Chapter 405
That night, Zijin stayed in the Eight Princes' Mansion, staying by Mo Han's side and refused to leave for a moment. Mo Han felt guilty for Zijin, and in order to make up for him, he also pampered him to the bottom of his heart. Baishun.

"Mo Han, my eyes hurt..." Zi Jin rolled back and forth on Mo Han's big bed, coquettishly.

"Here, here, put this on your eyes, and it will be fine in a while!" Mo Han frantically wrapped a piece of ice in a cloth towel, and then clumsily pressed it on Zijin's eyes, causing Zijin to be hit by the ice a shiver.

"It's so cold!" Zijin pursed his lips, shrinking his small body under the quilt, the cold made him shiver.

"I... I'll wrap it up for you again!" Mo Han pulled off his shirt again, wrapped the ice cube a few more times, and then put it on Zijin's eyes again, and asked softly, "feel better now?"

"'s much better!" Zijin replied politely, but she still didn't forget to reach out and grab Mo Han's sleeve with her little hand.

Mo Han took Zijin's hand and rubbed it gently in the palm of her hand. She understood his fear and anxiety, and she didn't want him to live so cautiously anymore.

"I didn't eat anything tonight, I'll ask Sanyue to cook a bowl of noodles for you, okay?" Mo Han's voice was so soft that water could be squeezed out, and Zijin's heart felt warm when he heard it.

"Don't, don't, don't..." Zijin said repeatedly, it's no wonder that I don't gain weight after eating noodles at night!He knew that Mo Han liked slender men, so he had to maintain his figure.

"You're so thin, it's not easy to get pregnant in the future!" How could Mo Han not know his careful thoughts, so he took out his trump card and whispered in Zijin's ear.

"I...I..." Zijin's face turned red, did she mean that she wanted him to have a baby for her in the future?Zijin's heart was moved, "Then I'll eat a little bit!"

"Okay! It's all up to you..." Mo Han said dotingly.

After a while, Sanyue brought in a bowl of noodles. Mo Han took the bowl and waved at him. Sanyue pursed his lips and bowed back. If his son was happy, he would be happy too. You know, His Highness will never abandon Young Master!

"Zijin, get up and eat noodles!" Mo Han took off the ice cubes from Zijin's eyes, and helped him up with a smile.

"Hmm... I can't open my eyes!" Zijin muttered as he rubbed his cold eyes.

"Then I'll feed you!" Mo Han let Zijin lean in front of her, picked up a bowl and chopsticks and handed them to his lips.

"Hmm..." Zijin bit her lip happily like a little mouse picking up rice, and ate bite by bite. The noodles, which were already light, were sweeter than honey in her mouth.

Although Mo Han wanted him to eat more, but it was night after all, he was afraid that he would eat too much and he would not be able to digest it, so he stopped in moderation.Zijin lay on the bed and watched Mo Han busy up and down for him, kicking his little feet and showing his little white teeth, he was so happy!

"Why are you so happy?" Mo Han kicked on his boots, pulled off the quilt, and asked to wrap the quilt.

"With you here, I'm happy no matter what..." Zijin wrapped his arms around Mo Han's neck, hanging on her body coquettishly.

"Then let's continue to be happy like this every day!" Mo Han lovingly rubbed Zijin's little head and said.

"Mo Han, don't leave me anymore..." Zijin muffled.

"No, never again!" Mo Han kept soothing Zijin's sensitive heart, she really owed him too much...

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