Chapter 388
The banquet to welcome Heqin prince and envoys was different from the past, only the court officials came and had no family members, and the few royal attendants who sat in the top positions were particularly dazzling.

"Prince Yunguo and the envoys have arrived..." There was an announcement from the palace people outside the palace, and the people in the palace immediately fell silent, all stretching their necks and looking out curiously.

I saw a tall young woman walking in with a fluttering beauty in red. The man in red was wearing a veil of the same color on his face, revealing only a pair of charming eyes. The key parts are still people can't help but fantasize.

"Yun Kingdom's envoy, Yun Ming, and the sixth prince, Yun Yu, pay their respects to His Majesty Qi Guo, and may His Majesty Qi Guo have a long life and a healthy life!" Yun Ming stood in the center of the hall with Yun Yu.

"Hurry up and get down quickly, the fifth emperor Yun is polite, please sit down!" The emperor laughed loudly, and waved his hands to let the palace servants take the two of them to their seats.

"Thank you Majesty Qiguo!" Yun Ming took Yun Yu to sit in the hall, with a smile on his face, completely approachable.

"The Fifth Prince Yun and the Sixth Prince have come from a long distance, and they have worked hard all the way. On behalf of the people of the two countries, I would like to offer you a toast!" The emperor raised his wine glass and laughed loudly at Yun Ming and Yun Yu.

"His Majesty Xie Qiguo!" Yun Ming also took up his wine glass and saluted the emperor.

Yun Yu just picked up the wine glass as a signal, then brought the wine glass to his lips through the veil, and took a sip. This Qi Guo wine tasted sweet, not as strong as his Yun Guo, but it was delicious.

Those seductive eyes scanned around the hall, and then fell on the woman in white beside Fenghou, seeing her and Fenghou beside her smiling sweetly, seeing her look at everything in a calm and breezy manner Yun Yu couldn't help curling up the corners of his lips.

"What are you looking at, brother? Your eyes are straight..." Yun Ming leaned closer to Yun Yu's ear and asked softly.

"She..." Yun Yu smiled charmingly, and slightly curled his fingers. For that woman, he is bound to win!
"Your brother has good eyesight!" Yun Ming followed Yun Yu's gaze and only said with a smile.Her imperial brother has a vicious vision and wants the best in everything, even picking women.

"Your Majesty Qiguo, Yu'er is not talented. When I first came to Qiguo, I didn't bring any gifts for everyone. Why don't I present it to you with my Yunguo dance, as a thank you for your hospitality." Yunyu stood up, twisted Came to the hall with the waist of the water snake and said, the frown and smile on the corners of the brows were extremely attractive.

"Okay! Then there will be a dance by the sixth prince, so that my daughter can feast her eyes and open her eyes! Haha..." The emperor waved his hand and said with a smile.

Yun Yu's person is very bold, and his dance is also very bold, which made all the girls swallow their saliva again and again. Mo Han just glanced at him and picked up the wine glass. Yun Yu saw from the corner of his eye that the woman didn't look at him at all, and felt anxious , and squeezed to Mo Han in a few turns, Mo Han was so startled by this sudden person that he almost dropped the wine glass in his hand. Fortunately, she had quick eyes and hands, but there was still a sound of the glass breaking in the hall.

Everyone's eyes, which were originally on Yun Yu, all fell on the woman who dropped the cup, and Mo Han also looked in the direction of the voice.

"Zijun, isn't it burnt?" Li Zichen took the handkerchief from the hand of the palace guard and wiped Li Zijun's body non-stop, still asking anxiously.

"It's okay, elder sister, I was reckless..." Li Zijun shook his head in embarrassment, his face flushed slightly, she didn't drop the cup on purpose, but was frightened by Meng Lang, the sixth prince of Yunguo, plus this The sixth prince seduced her own younger brother's fiancée, and she was also a little annoyed.

"It's okay, it's okay, Sui Sui is safe, I'm afraid the child accidentally slipped his hand, everyone continue!" The emperor broke the silence with his mouth first, and then smiled at everyone in His Highness.

Zhang Huairen glared at Li Shan gloatingly from below, but felt resentful in his heart, the emperor is biased, if someone else lost his manners like this, it would definitely not be so easy to pass by, but that person is Li Shan's daughter, and the result was that it was all over the place Pass.

"Hehe... Ms. Li must have been startled by the dance of the sixth prince of Yunguo, right? My child, everyone is dumbfounded!" Mo Han leaned back and moved away from the man. Then he smiled and said to the emperor.

"That's really spoiling Yu'er..." Yun Yu said as if he was too busy trying to please Mo Han when he heard what Mo Han said. The moment he lowered his head, he just threw off the veil on his face, and His Highness suddenly gasped. Well, it is said that Yunguo Imperial Palace is a beauty, and looking at it now, it is really well-deserved.

"Prince Yun Liu's dance skills are superb, really amazing!" The emperor also followed Mo Han's words and said that Li Zijun was blushing at this time, and she couldn't help but feel funny. Could it be that the second lady of Li Xiang's family was very angry with this cloud? The prince of the country has moved his mind?If this is the case, there is nothing wrong with giving marriage to the two.

In fact, it is understandable for the emperor to think so. Several of her daughters already have Zhengjun, so it is impossible for a prince of a country to be a sidejun, right?If you want to be a side prince, you can only be a princess. Li Zijun of Li Xiang's family is 17 years old this year and has not yet settled down. It is a suitable candidate.

"Yu'er came here this time to make peace with Qi Guo. I wonder if His Majesty Qi Guo can choose?" Yun Ming saw that his younger brother was too anxious and was annoyed in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face, so he stopped beating around the bush. Instead, he asked the emperor directly, which seemed a bit bold.

"Haha... There are many unmarried women in my country, and they are all chosen by the sixth prince." The emperor laughed and said, "It's just a pity! Several of my daughters already have Zhengjun, so I'm afraid I won't be lucky enough to marry the sixth prince Good match!"

What kind of intelligent person is the emperor?How could she not see that Yun Yu looked at Mo Han with a different light?She has to say this ugly thing in advance, anyone's idea is fine, if it's her daughter's idea, I'm afraid the little prince will be disappointed!
After Yun Yu heard this, his face turned pale instantly. The person he has his eyes on is already married?That woman who looks like a banished fairy already has a Zhengjun?What kind of man can be worthy of her?No, it's impossible, she is the woman he is looking for, no matter who that person is, he will snatch her over.

"Your Majesty Yun Guo is probably joking?" Yun Ming felt that there must be something tricky about this matter. All the princesses who have husbands should be brought with them when they attend the banquet. These eight princesses are obviously alone, and they are watching She's not old enough to get married either!
"Why does the fifth princess think that I will joke about such a thing?" The emperor raised his eyebrows and asked back. The five princes of Yunguo are interesting, but they still doubt her words!

 Thanks to book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
(End of this chapter)

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