The envoy who accompanied the sixth prince was the elder sister of his father and compatriots. Family ties are weak in the royal family, let alone the royal family of Yunguo?

(End of this chapter)

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