Chapter 418 Guard
"That's fine, it won't hurt if you forget it, just be a happy prince of the Xiangfu forever!" Li Zijun with red eyes suddenly said, she had the best relationship with Li Zijin in the Xiangfu , but because of Mrs. Hu, she vented her anger on him in her heart, and gradually alienated the child. Now that she thinks about it, how can they tell who is right and who is wrong when compared with what Mrs. Hu has done over the years? ?

"Jin'er is a poor child!" Mo Han sighed secretly. She only cared about talking about love with Zijin and cultivating feelings, completely ignoring that the child who was crowned the Eight Kings since childhood should have How embarrassing, she couldn't imagine how the child had faced the gossip and gossip of the crowd in the past two years, nor could she imagine how he had faced the ups and downs of his own life experience. She always said that she treated him like a younger brother, but she didn't do anything What a sister should do, but now, she almost killed him!

"Elder Sister and Second Sister, come in and see Jin'er!" Zijin opened the door of the inner room and said to the people in the outer room.

"Zijin, thank you for your hard work!" Mo Han stepped forward and brushed Zijin's hair hanging from his forehead behind his ears, saying distressedly.

"It's good that you're fine!" Zijin shook his head lightly, then said with red eyes, "I'll take good care of Jin'er, not only because he's my younger brother, but also because he saved your life, then He is my benefactor, and I will answer his request in the future, even if..." Even if he wants to marry you, I have no way to refuse it!
"Don't think too much, Jin'er is not the kind of person who promises to reciprocate favors!" Even if he thought about it, he probably didn't have that kind of thought anymore... Mo Han couldn't bear it, but he didn't say it out loud.

"But we owe him in the end!" Zijin sighed softly.

"You and your sisters go to accompany Li Zhengjun, and I will stay here to take care of Jin'er!" Mo Han also opened the door and came in, looking at Zijin and said.

"But..." Zijin was also worried about his father, but felt that it was inconvenient to leave Mo Han alone to take care of Jin'er.

"It's okay, there is Xiaoci who can help!" Mo Han knew what Zijin was worried about, so he looked at Mu Ci and said, Mu Ci also nodded heavily, it is his duty to take care of Jin'er!

"Alright, I'll come over after I've comforted my father!" Zijin nodded and followed the two sisters out.

"Xiao Ci, thank you for your hard work!" Mo Han moved a chair for Mu Ci and placed it in front of the bed, and poured him a cup of hot water.

"You have been struggling for a long time, sit down and rest!" Looking at Mo Han's pale face, he couldn't bear it.

"If it can save Ah Jin's life, it doesn't matter how hard I go. I was careless and let the gangster take advantage of the loophole and harm Ah Jin." Mo Han sat by the bed and tucked the quilt for Li Zijin again. The child always wanted to live in her house for a few days, but now his wish has come true.

"Ajin, he certainly doesn't want you to blame yourself so much. He saved you... all willingly!" Mu Ci looked at the distress in Mo Han's eyes, and felt a little envious. If it's him, can he be treated so tenderly by her?

"Xiao Ci, forget what should be forgotten!" Mo Han never wanted this kind of thing to happen again, she couldn't watch the people around her get hurt for her, and she couldn't bear the people close to her leaving one after another.

"Then let me become like Jin'er..." Mo Han interrupted Mu Ci before he finished speaking.

"Nonsense! How come you have become more and more nonsense like Ah Jin? How can you say such nonsense?" Mo Han lightly scolded, she couldn't respond to Mu Ci's feelings, but she didn't know how to persuade him to let go , this kind of thing cannot be forced.

"Then don't force me anymore..." Mu Ci lowered his head and said in a low voice. Since we can't be together and we can't forget, it's good to always get along like this.Mu Ci couldn't imagine what a helpless life it would be for him to marry a woman he didn't love, and treat him like a guest from now on. If he couldn't be on par with the woman he liked, then let him be alone!
"When you are standing on the bridge looking at the scenery, do you know that there are also people watching you from a distance?" Mo Han said, sighing in his heart "fate makes people", but there is no way to say it out.

"Everyone has something they want to protect, right?" Mu Ci knew that the person Mo Han was referring to was Lin Shuang, but he still couldn't accept it. It would be so hurtful!

"Master, the medicine is here!" Anji walked in with a tray in person, because the person lying on the bed was her master's savior, so she had to do such small things as decocting medicine herself, and she didn't dare to fake it. By hand.

"Let me come!" Mu Ci stood up, took the medicine bowl, came to the bed, cooled the medicine juice in the bowl spoon by spoon, and delivered it to Li Zijin's mouth, gently and carefully.

Mo Han just watched from the sidelines. If love is not mentioned, there will be no harm, and only these few confidants in life will be enough!
"Master, everything in the mansion has been checked, and the assassin came here alone!" Wen Xin said when she came to the outer room.

"Alone? Heh! If there are no accomplices, even if she has three heads and six arms, she won't be able to enter the gate of my Eighth Prince's Mansion. The conspirators are probably sitting in the hall drinking and having fun!" Mo Han sneered, remembering that Li Zijin had been The words of caution in his ear, and the words Wen Ge asked Li Zijin to pass on to him, he has settled down in his heart.It's just that Mo Lin has always been cunning, even if she did this, I'm afraid she would have already picked herself clean and planted the blame on others for nothing.

"Ms. Mu and Ms. Lin have already asked the assassin's identity. That person is from the country of Yun..." Wen Xin's words are self-evident. Only Yun Yu, the sixth prince of the country of Yun, is left in Qi country as the status of the country of Yun. Yun Yu was the only one who could order the people of Yun Kingdom to assassinate Mo Han!
"Yunguo? Is this a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry? Yunguo has traveled thousands of miles to send the prince to marry him to ensure the good relations between the two countries. If he kills this king, it will provoke a war between the two countries. If the sixth prince of Yun is not crazy? Stupid, I definitely can't do such a thing, this trick of framing the blame is extremely stupid!" Mo Han was very annoyed, this brainless idiot, it's nothing more than internal strife, but he still wants to bring two people together The country, are you afraid that the people's lives are too good, and you want to start a war?

"But that indeed from Yun Country!" Wenxin saw the person's waist badge and her accent, which was no different from that of Yun Country.

"If that's the case, why don't you ask Prince Yun Liu to come over and recognize him, and see if he belongs to him?" Mo Han thought, since Mo Lin wanted to plant Yun Yu, why not let the two of them fight to the death first, It is still important for her to take care of Li Zijin!

(End of this chapter)

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