The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 404 Lost and found

Chapter 404 Lost and found

A teardrop flowed down the forehead to the cheek, and the cold touch made Zijin stunned. A woman would not flick her tears, but she was willing to cry for him, how could he bear it?

"Mo Han, don't cry! I don't blame you anymore, really, I forgive you!" Zijin felt the moisture on her cheeks, and her heart ached. Did she actually cry for him?Then he suddenly said in a hurry, "If you owe me because you want to repay your love debt, I - I will forgive you too!"

After all, Zijin loves her too much, he is not willing to see her sad, if he makes her difficult, then let her be free!He loves her so much, how can he let her be sad?
If a person is destined to suffer alone, then let him bear it!He didn't want her to cry...

"Fool! Why are you always so stupid?" Mo Han obviously didn't want to, but still pretended to be so magnanimous, Mo Han blinked hard, and then complained, holding Zi Jin distressedly, "Why do you have to forgive? You should hate it!"

"Because it's you, I don't want to part with it!" Zijin said sullenly while lying in Mo Han's arms. No one could imagine how much Zijin's heart hurt when she said this, the pain like a blunt knife cutting flesh , No one can empathize unless they have experienced it personally.

"What a fool!" Mo Han murmured while stroking Zijin's hair. If it wasn't for his frankness and frankness, she might really miss him.

Now that the truth of the matter is revealed, Mo Han has finally figured it out. I am afraid that Yun Yu did not know what kind of tricks he had placed on her that day, luring her to tell the secret hidden in her heart, so that she could use this to coerce her to leave Zijin. The pretense of friendship between the two countries and the debt she owed to that man in her heart forced her to marry him.Fortunately, everything is still in time!
The joy of finding it back filled Mo Han's heart, she finally didn't have to worry all day long, she didn't have to waver between love and righteousness, she could finally hold her son without any grievances. It's gone!
"Wow..." Zijin's mind was full of Mo Han not wanting him anymore. After holding it in for a long time, he still couldn't hold back. He cried loudly, his nose was covered with tears, and Mo Han didn't know it. He just felt empty in his heart and cried so hard I was exhausted, but couldn't stop.

"Zijin, thank you! Thank you for never giving up on me, thank you for still being by my side..." Mo Han said while holding the person in his arms tightly.

"I... hiccup... of course... I would like to be by your side forever, but... hiccup... you... you don't want me anymore!" melted!

"When did I say I don't want you anymore!" Mo Han didn't think it was dirty, he just grabbed his sleeve and wiped it on Zijin's tear-stained little face.

"" Zijin stopped crying, and looked at Mo Han with watery eyes, "Do you still want me?"

"Of course, Zijin is my only husband, and this will never change!" Mo Han stretched out his hand, and lightly touched Zijin's red eye sockets. In fact, she was not sure, if that person wasn't Zijin, Is she really willing to see him leave in front of her?
"Mo Han..." Zijin curled his mouth and almost cried again.

"Hmm..." Zijin is willing to go wherever Mo Han is, no matter whether it's a sea of ​​swords or a hail of bullets.

"Zijin, I will never let you cry again!" Mo Han whispered in Zijin's ear, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

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