The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 406 Don't worry about "distant marriage"

Chapter 406 Don't worry about "distant marriage"

If Mo Han couldn't understand before, what kind of relationship can make a person persist for thousands of years, now that he has seen Zijin's infatuation with her, Mo Han will believe it, she believes that such a persistent and unrepentant man can do it If that kind of thing happened, he has lived a very miserable life for thousands of years. In this life, she will definitely protect him from worries and shelter him from wind and rain.

Let him be clear and turbid in everything, and fall into reincarnation for your smile.

"The sun is dying and the flowers are full of smoke, and the moon is bright and full of worries." Zi Jin whispered in Mo Han's ear with a hoarse voice.

"There are three thousand diseases in life and old age, but only Zijin can't bear it." Mo Han's heart moved for a moment, and he covered the red lips tightly bitten by the quilt.

"Mo... Mo Han..." Zijin felt his whole body was hot and unbearable, his hands were tightly clutching the corner of Mo Han's clothes, trembling all over, and he was still calling the name of his favorite person.

Mo Han is a person with strong self-control, even in this situation, he can take it easy.Zijin watched Mo Han let go of him disappointedly, feeling down, Mo Han rubbed his head amusedly.

"When we get married, I will never let you go!" Mo Han leaned into Zijin's ear and whispered something, which made Zijin's whole face turn red with embarrassment. care about her.

"Sleep! I'll take you into the palace tomorrow..." Mo Han pulled the quilt to cover the two of them, and said with a sigh.

"What are you doing in the palace?" Zijin turned around and asked with big eyes blinking.

"You'er is going to leave with the envoy of Feng Kingdom. Let's go see him off." Mo Han's tone was full of sadness. Her brother was going to marry far away, and she was really sad.

"The tenth prince is young, and there is no reliable person to accompany him. It is really worrying to go to the high mountains and the long road." Zijin murmured into Mo Han's arms.

"Yes! You'er has been like you since he was a child, a hard-working child!" Mo Han said while smoothing Shun Zijin's long hair.

"Everything will be fine!" Zijin blinked and looked at Mo Han and said, "Otherwise let Memorial accompany the tenth prince to Fengguo. He possesses martial arts and is cautious in doing things, which is the most suitable!"

"No, Memorial was brought by me to protect you. If he leaves, what will you do?" Thinking of the undercurrent of the current situation, Mo Han refused without thinking.

"Don't I still have you?" Zijin said seriously, he has decided that he will stay with Mo Han in the future, so as not to be taken advantage of again, and he is afraid that he will really lose her!
"Alright, it's better if I personally protect you!" Mo Han thought for a while, and felt that she was not at ease leaving Zijin alone in Li Xiangfu. His way, let alone Zijin, a guy who is at a loss when he encounters his own affairs?I'm afraid it was eaten by someone so that there is not even a bone scum left!

"Mo Han, I never want to leave you again!"

"it is good!"

"Mo Han..."

"I am here……"

Early in the morning of the second day, Mo Han brought Zijin into the palace. As soon as he stepped into the gate of Fengyi Palace, he saw Queen Feng wiping her tears and helping Mo You to dress up. Jin walked forward in a few steps.

"Greetings to the queen, the child!"

"Zijin pays respects to Empress Qiansui!"

"Get up quickly, why are you here together?" Queen Feng hurriedly put down the comb in her hand, stepped forward to help her Zijin up, and then asked Mo Han, seeing his little daughter coming, how many times did he see her face? very happy.

"Baby, come here to send you off..." Mo Han got up, came to Mo You's side, and patted his little head lightly.

"Thank you Huang Jie, thank you Brother Zijin!" Mo You said obediently.

"The Tenth Prince is being polite!" Zijin said with a smile while standing beside Queen Feng.

"Your son is leaving, the journey is far away, take care!" Mo Han said reluctantly, "Take care of yourself, and remember to write back often."

"Sister Huang, don't worry, You'er has grown up and can take care of herself!" Mo You stood up, came to Mo Han and Empress Feng, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and kowtowed, "Your, thank you, Empress Father, for so many years!" Thank you for the kindness of nurturing, sister Huang, for your love and favor. In this life, there is no way to repay the care of your children. In the next life, you will be an ox or a horse, tie a grass ring, and then repay the kindness of your father, queen and sister."

"Get up quickly, what are you doing, kid? Aren't you trying to gouge the Queen's heart?" Queen Feng hurriedly pulled Mo You up, sobbing, he only had two daughters in his life and no son, Mo You came To come to him and be with him every day is a friendship that is somewhat deeper than that of a biological son.

"Father, if You'er can have his father treat you like this, this life is enough. Now that You'er can do anything for the people of our country, it is all in return for the mother's kindness in giving birth. Don't be sad, father. It's just that my father will not have a caring person to accompany me in the future, and I hope that the emperor will often bring brother Zijin into the palace to accompany my father, and do my filial piety on behalf of Youer." Mo You's small face was full of tears. Resolute, he was also reluctant to give up, and since then he left his hometown and was alone.

"Don't worry, worry, you just take care of yourself!" Mo Han took Mo You's hand and said softly, "You are far away in a foreign country, don't wrong yourself, just be strong, if anyone dares to bully you, just hit back , with Sister Huang around, no one is afraid, remember, Qi Guo will always be your backing!"

"You've written it down!" Mo You finally couldn't hold it back, and threw herself into Mo Han's arms and burst into tears. The person who loves him the most in this world is his Eighth Emperor Sister, and she can pretend to be calm in front of others Don't worry, he can't control it anymore in front of Mo Han's pampering!

"Don't be afraid! No matter where you are, you are the tenth prince of Qiguo, and the good brother of the emperor's sister!" Mo Han comforted Mo You by patting Mo You's back, "Go and take care of the one next to Zijin. Take it with you as a commemorative belt, he has great martial arts skills and will protect you from any worries."

" need...Sister Huang, let's leave it to Brother Zijin to commemorate elder brother! Mother Emperor and Father Empress have already sent many people to You'er..." Mo You said with red eyes, wiping away tears.

"Those are women in the end. It is no more convenient than Jiujiu to be by your side. Remember, you must stay with him day and night. After you find a loving wife, you can let Jijiu go. Where will he go at that time, you just agree Exactly!" Mo Han thought, this might be the last thing she could do to commemorate it!
"But..." Mo You looked at Zijin hesitantly, after all, he belonged to brother Zijin!

"Even though the Tenth Prince listened to Mo Han, it is the safest thing to commemorate your elder brother. With him by your side, we can rest assured, right?" Zijin stepped forward and said softly, since he had spoken, Mo You would say no more There is no reason to refuse!

"You'er thanked Brother Zijin." Mo You also knew that this was their hard work, and it would be inappropriate to refuse again!

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