The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 417 Karma Wheel

Chapter 417 It's All About Reincarnation
"Yes!" An Ji stood aside, waiting for Mo Han's order.

"Okay! As long as it can save him, it's fine!" Mo Han clenched his fingers tightly, as long as he can live, that's fine!
At this time, the men's family also received the news of Mo Han's assassination. Queen Feng almost fainted from fright. When she heard that it was the young master of the Li family who blocked Mo Han's sword, Li Zhengjun fell straight down.

Zijin didn't care to cry, so he first ordered his servants to find a yard for Li Zhengjun to rest, and then asked his eldest brother-in-law to watch over him, before he trotted to see Mo Han and Li Zijin.

"Brother Mu Ci, Jin' is he?" When Zijin arrived, only his two older sisters and Mu Ci were outside, and the door was closed, so he didn't know what was going on inside.

"It's not clear yet, I believe Your Highness will be able to save Jin'er!" Mu Ci still had tears on his face, but he still comforted Zijin.

"Eldest sister, second sister..." Zijin looked at his two elder sisters with red eyes, and he was also afraid in his heart. He owed Li Zijin something because of Mo Han, but now his owed younger brother rescued her again. He didn't know what it was like to take the life of his future wife-in-law, he just felt that everyone said that he had suffered a lot, but Li Zijin suffered no less than him.

"Don't worry! I believe the Eighth Prince will have a solution!" Li Zichen comforted Zijin, because of Hu's reason, she was not as close to Li Zijin as before. Now that I think about it, they owed that child a lot.

"Squeak..." The door of the inner room was opened, Anji walked out with a white face, and several people immediately went up to meet him.

"How is Jin'er?" Li Zichen asked hastily.

"It's not life-threatening for the time being, this subordinate is going to make medicine for Mr. Li!" Anji said and left with his hands in his hands, Zijin ran into the house first.

"Mo Han, Jin'er, is he... alright?" Seeing the woman with no trace of blood on her face half-kneeling beside the bed, holding Li Zijin's hand and constantly pumping her true energy, Zijin's heart ached. The one lying on the bed was his own brother, and the one suffering on the ground was the woman he loved.

"He will wake up!" Mo Han took his breath away, stuffed Li Zijin's hands into the quilt, then got up and looked at Zijin and Muci, "Zijin and Xiaoci help Ahjin change clothes! Be careful not to touched the wound."

"Okay!" Zijin and Muci nodded quickly.

Li Zichen quickly supported Mo Han, and asked with concern, "Is your Highness alright?"

"It's okay, it's just that I have spent too much energy and spent some effort. Compared with Ah Jin's injury, this is nothing!" Mo Han shook his head and said guiltily.

"Jin'er was able to sacrifice his life to save His Highness, and it was his good fortune. Your Highness does not need to blame himself!" Li Zichen comforted Mo Han softly as he helped Mo Han to sit outside.

"In the end, I'm sorry for him!" Mo Han sighed.

"These are all Jin'er's good fortune. His father committed sins, the cycle of karma, father's debts, but Jin'er has to bear the consequences for him, and has nothing to do with His Highness!" Li Zichen smiled wryly. Is it all thanks to the Hu family?

"Jin'er is innocent after all!" Mo Han meditated for a moment, opened his eyes and said, "If Jin'er can wake up, I am afraid that he will forget all his troubles and sorrows, and return to his childhood appearance. Pick some honest and careful ones, and don't let him be wronged!"

It took Li Zichen a long time to recover from Mo Han's words, and then nodded silently!
(End of this chapter)

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