The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 399 Who Are You?

Chapter 399 Who Are You?

He pressed on step by step, Mo Han retreated step by step, and asked defensively: "Who are you?"

"You ask who I am?" The man said sadly, "Then I'll tell you, I'm the poor man who waited for you for more than ten years in the previous life but didn't come to you, I'm the one who believed in you all his life in the previous life That fool of a couple, I am that miserable man who embroidered your wedding dress and waited for you to return from an expedition but heard that you were going to marry another country’s prince and finally died of hatred... What else do you want to hear? Wash my face with tears? Or do you want me to say that I have gray hair all night?"

"No! No! I'm sorry, I'm sorry...don't say it again, don't say it again! I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Mo Hanfei stepped forward, wiped away the teardrops on his cheeks, and apologized incoherently, how could she expose it again? What about his scars?
"Do you trust me?" the man looked at Mo Han tearfully and asked.

"I believe it, I believe it!" Mo Han nodded heavily and said, "I believe everything you say."

"Mo Han, do you know how hard it is for me to wait for you?" the man murmured.

"It's my fault, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Mo Han kept apologizing, and comforting him was also comforting himself.


Mo Han, the eighth prince who is well-known in the capital, has gotten very close to Yun Yu, the sixth prince who is married to Yunguo, and everyone in the capital is guessing in their hearts that the sixth prince Yun is going to marry their eighth prince, so that the two kingdoms can be united. That's good.Although it is a gratifying thing for the country and the people, how should the son of Li Xiangfu's family deal with himself?That was promised to the Eighth Emperor's daughter before she was born. Could it be possible to let him be an ordinary husband?Then the sixth prince of Yun Kingdom might agree?

The so-called no wind, no waves, regardless of whether the rumors are true or false, if no one sees it with their own eyes, it will not spread, right?

The news spread all over the streets and alleys as if it had grown wings, and naturally it also spread to Li Xiangfu...

"My lord, I heard that the sixth prince of Yun Kingdom has been getting very close to our Eighth Highness recently!" Ah Jiu murmured while grinding Li Zijin.

"It's all just rumors! Eighth sister is such an intelligent woman, how can she fall in love with such a superficial man?" Li Zijin shook his head noncommittally. He had met the prince of Yunguo twice, and Mo Han didn't like it at all. That kind of man.

"But look at it, this matter is probably sure..." Ah Jiu pursed her lips and said.

"It's not like you haven't seen how much Eighth Sister cares for my brother, don't spread these rumors with others!" Li Zijin smiled, and his subordinates continued to copy the Buddhist scriptures on the side. You have to hurry up and finish copying this scripture!

"My lord! Didn't you find out that since the sixth prince of Yunguo came, His Highness the Eighth Prince has never been to our house?" He heard what the servants in the mansion said when they were gossiping, so he wrote it down.

"Hearing what you said, it seems to be true. Eighth sister hasn't come here for a long time..." Li Zijin paused the pen in his hand, and said after careful consideration.Then he smiled and shook his head, and continued to write, his eighth sister is definitely not the kind of person who loves the new and dislikes the old. If she doesn't come to see her brother, it must be because she was stumbled by something, or the eighth sister was ordered by the emperor. I have to accompany the sixth prince!
(End of this chapter)

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