Chapter 400
"Who said it wasn't? I just feel sorry for the eldest son, who is looking forward to marrying into the Eighth Prince's Mansion every day. If the eldest son finds out, how sad he would be!" Ah Jiu sighed, pitying the two sons in the Zuo Xiang's mansion. They all put their hearts on the eighth princess.

Li Zijin pursed his lips with a wry smile, but didn't speak. What qualifications does he have to comment on others?I haven't been looking forward to those unrealistic things all day long, but what's the use?Didn't Eighth Sister refuse to want him?

Ah Jiu over there was nagging something in Li Zijin's ear, and Sanyue here was also squatting next to Memorial and pouting something, and Memorial just listened quietly without saying anything.

"What are you talking about?" Zijin asked with a smile.

"No, it's nothing..." Sanyue stood up immediately in fright, and said in a hurry, one of them lost his footing and almost fell over, but fortunately, there was Memorial behind him to help him.

"How old is the child, and he is still so frizzy!" Zi Jin smiled while covering his lips.

Seeing Zijin smiling so happily, Sanyue felt very uncomfortable. If the young master knew that His Highness the Eighth Prince was so close to the sixth prince of the Yun Kingdom, he might not be able to laugh anymore, right?

"What's the matter? Sanyue, do you have something to hide from me?" Zijin asked with a smile on seeing Sanyue's abnormal expression.Sanyue is young, and he will put everything on his face when he encounters it. He is not used to being a liar. When Zijin asked this, Sanyue panicked. She looked at Memorial as if asking for help, and Memorial also lowered her head and frowned. Lips are silent.

"Is there something you can't tell me? If that's the case, I won't ask!" Zijin suddenly said with a straight face, then turned around and entered the inner hall.

Sanyue saw that Zijin was a little disappointed, mixed with a bit of anger, and suddenly he was at a loss, should he tell the young master?If you don't say it, the young master will think that you have separated from him, but if you say it, the young master will be very sad!

"Young Master, he will know sooner or later!" Jiu Jiu, who has always been quiet, said suddenly.

Sanyue glanced at Memorial, then looked at the direction Zijin was leaving, gritted her teeth, and finally chased after her.He is the young master's person, no matter what time, he must be of the same mind with the young master, it is better for the young master to cry or make trouble, it is better than being kept secret like this.

"My lord, are you angry?" Sanyue walked to Zijin's side and asked carelessly.

"How could I be angry with you?" Zijin glanced at Sanyue, seeing his aggrieved appearance, couldn't help laughing in his heart, but didn't show it on his face, "Sanyue has grown up and has her own The secret is also should be, I can understand!"

"Young master! Sanyue will never have a secret in front of you. Sanyue didn't intend to hide it from you!" Sanyue hurriedly explained, and then knelt down in front of Zijin. "My son..."

"What's the matter? It's cold on the ground, get up quickly." Zijin said and went to help March who was kneeling on the ground.

"Young master, I dare not hide it from you. I heard that... His Highness the Eighth Highness has not come to our house to see you these days because... because..." Sanyue choked up, but couldn't say anything after that.

"Because of what?" Zijin held Sanyue's hand tighter and tighter, and he was a little scared...

"It's because of the sixth prince of the Yun Kingdom!" Sanyue said with her head lowered, "Everyone said that Your Highness, she is with the sixth prince of the Yun Kingdom every day, and she is afraid that she is going to associate with the Yun Kingdom and marry him as the Eighth Prince!"

"Bang..." Zijin took a step back and bumped into the table behind him. The sound of the teapot and teacup clashing woke Zijin up. He felt that all his strength had been drained, and the painful feeling in his dream swept his whole body. Make him seem dead.

"Young master...Young master..." Sanyue hurriedly supported Zi Jin to sit back on the couch, "Young master, are you okay? These servants are talking nonsense, you just take it as gossip, don't take it to heart , Brother Nuhe Jiji didn't believe it either, but he didn't want to hide it from the young master, so this slave told you the truth."

"Yes, I believe her. She told me not to listen to rumors and only believe her. March, change my clothes. I want to ask her in person. I want her to tell me that she will not marry anyone but me. Yes!" Zijin exhausted his remaining strength to convince himself, he had to ask her personally to be at ease, why didn't he come to see him for so many days?Why do you have to be inseparable from the sixth prince of Nayun Kingdom every day?Does she still remember the promise she made to him?

"Mo Han, I want that lotus, can you pick it for me?" A man in white and elegant attire was sitting in front of the easel and pointing at the lotus in the pond coquettishly.

"Okay!" Mo Han tapped the surface of the water and flew over to pick it off and back again, all done in one go.When he handed the lotus in his hand to the man, he got a smile on his face, and Mo Han couldn't help laughing too.

When Zijin came, he happened to see this scene, his heart shivered as if it had been frozen into ice by a basin of cold water.If he just heard about it, he could still persuade himself that those were all rumors, Mo Han just entered the court, and she was busy with work so she didn't have time to see him.But now, seeing her smile so gently to other men with his own eyes, he never dared to ask those questions that he had thought about long ago.

It turned out that she was not so busy with official duties, she didn't have time to see him, because she wanted to accompany others to appreciate lotus paintings, and finally there was another man standing beside her...

Mo Han, am I going to lose you?

Zijin clutched his heart in pain, he was in so much pain that he couldn't cry anymore, Mo Han seemed to feel a familiar gaze on him, but when he looked back, there was nothing.

"What's the matter?" Yun Yu pulled Mo Han's sleeve, looked in the direction she was looking, and asked.

"It's okay, let's draw quickly! After the drawing is finished, let the housekeeper find someone to frame it for you, and hang it on the bedside to watch every day!" Mo Han looked away, looked at Yun Yu with a smile and said.

"Okay." Yun Yu nodded lightly. If someone who knew Yun Yu was present at this time, they would definitely not be able to recognize this elegant and chrysanthemum man as the domineering sixth prince of Yun Kingdom!
"My lord, His Highness Eighth is right there, why don't you go and ask? I believe that Your Highness must have something to worry about!" Sanyue helped Memorial to lift up Zijin who was squatting on the ground. Very distressed.

Sanyue knew how much her young master cared about His Highness the Eighth Prince, if the Eighth Highness really wanted to marry the sixth prince of the Yun Kingdom, it would be the death of his young master!
"Take me to Mo Han's dorm first! Tell the housekeeper, don't let Mo Han know that I'm here..." Zi Jin shook his head and said, although he was in pain, he didn't lose his mind. In the face of the prince of the country, he can't ask anything, he can only hear her truth when Mo Han is alone.

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