The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 403 It's Him

Chapter 403 It's Him
Seeing his cautiousness, Mo Han felt extremely uncomfortable. How should she explain all this to him?
"Zijin, what I owe is probably a love debt!" Mo Han said with a wry smile, how can he pay it off?She owed that person a lifetime of love, no, a thousand years of love, what would she have to pay it back?
" debt?" Zijin's hands holding Mo Han suddenly loosened, "You are only 15 years old this year! I have been by your side since I was nine years old. How have you ever owed other men any affection? burden?"

Zijin was very puzzled, he knew best, but there was no man around Mo Han at all, why didn't he know about the love debt she owed?What's more, the sixth prince of the Yun Kingdom is thousands of miles away and has never met her before, so how could she owe him a love debt?
"Speaking of which, I also find it unbelievable, Zijin. I'm also very confused recently. I don't know how to face you and how to face him. I'm sorry for making you feel wronged!" Mo Han gently stroked Zijin. With red and swollen eyes, he smiled wryly.

" you like him?" Zijin's eyes filled with tears again, he thought she would be willing to tell him, he thought she would believe him, but she didn't tell him anything, and found out Such an unconvincing excuse came.

Mo Han looked straight into Zijin's eyes and shook her head slightly. She didn't want to lie to him. Even though that man was the man she had been waiting for for 1000 years, she still couldn't like him when she met him again in this life. The kind of heartache in the underworld was completely different. Mo Han even wondered if Yun Yu was the person she was looking for.

"Then do you like me?" Zijin asked again, she said that she didn't like the sixth prince of Yunguo, and he believed her!

"Zijin, I don't want to lie to you, I like you, I like you very much, but if Yun Yu is really that person, even if I don't like him, I can't let him down anymore!" Mo Han looked at Zijin Her eyes said seriously, if she gives up on that man again in this life, he is afraid that he will fall into the misery of homelessness again, and eventually his soul will be scattered.So, even if she doesn't like it, she can't let that person suffer anymore, she owes him this!

"Since you like me, how can you marry another man? You have betrayed his affection and want to pay back, aren't you afraid of betraying me?" Zijin finally grinned, saying that crying with a smile hurts the most , he finally realized...

"Zijin, that's different!" Mo Han didn't know how to explain to him. She had made that man endure ten lifetimes of homelessness, and she promised Hades to protect him in this lifetime. Did my own love helplessly watch that man lose his soul and have nowhere to go?

The man's obsession is too deep, and Mo Han doesn't know what kind of feelings can make him wait for thousands of years, but she knows that if he keeps failing to fulfill his wish, he will eventually go mad and disappear between the world, so what can she do? Have the heart?

"Then are you planning to betray me in this life and pay back my love debt in the next life?" Zijin let go of Mo Han and said with a wry smile, "Haha... Mo Han, you are finally going to make my childhood nightmare come true." It has become a reality! If I tell you that if I can't marry you in this life, I will be sad overnight, my heart will be broken, and I will vomit blood and die, will you believe me?"

"You...what did you say?" Mo Han looked at Zijin in front of him in shock and asked, "Say it again!"

"I said, if you don't want me anymore, I will die of grief and cough up blood, can you believe it?" Zijin looked into Mo Han's eyes and said again, the self in the dream should be hurt by love , died of grief, right?It turned out that the dream since he was a child told him that he was doomed not to be happy, and he finally forced it!

"No, I mean, how did you know about what you said before, with gray hair and vomiting blood, that you said before?" Mo Han thought that no one except her and Yun Yu knew about it, so why did Zijin say this? In a word?Could it be that he heard something?
"If I tell you, will you believe it?" Zijin asked, staring straight at Mo Han.

"As long as you tell me, I will believe it!" Mo Han nodded emphatically!

"As far as I can remember, I have always had the same dream. A man in green and a woman in white always appeared in the dream. I watched them go from acquaintance to acquaintance, from acquaintance to love, and from love to love. Separation! Watching them, I feel sad and happy every night, and in the end, the woman did not marry the man as agreed, and the man vomited blood and died." Zijin narrated his nightmare in detail, but Mo Han felt cold all over his body. , "Mo Han, do you know? That kind of empathy let me know that the man in the dream is me! When the woman in white dotes on the man, I am as happy as him, but when it is heard that the woman in white wants to marry When he was his husband, I was as heartbroken as that man, whenever I dreamed of the man's eyes of despair when he died, I would wake up crying from the dream..."

"What does that woman call herself?" Mo Han asked dumbly.

"She calls herself 'the King'..." Zijin replied.

"What promise did that woman make to that man?" Mo Han asked again.

"When I come back, I'll welcome you through the door in eight palanquins. If you don't marry a side-husband, you won't be served. You will be a couple for the rest of your life!" Zijin said obediently again.

"One pair for life..." Mo Han stared at Zijin's face without blinking, and it gradually overlapped with the face in the dream. Mo Han shook his head lightly, and Yun Yu knew this too. , she couldn't confirm which of the two was the one in the dream.

"Mo Han, do you believe me?" Zijin suddenly grabbed Mo Han's sleeve nervously and asked, if she doesn't want him, he will really die like in his dream. He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of death. Never see her again!
"After the man in the dream passed away, did you hear anyone playing for him?" Mo Han asked in a trembling voice. She had never asked Yun Yu this question. If Zijin really heard it from somewhere else, I'm afraid Yes, he couldn't answer, but if he could, it would prove that Zijin was the one whom he owed thousands of years, and that Zijin was the husband whom the king of hell had appointed for her.

"That woman - sitting alone under the bamboo grove, playing the piano and the song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix"!" Zijin replied without hesitation.

""Phoenix Prisoner and Phoenix"" Mo Han murmured, and then suddenly hugged Zijin tightly in his arms, and said in a hoarse voice, "So it was you, Zijin, that person turned out to be you! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry ..."

Yes, she is a stupid woman, she almost killed him again, she almost lost him again, how could she listen to other people's lies and want to stay away from him?She obviously likes him in her heart!She should believe in her choice. From the beginning to the end, that person is her favorite Zijin!
 Thank you Shuyou Yizhongren for the monthly pass!
  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
  Happy November!
(End of this chapter)

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